Central & East European Studies

For over 75 years, Central and East European Studies (CEES) at the University of Glasgow has been at the forefront of theoretically-informed, methodologically-rigorous, and practically-relevant research relating to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.




Aliyev, H. (2025) Who Fights for Governments? Paramilitary Mobilization in Ukraine and Beyond. Bloomsbury

Smith, D. J. (2025) Secure in diversity? Transborder ethnicity, transnational minority activism and ontological (in)security in the European Union. Journal of Global Security Studies, 10, (doi: 10.1093/jogss/ogae033)

Csergő, Z., Udrea, A., Smith, D. J. (2025) The securitization of transborder ethnic kinship: contextual explorations around the world. Journal of Global Security Studies, 10, (doi: 10.1093/jogss/ogae038)

Varga, Z. (2025) Bodyguards, priests and professionals: Hungarian translators of French and German thought. History of European Ideas, (doi: 10.1080/01916599.2024.2445420)

Smith, D. J. (2025) Europe-Asia Studies at 75—A Retrospective. Europe-Asia Studies, (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2025.2442211)

Germane, M., Kuzmany, B., Smith, D. J. (2025) The theory and practice of nonterritorial autonomy in Europe - a historical perspective. Nations and Nationalism, (doi: 10.1111/nana.13082)

Wedgwood Young, E., Florea, A. (2025) Rethinking rebel victory in civil war. Review of International Studies, (doi: 10.1017/S0260210524000858)

Bernard, S. (2025) Le conseguenze del conflitto e la questione migratoria. Carocci

Dekalchuk, A. A., Grigoriev, I. S., Smyth, R. (2025) Popular conservatisms and the structure of Russian society. Post-Soviet Affairs, 41, pp. 25-41. (doi: 10.1080/1060586X.2024.2429307)

Florea, A. (2025) The governance of refugee camps through the lens of rebel governance scholarship, in Abou Assi, Diab and Nabatchi (eds.) Inside the Camp: Reimagining Refugee Governance for a Changing World (pp. 38-40).


Snitar, C. (2024) "Need to know” in a time of crisis: the collaboration between Romanian secret services and their homologues in the Soviet Bloc in 1956. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, (doi: 10.1080/08850607.2024.2404583)

Anceschi, L. (2024) The global history of the Atomic Steppe. Central Asian Affairs, 11, pp. 191-193. (doi: 10.30965/22142290-12340032)

Khairov, S. (2024) Who Needs a Thematic Dictionary “for All Occasions” Today? A Compiler’s Notes.

Foley, J., Unkovski-Korica, V. (2024) Decentring the west? civilisational solidarity and (de)colonisation in theories of the Russia-Ukraine war. Globalizations, (doi: 10.1080/14747731.2024.2399475)

Varga, Z. (2024) Kunt, Gergely. The Children’s Republic of Gaudiopolis: The History and Memory of a Budapest Children’s Home for Holocaust and War Orphans. Budapest-Vienna-New York: CEU Press. 2022. 236 pp. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 17, pp. 82-83. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2024.583)

Papp, K., Varga, Z. (2024) Remembering Paul Olchváry: Hungarian Cultural Studies Editor-in-Chief, 2023-2024. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 17, pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2024.581)

Varga, Z. (2024) Selected English-Language Bibliography of Interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2023–2024. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 17, pp. 116-130. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2024.582)

Bernard, S. (2024) Randall Hansen. War, Work, and Want: How the OPEC Oil Crisis Caused Mass Migration and Revolution. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences,

Prina, F. (2024) Fantasies of cultural sovereignty and national unity: Russia’s ontological (in)security and its assertion of ‘spiritual-moral’ values. International Politics, (doi: 10.1057/s41311-024-00600-w)

Smith, D., Willis, C. (2024) Transnational Minority Activism in Europe Beyond The Minority Safepack Initiative. Europe Now, 57,

Unkovski-Korica, V. (2024) NATO from the European to the Eurasian Balkans: 25 years on from the Kosovo War. Transform Review: Review of European Politics, 1, pp. 220-239.

Baturo, A., Anceschi, L., Cavatorta, F. (2024) On 'new' and 'old' personal rule: concluding remarks. Oxford University Press

(2024) Personalism and Personalist Regimes.

Baturo, A., Anceschi, L., Cavatorta, F. (2024) Introduction: Personalism and Personalist Regimes. Oxford University Press

Anceschi, L. (2024) Personalist rule and regime continuity in Central Asia. Oxford University Press

Snitar, C. (2024) 1985: Romania and the extension of the validity of the Warsaw Pact. Journal of Cold War Studies,

Dekalchuk, A. A., Grigoriev, I. S., Starodubtsev, A. (2024) Patterns of international organizations’ engagement in reform and policy making in the post-Soviet space. East European Politics, 40, pp. 299-321. (doi: 10.1080/21599165.2023.2279757)

Florea, A., Malejacq, R. (2024) The supply and demand of rebel governance. International Studies Review, 26, (doi: 10.1093/isr/viae004)

Prina, F. (2024) Russia’s minority institutions, ethnic boundaries and social-humanitarian work: A case of collective responsibility? Problems of Post-Communism, (doi: 10.1080/10758216.2024.2304247)

Kaczmarski, M. (2024) The Russia-China entente: implications for the transatlantic community. Routledge

Varga, Z. (2024) Composing for the screen, composing for the stage: Hungarian film composers in the interwar period. Routledge

Tappert, S., Mehan, A., Tuominen, P., Varga, Z. (2024) Citizen participation, digital agency, and urban development. Urban Planning, 9, (doi: 10.17645/up.7810)

Ivashinenko, N. (2024) Evolving Narratives in Educational Technology: A Decade of Insights from the Bett Show.


