Collaboration with Glasgow Disability Alliance
Long-term research in collaboration with Glasgow Disability Alliance, a disabled people's organisation with 5,500 members.

Critical use of equalities and rights frameworks
Examinations of rights and care; equality duty and employment; capabilities and people with mental health challenges; reproductive choices and living with a learning disability.

Living with Motor Neurone Disease
Work exploring the intersection between disability, chronic ill health and terminal illness.

Self-directed support, personalisation and the provision of social care
Examining the design and delivery of Self-Directed Support in Scotland and the personalisation of social care in England, and its role in enabling disabled people to live independently.

The Impact of COVID-19 on disabled people
This qualitative study took a longitudinal approach to explore disabled people's experiences of the epidemic in the short and medium term.
Completed May 2021.

Scotland in Lockdown
This study aimed to understand the social, behavioural and health impacts of COVID-19 mitigation, including lockdowns, on groups already isolated or excluded.
Completed December 2020.

Does the Criminal Justice System treat disabled people fairly?
Research for the Equality and Human Rights Commission about the experiences of people with disabilities who had been accused of a crime in Scotland.
Completed June 2019.
Image credits
- 'Living with Motor Neurone Disease' image sourced from iStockPhoto.
- All other images sourced from the Centre for Aging Better photobank and published under CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.