Antenna Measurement Systems
- Fully-shielded anechoic chamber, usable from 500 MHz to >20 GHz.
- 0.5 GHz-16 GHz NSI Spherical Scanning System.
- R&S ATS800B Antenna test system up to 50 GHz.
- Near field planar near-field scanning system (75 GHz-325 GHz)
- Reference antennas and accessories

Microwave, mmWave and THz Device Measurements - Waveguide and On-Wafer
- 10 MHz-110 GHz on-wafer VNA system (semi-automated probestation)
- 140 GHz-220 GHz and 220 GHz-325 GHz on-wafer VNA systems (manual probestation)
- 750 GHz-1.1 THz free-space waveguide characterisation
- VDI Erickson PM5 Power Meter and transition waveguides
- Keysight’s N9030B (3Hz-50 GHz and up to 325 with external mixers)
- Wiltron signal synthesisers (65 GHz)
- Keysight PSG signal generator (20 GHz)
- Four-port VNA up to 46.5 GHz.
- Several VNAs in the MHz to 20 GHz (2-port and 4-port).

Other Measurement Systems
- 750 GHz-1.1 THz material characterisation kit (MCK)
- Keysight B1500 Semiconductor device analyser for DC & Pulsed IV/CV measurement (on-wafer)
- Keysight B1505 Semiconductor device analyser for DC & Pulsed IV/CV measurement (on-wafer)
- Lakeshore temperature-controlled manual probe station (DC-40 GHz GSG probes, 77K-675K, fixed magnetic fields)

Simulation and Analysis Capabilities
- Olympus BX-51 and Zeiss Discovery V12 microscopes.
- 50 GHz spectrum analyser, 8.5 GHz network analyser, 8 GHz bit error-rate tester and 20 GHz analog signal generator.
- A full range of other tests/measurement instruments including oscilloscopes, logic analysers, source measurement units and signal generators.
- High-performance computing facilities for design and simulation, including a 384 core Clustervision parallel computer.
- Design/simulation software including Cadence, Lumerical, Tempest, Agilent ADS and Synopsys
A World-Leading
MHz to THz Facility:
From On-Wafer Devices to Wireless Systems
Interested in accessing our facilities?
Reach out to the CAE Management Team through eng-cae@glasgow.ac.uk
Microwave to Sub-THz Automated Load Pull
- On-wafer, waveguide, and connectorized measurements in the 110 GHz to 1.1 THz spectrum.
- Vertigo automated load-pull setup
- Compatible with modulated signals and time-domain analysis
mmWave Noise Characterisation
- Noise Figure and Noise Parameter measurements up to 50 GHz.
- Focus noise receiver.
- Keysight noise receiver/source measurements.
Time-Domain Measurements and Arbitrary Waveform Generation
- 4-Channel 50 GHz Oscilloscope: Keysight UXR0504A Infiniium UXR-Series
- Up to 70 GHz Analog Bandwidth Arbitrary Waveform Generation: Keysight M8199A AWG
- Frequency extenders for mmWave measurements
Cryogenic Device Characterisation
- Lakeshore probestation, 77k to 400k control
- 40 GHz 2-port measurements
- High-power/voltage IV measurements up to 3 kV