Prina, F., Pentassuglia, G. (2023) Ukraine's law on national minorities and ‘effective’ participation: Expanding or diluting standards? International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 30, pp. 880-930. (doi: 10.1163/15718115-bja10138)

Unkovski-Korica, V., Vejzagić, S. (2023) Business history goes East: an introduction. Business History, 65, pp. 1119-1136. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2023.2234827)

Varga, Z. (2023) Ablonczy, Balázs. 2022. Go East! A History of Hungarian Turanism. Translated by Sean Lambert. Studies in Hungarian History. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. 278 pp. Illus. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 16, pp. 242-250. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2023.554)

Varga, Z. (2023) Selected English-Language Bibliography of Interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2022–2023. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 16, pp. 242-250. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2023.555)

Bajić-Hajduković, I., Bernard, S. (2023) “Money can’t buy me love”: Remittances, return migration, and family relations in Serbia (1960s-2000s) Palgrave MacMillan

Snitar, C. (2023) The Romanian Section of the Comintern, 80 Years after the dissolution of the Third International.

Snitar, C. (2023) Csaba Békés. Hungary’s Cold War. International Relations from the End of World War II to the Fall of the Soviet Union. The University of North Carolina Press, 2022. ISBN: 978-1-4696-6748-5. H-Diplo, XXIV,

Archer, R., Bernard, S., Papadopoulos, Y. G. S. (2023) Introduction: The cold war of labour migrants: opportunities, struggles and adaptations across the Iron Curtain and beyond. Labor History, 64, pp. 321-329. (doi: 10.1080/0023656X.2023.2227600)

Varga, Z. (2023) The national, the transnational and literary prestige: revisiting the BOSLIT database. Bottle Imp, 2023,

Bernard, S. (2023) The regulation of international migration in the Cold War: a synthesis and review of the literature. Labor History, 64, pp. 330-357. (doi: 10.1080/0023656X.2023.2237924)

Snitar, C. (2023) Opposition from Within: Romania and the Warsaw Treaty, 1985.

Aliyev, H. (2023) "Unlikely recruits": why politically-irrelevant ethnic minorities participate in civil wars? Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 46, pp. 847-869. (doi: 10.1080/1057610X.2020.1793457)

Smith, D. J. (2023) NTA as a democratization tool. Palgrave Macmillan

Núñez Seixas, X. M., Smith, D. J. (2023) Internationalist patriots? Minority nationalists, ethnic minorities, and the global interwar stage, 1918–39. Bloomsbury Academic

Silvan, K., Kaczmarski, M. (2023) Russia’s approach to connectivity in Asia: from cooperation to coercion. East Asia, (doi: 10.1007/s12140-023-09404-w)

Khairov, S. (2023) The Tatars Of Mordovia: Culture & Daily Life.

Ivashinenko, N. (2023) Growing Dependency: Changes in Public Perception of Poverty Coping Strategies in Russia 2011-2021.

Snitar, C. (2023) The Romanian Section of the Comintern.

Snitar, C. (2023) Opposition, Repression and Cold War: The Case of 1956 Student Movement in Timisoara.

Kaczmarski, M. (2023) Fragmented cooperation: The role of state-owned and private companies in Sino-Russian energy collaboration. Asian Perspective, 47, pp. 393-413. (doi: 10.1353/apr.2023.a905231)

Smith, D. J., Dodovski, I. (2023) Introduction: Realising linguistic, cultural and educational rights through non-territorial autonomy. Palgrave Macmillan

(2023) Realising Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Rights Through Non-Territorial Autonomy. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-19856-4)

Smith, D. J. (2023) ‘Living the same full life’? A critical assessment of non-territorial autonomy practice in the Vojvodina and Sápmi contexts. Palgrave Macmillan


Aliyev, H., Souleimanov, E. A. (2022) Fighting against Jihad? Blood revenge and anti-insurgent mobilization in Jihadist civil wars. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, (doi: 10.1080/1057610X.2022.2145674)

Varga, Z. (2022) Bilingual authors, multilingual printing presses and ‘informal capital’: Pest-Buda in the early nineteenth century. Palgrave Macmillan

Cheskin, A., Jašina-Schäfer, A. (2022) Relational area studies: Russia and geographies of knowledge. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47, pp. 1044-1057. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12551)

Dale, G., Unkovski-Korica, V. (2022) Varieties of capitalism or variegated state capitalism? East Germany and Yugoslavia in comparative perspective. Business History, (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2022.2134348)

Sayfutdinova, L. (2022) Oil Spaces: Exploring the Global Petroleumscape, edited by Carola Hein, Abingdon,Routledge, 1922, 301 pp., £35 (paperback) Planning Perspectives, 37, pp. 1315-1317. (doi: 10.1080/02665433.2022.2133434)

Donnelly, G., Prina, F. (2022) The ‘near abroad’: the European Union, minority rights and the Eastern neighbourhood. Edward Elgar Publishing

Bernard, S. (2022) Citizens without Borders: Yugoslavia and its Migrant Workers in Western Europe. By Brigitte Le Normand. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2021. xxii, 304 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Illustrations. Photographs. Tables. $ 34.95, paper. Slavic Review, 81, pp. 760-761. (doi: 10.1017/slr.2022.242)

Varga, Z. (2022) Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian cultural studies: 2021-2022. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 15, pp. 205-209. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2022.483)

Bernard, S. (2022) Bringing labour back to migration history: a report on the activities of the working group labour migration history. Migration Letters, 19, pp. 537-546. (doi: 10.33182/ml.v19i4.2401)

