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Funded Research
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For any enquiries, please contact us at anti-vec-network@glasgow.ac.uk
ANTI-VeC: Application of Novel Transgenic technology & Inherited symbionts to Vector Control
ANTI-VeC is a Vector-borne Disease Network led by the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. It is funded by the UK government Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) which supports research on global issues affecting developing countries, through UKRI BBSRC, MRC and NERC. It also receives funding from Open Philanthropy, which primarily supports biomedical research, not limited to any particular field, disease, condition or population, which has the potential for high impact.
ANTI-VeC focuses on the development of genetic/symbiont vector control strategies and related fields. This includes both suppression and replacement/transmission blocking approaches, from vector-pathogen/symbiont interactions and line creation to symbiont discovery, relevant aspects of vector biology, ecology and behaviour, and social science.
It provides an opportunity to stimulate new lines of research and new collaborations, increase interactions in these emerging fields, and share experiences/expertise – from lab techniques to field trials - and to expand the links between researchers based in the UK and disease-endemic countries.