
Here is a selection of recently published papers by ANTI-VeC members. To get your publications listed here, please email  Evangelia Tavoulari-Matthiopoulos at 


  • Establishment of Wolbachia Strain wAlbB in Malaysian Populations of Aedes aegypti for Dengue Control. Nazni WA, Hoffmann AA, NoorAfizah A, et al., 2019. Current Biology. READ ARTICLE
  • Development and calibration of a model for the potential establishment and impact of Aedes albopictus in Europe. Pasquali S, Mariani L, Calvitti M, et al., 2020. Acta Tropica. READ ARTICLE
  • Trans-stadial fate of the gut bacterial microbiota in Anopheles albimanus. Galeano-Castañeda Y, Bascuñán P, Serre D, et al., 2020. Acta Tropica. READ ARTICLE
  • A Cross-Sectional Survey of Biosafety Professionals Regarding Genetically Modified Insects. O'Brochta D, Tonui WK, Dass B, et al., 2019. Applied Biosafety. READ ARTICLE
  • Aedes aegypti (Aag2)-derived clonal mosquito cell lines reveal the effects of pre-existing persistent infection with the insect-specific bunyavirus Phasi Charoen-like virus on arbovirus replication. Fredericks AC, Russell TA, Wallace LE, et al., 2019. PLoS NTD. READ ARTICLE
  • A CRISPR–Cas9 gene drive targeting doublesex causes complete population suppression in caged Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. Kyrou K, Hammond A, Galizi R, et al., 2018. Nature Biotech. READ ARTICLE
  •  The sequence of a male-specific genome region containing the sex determination switch in Aedes aegypti. Turner J, Krishna R, van’t Hof AE, et al., 2018. Parasites & Vectors. READ ARTICLE
  • Host Decoy Trap (HDT) with cattle odour is highly effective for collection of exophagic malaria vectors. Abong’o B, Yu X, Donnelly MJ, et al., 2018. Parasites & Vectors. READ ARTICLE
  • An Anopheles stephensi Promoter-Trap: Augmenting Genome Annotation and Functional Genomics. Reid W, Pilitt K, Alford R, et al., 2018. G3: Genes, Genomes and Genetics. READ ARTICLE
  • Eave ribbons treated with the spatial repellent, transfluthrin, can effectively protect against indoor-biting and outdoor-biting malaria mosquitoes. Mmbando AS, Ngowo H, Limwagu A, et al., 2018. Malaria Journal. READ ARTICLE