Sayfutdinova, L. (2022) Ethnic boundaries and territorial borders: on the place of Lezgin irredentism in the construction of national identity in Azerbaijan. Nationalities Papers, 50, pp. 794-812. (doi: 10.1017/nps.2021.3)

Kaczmarski, M. (2022) Domestic politics: a forgotten factor in the Russian-Chinese relationship. Springer

Unkovski-Korica, V. (2022) Non-aligned cities in the Cold War: municipal internationalism, town twinning and the Standing Conference of Towns of Yugoslavia, c.1950-c.1985. International History Review, 44, pp. 559-576. (doi: 10.1080/07075332.2021.1960585)

Aliyev, H. (2022) Social sanctions and violent mobilization: lessons from the Crimean Tatar case. Post-Soviet Affairs, 38, pp. 206-221. (doi: 10.1080/1060586X.2022.2032956)

Snitar, C. (2022) Trăgători și Mistificatori: Contrarevoluția Securității în decembrie 1989. Journal of Cold War Studies, 24, pp. 170-172. (doi: 10.1162/jcws_r_01084)

(2022) Defining Latvia: Recent Explorations in History, Culture, and Politics. (doi: 10.7829/j.ctv280b8f1)

Loader, M. (2022) Latvia goes rogue: language politics and Khrushchev’s 1958 Soviet education reform. Central European University Press

Bernard, S., Cosovschi, A. (2022) Cooperation, migration and development: Yugoslavia and the Southern Cone in the postwar period. Routledge

Kaczmarski, M. (2022) Russian foreign policy in a time of rising U.S.-China competition. The National Bureau of Asian Research

Bernard, S. (2022) Annemarie Steidl: On Many Routes. Internal, European, and Transatlantic Migration in the Late Habsburg Empire. Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 71, pp. 129-130. (doi: 10.25627/202271111088)

Varga, Z. (2022) Esterházy Péter recepciója Nagy-Britanniában = The reception of Péter Esterházy’s work in Great Britain. Reciti Kiadó

Ivashinenko, N., Voryzgina, A. A., Mikhailova, V. V. (2022) Formation of digital capital of the population of Russia. Humanities, Social-Economic and Social Sciences, 5, pp. 50-55.

Ivashinenko, N. N., Pyatakova, E. N., Yankelevich, K. A. (2022) Grant programs as tools for the third sector development. Sociologicheskaja nauka i social'naja praktika, 10, pp. 105-119. (doi: 10.19181/snsp.2022.10.2.9031)

Mikhailova, V. V., Ivashinenko, N. N., Varyzgina, A. A. (2022) Internet behavior and social stratification in a single-industry town: overcoming or perpetuating inequality? Theory and Practice of Social Development, 6, pp. 21-28. (doi: 10.24158/tipor.2022.6.2)

Ivashinenko, N. (2022) Poverty in a Small Russian Town from the 10-year perspective: participatory approach and digital inequality.

Ivashinenko, N. N. (2022) Poverty in small towns of Russia in a ten-year perspective: changing views on the development of participation at the local level. Nizhny Novgorod University Press

Aliyev, H. (2022) Pro-government anti-government armed groups? Toward theorizing pro-government "government challengers" Terrorism and Political Violence, 34, pp. 1369-1385. (doi: 10.1080/09546553.2020.1785877)


Loader, M. (2021) Purging in the Khrushchev era: 'Red Cardinals' and nationalism in the Soviet Republics. Routledge

Shaw, D. O., Aliyev, H. (2021) The frontlines have shifted: explaining the persistence of pro-state militias after civil war. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, (doi: 10.1080/1057610X.2021.2009633)

Bossuyt, F., Kaczmarski, M. (2021) Russia and China between cooperation and competition at the regional and global level. Introduction. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 62, pp. 539-556. (doi: 10.1080/15387216.2021.2023363)

Kaczmarski, M., Sutter, R., Korolev, A., Stoner, K. E., Reilly, J. (2021) Book Review Roundtable: Kathryn E. Stoner’s Russia Resurrected: Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order and James Reilly’s Orchestration: China’s Economic Statecraft Across Asia and Europe. Asia Policy, 16, pp. 217-241.

Kaczmarski, M., Siddi, M. (2021) The EU and China in Central Asian energy geopolitics. Taylor and Francis

Ergun, A., Sayfutdinova, L. (2021) Informal practices in the making of professionals: the case of engineers in Soviet and Post-Soviet Azerbaijan. Work, Employment and Society, 35, pp. 931-947. (doi: 10.1177/0950017020947581)

Sayfutdinova, L. (2021) The Flame Towers of Baku: New Building, Old Symbol?

Varga, Z. (2021) Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian cultural studies: 2020-2021. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 14, pp. 205-213. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2021.435)

Anceschi, L. (2021) After personalism: rethinking power transfers in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 51, pp. 660-680. (doi: 10.1080/00472336.2020.1772853)

Powell, S. R., Florea, A. (2021) Introducing the Armed Nonstate Actor Rivalry Dataset (ANARD) Civil Wars, 23, pp. 177-206. (doi: 10.1080/13698249.2021.1883334)

Snitar, C. (2021) Opposition, Repression and the Cold War: The Case of the 1956 Student Movement in Timisoara. Rowman & Littlefield

Udrea, A., Smith, D., Cordell, K. (2021) Karta Polaka, Poland and its co-ethnics abroad. Ethnopolitics, 20, pp. 1-11.

