CAE Members
Dr Chong Li (Director, CAE)
Research Interests
Besides serving as the director of the CAE, Chong Li also leads the Microwave and THz Electronics (MaTE) research group and he has research interests in:
- developing novel microwave, mmWave and THz components, devices and circuits;
- emerging materials and technologies for wireless sensing, imaging, communications and energy harvesting;
- metrology for antennas and propagation; and
- metrology for on-wafer measurements.
Prof Asen Asenov
Research Interests
As James Watt Chair in Electrical Engineering and a Leader of the Glasgow Device Modelling Group, Asen Asenov directs the development of 2D and 3D quantum mechanical, Monte Carlo and classical device simulators and their application in the design of advanced and novel CMOS devices. He has pioneered the simulations of statistical variability in nano-CMOS devices including random dopants, interface roughness and line edge roughness.
Research includes (i) development of advanced drift diffusion, Monte Carlo and quantum transport simulations tools focused on atomic scale CMOS statistical variability and reliability; (ii) statistical compact model extraction; (iii) statistical circuit simulations; (iv) development of nano-bio simulation tools.
Prof Sandy Cochran
Research Interests
Sandy Cochran’s research focuses on materials and systems to apply ultrasound principally in medicine and life sciences. His lab is the only one in the UK dedicated to medical ultrasound materials and systems, and one of only a handful like it in the world.
Topics of particular interest are: New piezoelectric materials and better utilisation of existing materials; Miniature devices for clinical applications of high resolution ultrasound imaging; Focused ultrasound surgery and ultrasound-targeted drug delivery; Ultrasound for transmission beamforming and manipulation of cells and particles; Miniature and microscale ultrasound systems for biomedical applications; Ultrasound and other techniques for sensing in the body.
Prof David Cumming
Research Interests
David Cumming holds the Chair of Electronic Systems at the University of Glasgow and is the Head of the School of Engineering. He also leads the Microsystem Technology Group in the School of Engineering.
The Microsystem Technology group is funded by several major grants and delivers research in medical sensors and systems, CMOS integrated circuits and biosensors, VLSI design for sensor applications, lab-in-a-pill, imaging technology for visible, mid-IR and terahertz applications, nanotechnology and photonics, including metamaterials and surface plasmon resonance.
His areas of expertise include ultrasonics, terahertz technology, nanofabrication and VLSI design for sensors.
Prof Hadi Heidari
Research Interests
Hadi Heidari's research interests are in Analog IC Design, Wearable Electronics, CMOS Sensors and Systems, Magnetoelectronics and Magnetic Sensors, Biomedical Sensors and Sensor Readouts.
His areas of expertise include analogue circuit design, wearable electronic microsystems, and magnetic sensors.
Twitter: @hadihei and @UofGmeLAB
Prof Muhammad Imran
Research Interests
Muhammad Imran's research interests include energy efficiency and emission reduction in wireless systems, interference management for cellular communication, communication techniques for the next generation of cellular systems & intelligent and self-organising cellular networks.
Muhammad is the Glasgow PI of the Scotland 5G Centre and heads the Communications, Sensing and Imaging research group. His areas of expertise include energy efficiency, fundamental performance limits, sensor networks and self-organising cellular networks.
Prof. Vihar Georgiev
Research Interests
Vihar Georgiev's research interests are in applying quantum mechanical and chemical methods within the field of electron transport calculations in mesoscopic systems. His work aims at understanding the electronic structure of nano materials and establishing a link between structures and properties, employing tools and methods of theoretical and computational chemistry and physics, such as Density Functional Theory (DFT), Non-Equlibrium Green's Function (NEGF) formalism and numerous ab initio techniques.
His areas of expertise include Semiconductors, Semiconductor devices, Advanced CMOS technology, devices & design, and Computational chemistry.
Twitter: @vihardabest
Prof Anthony Kelly
Research Interests
Tony Kelly has spent his career in both industry and academia and has commercialisation and manufacturing experience in the technology sector. He is a member of the Optoelectronics Research Group with research activities in advanced optical components and optical communications.
His areas of expertise include Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, Gallium Nitride micro-LEDs, MLLD diodes and oscillators and High speed DFB lasers.
Prof Edward Wasige
Research Interests
Edward Wasige's research interests are in advanced electronic device technologies and associated integrated circuit design for the microwave, millimeterwave and terahertz (THz) frequency bands, and the integration of these with other physical domains to achieve new system functionality. He is currently Project Coordinator for iBROW, an EC project with 5 industrial partners (Nokia Bell Labs, CEA-Leti, IQE Silicon, CST Global, Optocap), 2 internationally leading research institutes (III-V Lab (France), INSEC (Portugal)) and an advisory committee of 3 other industrial partners (Huawei, NEC and Agilent/Keysight).
His areas of expertise include Gallium nitride electron devices and RTD-based high frequency sources.
Dr Hasan Abbas
Research Interests
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Antennas and wave propagation
- Plasmonics
- Terahertz sensing
- Numerical methods in electromagnetics
Dr Qammer Abbasi
Research Interests
Research interests include but not limited to: nano communication, RF design and radio propagation, biomedical applications of millimeter and terahertz communication, wearable and flexible sensors, compact antenna design, antenna interaction with human body, Implants, body centric wireless communication issues, wireless body sensor networks, non-invasive health care solutions, physical layer security for wearable/implant communication and multiple-input-multiple-output systems.
Dr Mahmoud Wagih
Research Interests
Green RF-Enabled and Flexible Electronics
- RF power transfer and energy harvesting
- RF sensing devices and materials
- Additive manufacturing and flexible RF systems
- Body-centric electronics including e-textiles, implantable antennas, and EM sensorsg
- Sustainability and LCA-driven RF system design
Dr Duncan Bremner
Duncan Bremner is the Business Development Manager for the School of Engineering, and Senior University Teacher at the University of Glasgow - University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Joint School.
Dr Julien Le Kernec
Research Interests
Julien Le Kernec's research interests include software defined radio / radar, cognitive radio / radar, UWB radar, and remote sensing and geolocalisation.
His areas of expertise include RF design, RF systems design, electromagnetic propagation, AD / DA conversions, signal processing to digital electronics (FPGA-VHDL).
Dr Andrew McBride
Research Interests
Andrew McBride's current research interests relate to the area of computational materials science, including solid mechanics, homogenisation and surface enregetics, biomechanics, and fluid-structure interaction.
His areas of expertise include diffusion, mechanics of surfaces and interfaces, and homogenisation
Dr David Moran
Research Interests
David Moran leads the Nano-Electronic Diamond Devices and Systems (NEDDS) group in the School of Engineering. The group specialises in the investigation of diamond for the development of various electronic and nano-scale applications, including Diamond transistors (FETs), High power diamond electronic components, Diamond nano-imprinting, Diamond micro and nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS & MEMS) and Diamond based chemical, radiation and biological sensors.
His areas of expertise include nano-fabrication, device design and simulation, and material and device high frequency characterisation.
Twitter: @NEDDSgroup
Dr Manousos Valyrakis
Research Interests
Manousos Valyrakis is the manager of the Water Engineering Laboratory where he is currently leading research activities relevant to experimental flow dynamics and eco-hydraulics. He is currently pursuing research spanning the interface of water and energy resources management, with focus on water engineering and eco-hydraulics, for a variety of physical systems (rivers, estuaries and coasts).
His areas of expertise include physical modeling and experimental methods (lab methods and development of sensors for environmental monitoring) to utilisation of appropriate numerical modeling tools.
Twitter: @Hydro_Mechanic, @WaterEngResLab, @WaterEngLab