C-MIU introductory page


A warm welcome to the C-MIU introductory page. The purpose of this page is to give newcomers an overview of information which could help them with settling into C-MIU. The page was created using feedback received from various researchers with a goal to address various questions that have been frequently asked.

Trusted Research

It is important that all C-MIU researchers familiarise themselves with Trusted Research, which we all must comply with. This is a UK government enforced legislation to “support the integrity of the system of international research collaboration” with a goal to “keep sensitive research and intellectual property secure from theft, misuse or exploitation.”

Mandatory requirement- Please complete the Moodle training course (~15minutes) on UofG’s Trusted Research website https://moodle.gla.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=36418

Starting Point: It is advised you first raise any Trusted Research inquires or concerns to your supervisor before reaching out to a dedicated compliance team within our university at compliance-support@glasgow.ac.uk

For further information, you may like to refer to the following:

University of Glasgow Export Control Website.

UK Government’s National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) website (including guidance ‘Trusted Research for Academia’ for the academic sector).


C-MIU Laboratories

There are, at present, three C-MIU laboratories (Lab-324, Lab-391 and Lab-463, all in the James Watt building). The safety and wellbeing of our researchers is of paramount importance. The following points will help you adjust to our lab related activities.

Gaining Access to C-MIU Labs

Prior to gaining access to any of the C-MIU labs, discuss your lab requirements with your supervisor (or line-manager) who is best placed to guide you for specific equipment requirements you may need for your research.

Code of Practice (Mandatory requirement)

You must review the Code of Practice (CoP) for any lab prior to gaining access. All lab-users are expected to be familiar with the information contained within the CoP. If you have any questions, inform your supervisor and (or) the lab-guardians who will be in the best position to advise you.

Link to CoP for Lab 324

Link to CoP for Lab 391

Link to CoP for Lab 463

You must review the Code of Practice (CoP) for any lab prior to gaining access. All lab-users are expected to be familiar

12 Principles of Green Chemistry

The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry were established to promote more environmentally friendly chemical reactions, products, and processes. All C-MIU lab users are encouraged to review these principles found here (external website).

Health and Safety (Mandatory requirement for all staff and PGRs)

Depending on if you are staff or PGR student, you will be required to complete mandatory Moodle courses – information will be provided from People and Organisational Development aka HR) or from the Graduate School respectively.

Please ensure you enrol yourself on this health and safety Moodle– Link

Further information on this topic can be found from the Safety and Environmental Protection Service- Link

Risk Assessment

Online risk assessments must be  completed for specific tasks, or use of specific equipment, before any work commences. Risk assessments will need to be approved by your supervisor and the lab-guardian. The Risk Assessment Database can be found here. For any activities related to biological tissue (such as tissue dissection etc.) talk to your supervisor in first instance. If in doubt, it is advised to complete a biological COSHH risk assessment form (Link) and consult it with the lab-guardian and your supervisor.

Work outside standard office hours and weekend working requires the permission of your supervisor. If permitted, the out-of-hours working book located in the foyer of the JWS building must be signed (on arrival and departure). It is recommended to download the Safety Zone App. The SafeZone App is very useful for every member of staff and student at the UofG as it is monitored 24 hours a day by the Campus Security team, safeguarding the safety and security of our staff and students throughout their time at UofG.

Lab booking system on Clustermarket

We have an online booking system which everyone must use to access any experimental set-up or equipment within C-MIU labs. To gain access to the booking system, please contact the Deputy Director, Dr. Paul Prentice, with information on (a) which lab you need access to and (b) the name of your supervisor or line-manager.

Lab access via ID card

For labs that allow access by swiping your University ID card, to activate your card please follow this procedure:

  1. Gain the approval of your supervisor.
  2. Contact eng-buildingaccessrequests@glasgow.ac.uk. They are responsible for enabling members cards for accessing our labs. You should cc your line manager or supervisor when submitting a request for card activation.

Access to FEA software packages

We also have licenses for software. These currently include OnScale, Abaqus and COMSOL. If you need access to these, contact and gain approval from your PI, who needs to be affiliated with C-MIU, or have an agreement with C-MIU to access these software packages.

C-MIU Forum

C-MIU has a forum within Teams to provide a platform for researchers to communicate and discuss anything related to C-MIU labs. The forum itself is split into different channels with each channel focusing on a specific item of equipment / experimental set-up / software. At present, we have the following channels within the forum:

1. 3D Printing

2. Abaqus (Software)

3. COMSOL (Software)

4. Disco Wafer Saw (with video tutorials)

5. Impendence Spectroscopy (with video tutorials)

6. Piezoelectric Materials

7. Laser Doppler Vibrometer (with video tutorials)

8. Logitec Lapping Equipment

10. Onscale (Software)

11. Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy

12. Scanning Tank

13. Verasonics

If you wish to be added to the C-MIU forum, please contact PIs with your request, including which channels you would like to join.


IT Services/ UofG Help Desk

Within your “MyGlasgow Portal” (Link), there is option for “IT Services” with access to number of services covering IT concerns, logistics (transportation of heavy items), software requests, Agresso, IT Help etc.


Travel Related

Travel Insurance (Mandatory requirement)

Prior to making any travel reservation through the Selective Travel website, you must obtain travel insurance via TRICAP, which can be accessed via your MyGlasgow portal.

Selective Travel booking yourself (PGR and staff)

All travel bookings must be via our partner travel company, Selective Travel. You can book your own travel online via the Selective Travel link.

International Student (Visa advice etc.)

There is a dedicated webpage which provides a wide range of support to our international students (Link).


This link provides a step-by-step guide on how PGRs can get reimbursed for their work-related travel expenses. All staff should use their Core portal.


Miscellaneous Information

Mailing List

Please contact your group Principal Investigator (PI) for requests to add or remove a member (e.g. PDRA or PGR)of C-MIU. The new members can be included in the mailing list and on other C-MIU platforms swiftly.

Purchasing Equipment and Consumables

Below is a standard procedure to place an order for goods, typically up to £3,000. For further information, including for the purchase of items over £3,000, please go to this link.

Researchers usually submit a Purchase Order (PO) requisition themselves by completing a purchasing request form and emailing it to Cose-fintranshub1@glasgow.ac.uk. You can download a clean version of this form here. You should then approach your PI (or appropriate Budget Holder) for the Project/Budget code.

Social Media Platforms

If you have any major announcement or something you would like to share with C-MIU team, we have social media platforms such as LinkedIn, X and C-MIU website where we can share new articles. Please follow/connect/subscribe with us - contact your group PI for more information.


If you have any suggestions to improve or add to this information page, please contact the Deputy Director, Dr. Paul Prentice.

Last Updated: 04th of January 2025