Udrea, A., Smith, D. (2021) Minority protection and kin-state engagement: Karta Polaka in comparative perspective. Ethnopolitics, 20, pp. 67-82. (doi: 10.1080/17449057.2020.1808326)

Aliyev, H. (2021) When neighborhood goes to war. Exploring the effect of belonging on violent mobilization in Ukraine. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 62, pp. 21-45. (doi: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1756366)

Loader, M. (2021) Collaborators or Dissidents? Resistance and Collusion among the Latvian National Communists. Zinātne

Prina, F. (2021) Constructing ethnic diversity as a security threat: what it means to Russia’s minorities. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 28, pp. 1-35. (doi: 10.1163/15718115-bja10002)

Dembińska, M., Smith, D. (2021) Navigating in-between the EU and Russia. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 62, pp. 247-263. (doi: 10.1080/15387216.2021.1932544)

Smith, D. J. (2021) One Russia, many worlds: balancing external homeland nationalism and internal ethnocultural diversity. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 62, pp. 372-396. (doi: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1801480)

Dunn, J., Khairov, S. (2021) Russian for all occasions: a polythematic Russian-English dictionary of collocations and expressions. The authors reflect on the idea behind the dictionary, the problems encountered and how they were solved. Slavonica, 26, pp. 85-104. (doi: 10.1080/13617427.2021.1998953)


Varga, Z. (2020) The networks of consecration: the journey of Magda Szabó and László Krasznahorkai’s international reputation. Porównania, 27, pp. 219-233. (doi: 10.14746/por.2020.2.11)

Florea, A. (2020) Rebel governance in de facto states. European Journal of International Relations, 26, pp. 1004-1031. (doi: 10.1177/1354066120919481)

Prina, F., Dunbar, R., Gurbo, M. (2020) Good Practices of Multilingual and Minority Language Medium Education.

Unkovski-Korica, V. (2020) Yugoslavia’s third way: the rise and fall of self-management. Routledge

Ivashinenko, N., Nikula, J. (2020) The role of NGOs in regional development: the socio-economic practices. Journal of Social Policy Studies, 18, pp. 377-378.

Varga, Z. (2020) Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian cultural studies: 2019-2020. Hungarian Cultural Studies, 13, pp. 195-204. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2020.396)

Aliyev, H. (2020) Travelling with the Argonauts: Informal Networks Seen without a Vertical Lens. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 26, pp. 678-679. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.13339)

Aliyev, H. (2020) Why are some civil wars more lethal than others? The effect of pro-regime proxies on conflict lethality. Political Studies, 68, pp. 749-767. (doi: 10.1177/0032321719862752)

Varga, Z. (2020) Growing up digital: European women’s writing and digital resource development. Routledge

Prina, F. (2020) Non-territorial autonomy and minority (dis)empowerment: past, present, and future. Nationalities Papers, 48, pp. 425-434. (doi: 10.1017/nps.2019.124)

Varga, Z. (2020) The Buda University Press and national awakenings in Habsburg Austria. Brill

Anceschi, L. (2020) Analysing Kazakhstan's Foreign Policy: Regime Neo-Eurasianism in the Nazarbaev Era. Routledge

Soldatkin, A.E., Varyzgina, A.A., Ivashinenko, N. N. (2020) The Role of NPOs in the Socio-Economic Development in the Russian Region. (doi: 10.2991/aebmr.k.200312.416)

Aliyev, H. (2020) Civil society in the Caucasus: voluntary youth organisations. Routledge

Prina, F. (2020) The mechanics of consensus: non-territorial national cultural autonomy and the Russian state. Nationalities Papers, 48, pp. 307-322. (doi: 10.1017/nps.2018.39)

Smith, D. J. (2020) The ‘Quadratic Nexus’ revisited: nation-building in Estonia through the prism of national cultural autonomy. Nationalities Papers, 48, pp. 235-250. (doi: 10.1017/nps.2018.38)

Souleimanov, E. A., Aliyev, H. (2020) Ideology and disengagement: a case study of nationalists and Islamists in Chechnya. Europe-Asia Studies, 72, pp. 314-330. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2019.1694864)

Shatalina, V., Ivashinenko, N., Henderson-Stewart, T. (2020) Multilingual and multicultural educational space: creative writing of Russian–speaking children in the UK. KnE Social Sciences, 4, pp. 27-40. (doi: 10.18502/kss.v4i2.6304)

Snitar, C. (2020) Ambiguous Transitions: Gender, the State, and Everyday Life in Socialist and Postsocialist Romania by Jill Massino, New York, Berghahn Books, 2019, ISBN: 9781785335983 (hardcover); 9781785335990 (ebook) Slavonica, 25, pp. 82-83. (doi: 10.1080/13617427.2020.1757845)

Khairov, S. (2020) Dialogicheskiie idiomy v sovremennych slav’anskich iazykach: variacii formy. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci

Ivashinenko, N., Teodorovich, M., Varyzgina, A. (2020) Digital inequality: internet technologies in activation of consumer behavior. Logos et Praxis, 19, pp. 27-36. (doi: 10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2020.3.3)

Khairov, S. (2020) Ekspressivnye vyrazhenia v politematicheskom dvuiazychnom slovare 'na vse sluchai'. Iz opyta sostavitelei. Institut Iazykoznaniia RAN

Anceschi, L., Smith, D. J. (2020) From the Editors. Europe-Asia Studies, 72, pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2019.1705613)

Loader, M. (2020) Gorbachev: his life and times. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 28, pp. 251-254. (doi: 10.1080/25739638.2020.1863639)

Jašina-Schäfer, A., Cheskin, A. (2020) Horizontal citizenship in Estonia: Russian speakers in the borderland city of Narva. Citizenship Studies, 24, pp. 93-110. (doi: 10.1080/13621025.2019.1691150)

