In the last year and a half, a team of historians, museum studies and museum education scholars has been working on developing an online masters course on American women’s history with the Smithsonian American Women's History Initiative. We are delighted to finally be hosting our two collaborators from the Smithsonian in Glasgow and we are inviting you to a day of events with them on Friday 17th February.

The day will include 3 main events:

  1. A showcase organised by the Centre for Gender History and the Andrew Hook Centre for American Studies (11am-1pm)
  2. A student heritage career Q&A session (2-3pm)
  3. A postgraduate student workshop on the course we have developed (3-4pm, LIMITED TO 18 PEOPLE).

If you would like to attend any of these event (but in particular the postgraduate workshop), please sign up by following this link:  Spaces for the postgraduate workshop will be given on a first come first serve basis and we will confirm your place and send you documents prior to the workshop.

1. Showcase organised by the Centre for Gender History and the Andrew Hook Centre for American Studies

11am-1pm: Wolfson Medical School - Room 253 (Seminar Room 1 - Yudowitz)

We will present our collaboration with the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative and then showcase some of the exciting new research currently being conducted by staff members and PhD students on American gender history/studies.

  • 11-11.30: presentation of the project by team members
  • 11.30-11.45: Peggy Brunache (History): St. Vincent’s Free Women of Colour: Contesting and Accommodating the Plantation Economy in the Southern Caribbean
  • 11.45-12: Sean Vanatta (Economic and Social History): Dividing the Field: The Gendered Origins of Bank Credit Cards in 1950s America.
  • 12-12.15: Jo Gill (English): 'Light' verse: Poetry in popular women's magazines in the 1950s and 1960s
  • 12.15-12.30: 3 presentations by PhD students:
  • Kari Sund: Redefining the Hollywood Novel pre-1950: Works by Women
  • Casey Moore: Oral History in the Aftermath of Mass Shooting: Archival approaches and ethical considerations
  • Nadia Franks: A Woman’s Prerogative: Protagonists of the Post-truth Crime Story.

2. Heritage career Q&A session

2-3pm, Boyd Orr Building - Room 611

A Q&A session with our colleagues from the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative, Ashleigh D. Coren and Chanelle Pickens. Ashleigh D. Coren is the Head of education for the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative and the former Women’s History Content and Interpretation Curator at the National Portrait Gallery. Chanelle Pickens is the education assistant for the Smithsonian American Women's History Initiative. This Q&A will be of particular interest for students interested in careers in the heritage sector or in public history.

3. Postgraduate workshop

3-4pm: McKechnie room, ground floor 10 University Gardens

This is an opportunity for postgraduate students, especially in gender history, museum studies, museum education, American studies and history more generally, to engage with the course that we have been developing with the Smithsonian on American Women’s History and to give us feedback on the course. The course uses material objects from the Smithsonian collections to address four different themes in modern American women’s history (activism, paid work, Family, Care, & the Home, and Sex, Intimacy, & the Body). The course handout and a list of the material from the Smithsonian collections will be circulated ahead of the workshop. Please note that attendance is limited to 18 people and that spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

If you have any question, please email

First published: 8 February 2023