Siri Annethe Moe Jensen, a lecturer in the Department of Informatics from The University of Oslo visited the CCSE from the 4th to the 7th of November 2019. The purpose of her visit was to meet with Quintin Cutts and Ethel Tshukudu to discuss and explore how Ethel's research on programming language transfer can benefit her students who will soon be faced with programming language transition in their first year.

She also engaged in communications with research students and academic staff from the centre like Jack Parkinson, whose research is on Spatial skills and programming; Peter Donaldson, whose research is on mental models formation and notional machines; and Mireilla Bikanga Ada who teaches a programming boot-camp course to masters students

Siri was grateful for the hospitality and interesting discussions she has had with the colleagues from the center. The honor of her visit can help establish future research links between the University of Glasgow and the University of Norway.

First published: 20 November 2019