Hardman, H. (2020) In the name of parliamentary sovereignty: conflict between the UK Government and the courts over judicial deference in the case of prisoner voting rights. British Politics, 15, pp. 226-250. (doi: 10.1057/s41293-019-00110-x)

Jankiewicz, S., Knyaginina, N., Prina, F. (2020) Linguistic rights and education in the republics of the Russian Federation: towards unity through uniformity. Review of Central and East European Law, 45, pp. 59-91. (doi: 10.1163/15730352-bja10003)

Aliyev, H. (2020) Pro-regime militias and civil war duration. Terrorism and Political Violence, 32, pp. 630-650. (doi: 10.1080/09546553.2017.1393415)

Varga, Z. (2020) Reviews in dialogue. Slavonica, 25, pp. 75-78. (doi: 10.1080/13617427.2020.1763643)

(2020) Social Aspects of Competition Development.

Ivashinenko, N.N. (2020) Socio-cultural transnational practices in Saturday Russian schools in Scotland. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Sociology, 13, pp. 443-459. (doi: 10.21638/spbu12.2020.406)

Snitar, C. (2020) Soviet Intelligence and the Romanian Securitate: Methods of Surveillance and Interrogations, Preparation of Show-Trials, and ‘Re-Education’ in Prisons and Labour Camps.

Snitar, C. (2020) The 1956 Student Movement in Timisoara. Institute for National Remembrance

Kaczmarski, M. (2020) The Sino-Russian relationship and the West. Survival, 62, pp. 199-212. (doi: 10.1080/00396338.2020.1851101)


Snitar, C. (2019) Women’s experiences of 1956: Student protesters and partisans in Romania. Routledge

Lee, M. J., Florea, A., Blarel, N. (2019) Opening the black box of finance: north-south investment, political risk, and U.S. military intervention. Political Studies, 67, pp. 872-894. (doi: 10.1177/0032321718813570)

Kaczmarski, M. (2019) Russia-China relations in Central Asia: why is there a surprising absence of rivalry? Open Forum,

Smith, D. J. (2019) Addressing the dilemmas of ethno-cultural diversity in the modern world: national-cultural autonomy – Utopian vision or practical solution? Mohr Siebeck

Aliyev, H. (2019) Explaining de facto states’ failure. Routledge

Aliyev, H. (2019) The logic of ethnic responsibility and progovernment mobilization in East Ukraine conflict. Comparative Political Studies, 52, pp. 1200-1231. (doi: 10.1177/0010414019830730)

Unkovski-Korica, V. (2019) From the Cold War to the Kosovo War: Yugoslavia and the British Labour Party. Revue d'Études Comparatives Est-Ouest, 2019/1, pp. 115-145. (doi: 10.3917/receo1.501.0115)

Hardman, H. (2019) In the name of parliamentary sovereignty: how the conflict between the UK government and the courts over prisoner voting rights was really about executive power.

Khairov, S., Dunn, J. (2019) Russian For All Occasions: a Russian-English Dictionary of Collocations and Expressions. Routledge

Kaczmarski, M. (2019) Greater Eurasia: it's great-power status, stupid! LSE IDEAS

Ivashinenko, N. (2019) Saturday Russian schools and parents’ social networking: two-way cooperation? Migration Letters, 16, pp. 165-174.

Smith, D., Germane, M., Housden, M. (2019) ‘Forgotten Europeans’: transnational minority activism in the age of European integration. Nations and Nationalism, 25, pp. 523-543. (doi: 10.1111/nana.12401)

Varga, Z. (2019) Egy magyar hölgy iratai. Reciti

Aliyev, H. (2019) “No peace, no war” proponents? How pro-regime militias affect civil war termination and outcomes. Cooperation and Conflict, 54, pp. 64-82. (doi: 10.1177/0010836718766380)

Kaczmarski, M., Jakóbowski, J., Kardaś, S. (2019) The Effects of China's Economic Expansion on Eastern Partnership Countries.

Varga, Z. (2019) Foreword: 'A Nation Adrift: The 1944-1945 Wartime Diaries of Miksa Fenyő' Helena History Press

Cheskin, A., Kachuyevski, A. (2019) The Russian-speaking populations in the post-Soviet space: language, politics and identity. Europe-Asia Studies, 71, pp. 1-23. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2018.1529467)

Khairov, S. (2019) -Kto? – Kon’ v pal’to! Dialogicheskie Idiomy v Slavianckich Iazykach: Iazykovaia Igra I Rechevaia Agressiia = -Kto? – Kon’ v pal’to! Slavonic dialogue idioms as language play and verbal aggression. Institut Iazykoznaniia RAN

Kaczmarski, M. (2019) Convergence or divergence? Visions of world order and the Russian-Chinese relationship. European Politics and Society, 20, pp. 207-224. (doi: 10.1080/23745118.2018.1545185)

Bernard, S. (2019) Deutsch Marks in the Head, Shovel in the Hands and Yugoslavia in the Heart: the Gastarbeiter return to Yugoslavia (1965-1991) Harrassowitz Verlag

Smith, D. J., Semenyshyn, M. (2019) Effective participation of national minorities, representation and self-governance in Zakarpattya, Ukraine. Brill

Aliyev, H., Souleimanov, E. A. (2019) Ethnicity and conflict severity: accounting for the effect of co-ethnic and non-ethnic militias on battlefield lethality. Third World Quarterly, 40, pp. 471-487. (doi: 10.1080/01436597.2018.1545568)

Bernard, S. (2019) Governing Diasporas in International Relations: The Transnational Politics of Croatia and Former Yugoslavia. Europe-Asia Studies, 71, pp. 515-517. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2019.1593625)

