Communicating Sustainability 2022

In September 2022 we held our inaugural two-day conference on the theme of Communicating Sustainability.  The event took place across three international hubs, with a mixture of on-site and virtual activities at each campus and hybrid activities across the three sites.

The conference brought together academics, professionals and civil society to discuss: (i) how sustainability is and could be communicated within their area of interest; and (ii) ways forward in communicating sustainability between sectors.

The Glasgow event brought together a wide range of participants from community organisations, businesses, governmnet and academia:


6th September


Room 1

Room 2





Just Transitions



Louise Davies, Scottish International Development Alliance


India Scotland: Social Inclusion Partnership.

Alastair McGhee, Claire Walters, Glasgow Kelvin College; Aradhana Lal, Vice President Sustainability and ESG, Lemon Tree Hotels.

Empowering Citizens in Energy Transition.

Angelique Ruiter, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.



Tea and Coffee


Just Transitions (continued)


Is ‘sustainability’ a Useful Concept?

Emma de Saram, VP Liberation and Equality at the University of Exeter 


Defining Sustainability: Data from a Cross-Government Hub for Climate Action.

Jess Hampton, University of Liverpool.


Reflections on Just Transitions.

Jamie Cooke, Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.


The Human Semiotic Footprint: Semiotic Dynamics and Ecological Process Flows in the Human Ecology,

Paul Thibault, University of Agder, Norway.







Sustainable Business Practice


Roundtable on Empowering future business leaders to develop Global Citizenship competencies through engagement with a Real-World Sustainability Challenge: The Good Clothes Fair Pay Campaign

Alacoque McAlpine, Olivia Freeman and Lucia Walsh, Technology University of Dublin, Faculty of Business; Cormac McMahon, TU Dublin Sustainability Office; Mairi Lowe, Fashion Revolution.

Sustainability and Children’s Literature


Roundtable, Chaired by Izaskun Elorza, University of Salamanca.

Evelyn Arizpe, University of Glasgow; Carmen Santamaría-García, University of Alcalá de Henares; Hilde Tønby, Oslo Metropolitan University.


Tea and Coffee


Tourism and Sustainability


Roundtable, Chaired by Guillem Colom-Montero, University of Glasgow.

Pau Obrador Pons, Northumbria University; Amadeu Corbera Jaume, Grup d'Ornitologia Balear i Defensa de la Naturalesa; Janie Neumann, Visit Scotland; Sarah MacLean, Bùth Bharraigh.

Universities and the SDGs


Rearticulating and animating the sustainable development Goals in Higher Education.

Nicolina Montesano Montessori, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences; Beth Cross, University of the West of Scotland; Na Liang, Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.



Public Policy


Sustainability, Policy and Discourse Analysis.

Michael Farrelly and Yu Deng, University of Hull; Nicolina Montesano Montessori, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences; Rúben Tiago Mendes, University of Aveiro and Farhad Mukhtarov, Erasmus University.


Discourse and Democracy: The Language of Local Government in Addressing Climate Change.

Michael Kranert and Darren Paffey, University of Southampton.



Donald Manford, Former Councillor, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

University Praxis


The Promotion of Ecological Social Justice in Mauritius as a Means of Communicating Sustainability through Education.

Helina Hookoomsing and Shameem Oozeerally, Mauritius Institute of Education


A University for the Third Horizon.

David Adams, H3Uni


Sustainable and inclusive research practices.

Mia Perry, Sundas Mahar, Giovanna Fassetta and Philip Tonner, University of Glasgow.





7th September


Room 1

Room 2


Promoting Sustainability


Embracing Sustainability: The Unrevealed Oxymoron?

Lindsey Carey, Glasgow Caledonian University; Ronald Voorn, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences; Esteban Galan Cubillo, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia; Adriaan Denkers, Independent.  


Many Happy Returns – Communicating Reusability to Mitigate Single-Use Plastic Dependency.

Stefanie Anja Hills, Rorie Beswick-Parsons, Joanna Gavins, Peter Jackson, Sethe Mehl and David Evans, University of Sheffield:


More sustainable future? Understanding the role of digital technology adoption in addressing SEs’ organisational sustainability.

Han-Ju Yang, University of Edinburgh.


Jean-Matthieu Gaunand, Scottish Communities Climate Action Network:

Sustainability and The Arts


Presentations from:

Emma Hall, Creative Carbon Scotland

Hannah Imlach, RSPB

Amy Clarkson, Woodland Community Garden

Mark Banks, Dear Green Bothy, Glasgow University

Jenny Howard-Coombes, Dandelion Festival

Jamie Cooke, Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce


Tea and Coffee


Working with the Sustainable Development Goals


Discussion led by Charlie Wood, Scottish University Insight Institute.

Developing and Funding Participatory Research 


Discussion led by Jamie Cooke, Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce; Mark Banks, Dear Green Bothy, Glasgow University; Claire Squires, Director, Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities; Jenny Howard-Coombes, Dandelion Festival







Sustainability and the City


The GALLANT Project, Panel Discussion.

Led by Ria Dunkley, University of Glasgow.


Jamie Cooke - Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce


Minoritised Languages and Cultural Heritage.


Overview of Scotland’s UNESCO Trail

Anne Anderson, Visit Scotland/UK National Commission for UNESCO 


Panel on Sustainability and Minoritised Languages

Bernadette O’Rourke, University of Glasgow

Ruairidh Graham, Gaelic Officer, University of Glasagow

Ishbel MacLean and Annag MacLean, Voluntary Action Uist and Barra


Tea and coffee


Inter-Campus Events


Inter-Campus Welcome


Plenary Talk: Cultivating Community: Collaborative Approaches to Cultural Sustainability. 

Halle Butvin, Director of Special Projects at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage.



Inter-Campus Workshop: Between Talking and Doing Sustainability





Reporting from each of the International Campus sessions and facilitated Discussion of Next Steps