Prina, F., Smith, D. J., Molnar Sansum, J. (2019) National cultural autonomy and linguistic rights in Central and Eastern Europe. Palgrave Macmillan

Bernard, S. (2019) Oil shocks, migration and European integration: a (Trans)national perspective on the Yugoslav crises of the 1980s. National Identities, 21, pp. 463-484. (doi: 10.1080/14608944.2018.1498471)

Butler, E. (2019) Pipeline politics and energy (in)security in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Routledge

Kaczmarski, M. (2019) Russia and China in global governance. Palgrave Macmillan

Varga, Z. (2019) Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies 2018-2019. Hungarian Cultural Studies, 12, pp. 299-309. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2019.366)

Ivashinenko, N. N., Pechurina, A.V., Shatalina, V.V. (2019) Spatial Mobility of Youth.

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Aliyev, H. (2019) When and how do militias disband? Global patterns of pro-government militia demobilization in civil wars. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 42, pp. 715-734. (doi: 10.1080/1057610X.2018.1425112)

Aliyev, H., Souleimanov, E. A. (2019) Why de facto states fail? Lessons from Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Problems of Post-Communism, 66, pp. 161-171. (doi: 10.1080/10758216.2017.1383166)

Khairov, S., Savkin, A. (2019) Возвращения = Returns.


Kaczmarski, M., Katz, M. N., Tiilikainen, T. (2018) The Sino-Russian and US-Russian Relationships: Current Developments and Future Trends. FIIA Report 57, December 2018.

Kaczmarski, M. (2018) The Sino-Russian relationship: fellow travellers in the West-dominated world. China Quarterly, 236, pp. 1197-1205. (doi: 10.1017/S0305741018001649)

Prina, F., Berdiqulov, A. (2018) Majorities and minorities in the Post-Soviet space: Continuity and change. ECMI Working Papers,

Varga, Z. (2018) Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2017-2018. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 11, pp. 144-151. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2018.328)

Butler, E. (2018) 16+1: the EU’s concerns of a Chinese ‘Trojan Horse’ EuropeNow,

Butler, E. (2018) Hungary election: Viktor Orbán tightens his grip with a super-majority. Conversation, 09 Apr,

Kaczmarski, M. (2018) Russian-Chinese relations in Eurasia: harmonization or subordination?

Loader, M. (2018) A Stalinist purge in the Khrushchev era? The Latvian Communist Party purge, 1959–1963. Slavonic and East European Review, 96, pp. 244-282. (doi: 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.96.2.0244)

Butler, E. (2018) Conclusion: CEE energy security - more than Russia. Routledge

Butler, E. (2018) Hungary. Routledge

Snitar, C. (2018) The Efficiency of Surveillance in 1950s Communist Romania between Myth and Reality.

(2018) Understanding Energy Security in Central and Eastern Europe: Russia, Transition and National Interest.

Florea, A. (2018) Authority contestation during and after civil war. Perspectives on Politics, 16, pp. 149-155. (doi: 10.1017/S1537592717004030)

Ivashinenko, N., Varyzgina, A. (2018) Socially oriented NGOs and local communities in a Russian region: ways to build up their relationship. Laboratorium. Russian Review of Social Research, 9, pp. 82-103. (doi: 10.25285/2078-1938-2017-9-3-82-103)

Jakóbowski, J., Popławski, K., Kaczmarski, M. (2018) The Silk Railroad: the EU-China rail connections: background, actors, interests.

Souleimanov, E. A., Aliyev, H., Ratelle, J.-F. (2018) Defected and loyal? A case study of counter-defection mechanisms inside Chechen paramilitaries. Terrorism and Political Violence, 30, pp. 616-636. (doi: 10.1080/09546553.2016.1194270)

Aliyev, H. (2018) End to informality? Examining the impact of institutional reforms on informal institutions in post-Euromaidan Ukraine. Routledge

Prina, F., Smith, D., Molnar Sansum, J. (2018) National cultural autonomy in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and possibilities. Palgrave Macmillan

Prina, F. (2018) National in form, Putinist in content: minority institutions ‘outside politics’ Europe-Asia Studies, 70, pp. 1236-1263. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2018.1465892)

Unkovski-Korica, V. (2018) Neravnomeran i spojen razvoj: „novi trockistički međunarodni odnosi“ Fakultet Političkih Znanosti

Butler, E., Ostrowski, W. (2018) Rethinking Energy Policy in Central and Eastern Europe.

Florea, A. (2018) Spatial rivalry and coups against dictators. Security Studies, 27, pp. 1-26. (doi: 10.1080/09636412.2017.1360072)

Bernard, S. (2018) Times of hope and despair. LIT Verlag

Souleimanov, E. A., Abrahamyan, E., Aliyev, H. (2018) Unrecognized states as a means of coercive diplomacy? Assessing the role of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Russia’s foreign policy in the South Caucasus. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 18, pp. 73-86. (doi: 10.1080/14683857.2017.1390830)


Prina, F. (2017) Russia's 'myth' of equality in a securitized context. Europe Now, 13,

Cheskin, A. (2017) Russian soft power in Ukraine: A structural perspective. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 50, pp. 277-287. (doi: 10.1016/j.postcomstud.2017.09.001)

Kaczmarski, M. (2017) Non-western visions of regionalism: China's New Silk Road and Russia's Eurasian Economic Union. International Affairs, 93, pp. 1357-1376. (doi: 10.1093/ia/iix182)

Loader, M. (2017) Restricting Russians: language and immigration laws in Soviet Latvia, 1956-1959. Nationalities Papers, 45, pp. 1082-1099. (doi: 10.1080/00905992.2017.1335298)

Nikula, J., Ivashinenko, N. (2017) Reform of the foster care system and social partnership in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Journal of Social Policy Studies, 15, pp. 383-394. (doi: 10.17323/727-0634-2017-15-3-383-394)

Varga, Z. (2017) Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2016-2017. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 10, pp. 173-181. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2017.312)

Butler, E. (2017) Pipeline politics and energy (in)security in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Routledge

Varga, Z. (2017) Starlets and heart-throbs: Hungarian cinema in the interwar period. I.B. Tauris

Hardman, H., Dickson, B. (2017) Conclusions. Routledge

Florea, A. (2017) De facto states: survival and disappearance (1945-2011) International Studies Quarterly, 61, pp. 337-351. (doi: 10.1093/isq/sqw049)

(2017) Popular Cinemas in East Central Europe: Film Cultures and Histories.

Khairov, S. (2017) Letters from Russia. Monochrome Photography Exhibition. Lecture: On the semiotics of photography in the USSR and after: some notes from within.

Florea, A. (2017) Theories of civil war onset: promises and pitfalls. Oxford University Press

Bernard, S. (2017) Transnationalism, Diaspora and Migrants from the Former Yugoslavia in Britain. Südosteuropa: Journal of Politics and Society, 65, pp. 187-189. (doi: 10.1515/soeu-2017-0012)

Kaczmarski, M. (2017) Russia-China relations and the West.

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Butler, E. (2017) The "in defense of national identity" argument: comparing the UK and Hungarian referendums of 2016. Europe Now, 2017, pp. 01 Feb.

Smith, D. J. (2017) A nem-területi / nemzeti-kulturális autonómia. Dinamikák és gyakorlatok. Regio, 25, pp. 113-129. (doi: 10.17355/rkkpt.v25i3.174)

Prina, F. (2017) A nemzeti kulturális autonómia egy többnemzetiségű államszövetségben: Oroszország helyzete. Regio, 25, pp. 130-153. (doi: 10.17355/rkkpt.v25i3.175)

Butler, E. (2017) Central Europe. EUISS

Polese, A., Seliverstova, O., Cheskin, A., Perchoc, P. (2017) Consommation, identité et intégration en Estonie et en Lettonie. Hermès: La Revue, 77, pp. 141-150.

(2017) Electoral Rights in Europe: Advances and Challenges.

Souleimanov, E. A., Aliyev, H. (2017) How Socio-Cultural Codes Shaped Violent Mobilization and Pro-Insurgent Support in the Chechen Wars. Palgrave Macmillan

Aliyev, H. (2017) Informal institutions in Azerbaijan: exploring the intricacies of tapsh. Europe-Asia Studies, 69, pp. 594-613. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2017.1329404)

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Bernard, S. (2017) Martin Zückert, Heidi Hein-Kircher (Hrsg.), Migration and Landscape Transformation. Changes in East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Century. Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 66, pp. 256-258.

Smith, D. J. (2017) Nemzeti-kulturális autonómia a mai Észtországban: A valódi jelentőségtől a szimbolikusig? Regio, 25, pp. 154-181. (doi: 10.17355/rkkpt.v25i3.176)

Ivashinenko, N. (2017) Possibility of starting up a participatory mechanism to raise the quality of life. Economic Education Publishing House

Aliyev, H. (2017) Precipitating state failure: do civil wars and violent non-state actors create failed states? Third World Quarterly, 38, pp. 1973-1989. (doi: 10.1080/01436597.2017.1319276)

Snitar, C. (2017) Radio free Europe and the 1956 students' movement in Timisoara. .

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Smith, D. J. (2017) State, nation and sovereignty in a century of uncertainty and change: turning points and continuities in latvian society and polity. ibidem-Verlag

Snitar, C. (2017) Surveillance in Communist Romania.

Varga, Z. (2017) The Cinema of István Szabó: Visions of Europe. Slavonica, 22, pp. 98-100. (doi: 10.1080/13617427.2017.1382675)

Khairov, S. (2017) The alphabet in linguistic imagology. Ideological and aesthetic values in the disputes on the pre-reform Cyrillic letters in Russia before and after 1918. Studi Slavistici, 14, pp. 293-307. (doi: 10.13128/Studi_Slavis-21948)

Loader, M. (2017) The death of ‘Socialism with a Latvian Face’: the purge of the Latvian national communists, July 1959–1962. Journal of Baltic Studies, 48, pp. 161-181. (doi: 10.1080/01629778.2016.1244771)

Hardman, H. (2017) The impact of elections and voter de-alignment on human rights. Routledge

Anceschi, L. (2017) Turkmenistan and the virtual politics of Eurasian energy: the case of the TAPI pipeline project. Central Asian Survey, 36, pp. 409-429. (doi: 10.1080/02634937.2017.1391747)

Kaczmarski, M. (2017) Two ways of influence-building: the Eurasian Economic Union and the One Belt, One Road initiative. Europe-Asia Studies, 69, pp. 1027-1046. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2017.1373270)

Aliyev, H. (2017) When Informal Institutions Change: Institutional Reforms and Informal Practices in the Former Soviet Union. University of Michigan Press

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Aliyev, H. (2016) Strong militias, weak states and armed violence: towards a theory of ‘state-parallel’ paramilitaries. Security Dialogue, 47, pp. 498-516. (doi: 10.1177/0967010616669900)

Smith, D. J., Semenyshyn, M. (2016) Territorial-Administrative Decentralisation and Ethnocultural Diversity in Ukraine: Addressing Hungarian Autonomy Claims in Zakarpattya.

(2016) Echoes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolt in Romania, 60 Years After. George Washington University,

Cheskin, A., March, L. (2016) Latvia’s ‘Russian left’: trapped between ethnic, socialist, and social-democratic identities. Rowman & Littlefield

Kaczmarski, M. (2016) 'Silk globalisation'. China's vision of international order.

Varga, Z. (2016) Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2015-2016. Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 9, pp. 209-219. (doi: 10.5195/ahea.2016.246)

Butler, E. (2016) Illiberalism in Central Europe: The view from the West.

Butler, E. (2016) Brexit and the Balkans: Implications for Future EU Enlargement.

Unkovski-Korica, V. (2016) The Economic Struggle for Power in Tito’s Yugoslavia: From World War II to Non-Alignment. I.B. Tauris

Butler, E. (2016) Pipeline politics and energy (in)security in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Routledge

Ivashinenko, N. N., Teodorovich, M. L. (2016) Social technologies in poverty reduction in Russia: from internal factors to external challenges. Population, 3, pp. 86-94.

Butler, E. (2016) The Legacy of Chernobyl: Contemporary Politics of Nuclear Energy in Central and Eastern Europe.

Prina, F. (2016) Shrinking autonomy for Tatarstan and Gagauzia: the perils of flexible institutional design. Brill

Kaczmarski, M. (2016) The asymmetric partnership? Russia’s turn to China. International Politics, 53, pp. 415-434. (doi: 10.1057/ip.2016.7)

Kaczmarski, M. (2016) An essential partner in the background. Europe in China's policy during the rule of Xi Jinping.

Ivashinenko, N. N., Migranova, L. A. (2016) Dynamics of monetary incomes of population in municipal units. Population, 2, pp. 75-85.

Unkovski-Korica, V. (2016) Constructing Yugoslavia: a transnational history; Remembering Utopia: the culture of everyday life in socialist Yugoslavia. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 24, pp. 98-101. (doi: 10.1080/0965156X.2016.1171014)

Smith, D. J. (2016) Estonia: a model for interwar Europe? Ethnopolitics, 15, pp. 89-104. (doi: 10.1080/17449057.2015.1101841)

Aliyev, H. (2016) Assessing the European Union’s assistance to civil society in its eastern neighbourhood: lessons from the South Caucasus. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 24, pp. 42-60. (doi: 10.1080/14782804.2015.1056112)

Loader, M. (2016) Beria and Khrushchev: the power struggle over nationality policy and the case of Latvia. Europe-Asia Studies, 68, pp. 1759-1792. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1257701)

Varga, Z. (2016) Emília Kánya: author, editor, educator. Praesens

Aliyev, H. (2016) End to informality? Examining the impact of institutional reforms on informal institutions in post-Euromaidan Ukraine. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 24, pp. 207-221. (doi: 10.1080/0965156X.2016.1260206)

Germane, M., Smith, D. J., Housden, M. (2016) Ethnic Minority Activism in Europe from a Transnational Perspective.

Souleimanov, E. A., Aliyev, H. (2016) Evaluating the efficacy of indigenous forces in counterinsurgency: lessons from Chechnya and Dagestan. Small Wars and Insurgencies, 27, pp. 392-416. (doi: 10.1080/09592318.2016.1151658)

Kuhrt, N., Kaczmarski, M. (2016) Introduction to special issue: Violence in the Post-Soviet Space. Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 2, pp. 1-10.

Snitar, C. (2016) Life Behind Communist Bars.

Prina, F., Bowring, B. (2016) Migrants' Diversity in the United Kingdom and the challenges of integration = Mnogoobrazie migrantskikh grupp v Velikobritanii i trudnosti integratsii. Russian Academy of Sciences

Prina, F. (2016) National Minorities in Putin's Russia: Diversity and Assimilation. Routledge

Smith, D. (2016) National cultural autonomy. Routledge

Prina, F. (2016) National cultural autonomy: Russia’s model, the Tatars and ethno-cultural education. Tatarica, 1, pp. 175-188.

Smith, D. J. (2016) National-Cultural Autonomy Today: To What End and for Whom?

Snitar, C. (2016) Opposing Communism: The 1956 Students' Movement in Timisoara.

Cheskin, A. (2016) Russian-Speakers in Post-Soviet Latvia: Discursive Identity Strategies. Edinburgh University Press

Ivashinenko, N. (2016) Searching for a new approach to face poverty on the local level, a case study in a small Russian town. Routledge

Kuhrt, N., Kaczmarski, M. (2016) Special Issue: Violence in the Post-Soviet Space [Guest Editors] Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 2,

Snitar, C. (2016) The Cold War and Romanian Justice: How the Suez Crisis determined the fate of participants in the 1956 Students' Movement in Timisoara.

Snitar, C. (2016) The Echoes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolt in Timisoara.

Varga, Z. (2016) The critical reception of Henry James. Salem Press

Ivashinenko, N., Shatalina, V. (2016) The gender role in the educational empowerment of migrant families from Eastern Europe and Post-Soviet countries. Review of Social Studies, 3, pp. 33-43.

Loader, M. (2016) The rebellious republic: the 1958 education reform and Soviet Latvia. Journal of the Institute of Latvian History, 2016, pp. 113-139.

Varga, Z. (2016) Translation, modernisation and the female pen: Hungarian women as literary mediators in the nineteenth century. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press

Unkovski-Korica, V. (2016) World War II and the national question: the origins of the autonomous status of Vojvodina in Yugoslavia. Europe-Asia Studies, 68, pp. 1712-1735. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1257700)

(2016) Worlds of Hungarian Writing: National Literature as Intercultural Exchange.

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