Online workshop: Special issue on Standard-Setting of Sustainability Reporting

Monday 23 May 2022

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We are delighted to host a virtual workshop on Special issue on Standard-Setting of Sustainability Reporting, open to academics, accounting standard setters and regulators, and other members of the accounting profession. 

Recently, there has been an intensifying discourse and significant developments on the regulatory work needed to converge and consolidate reporting frameworks for non-financial reporting. Against this backdrop, the Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (SAMPJ) has invited submissions for a special issue on this topic.

The SAMPJ, the Adam Smith Observatory of Corporate Reporting Practices (Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow), and the Social and Environmental Sustainability in Organisations Research Group (Swinburne University of Technology) are hosting this online workshop, where successful submissions that have strong potential to demonstrate research impact by contributing to public policy developments will be presented.       


Start time: 9am GMT (6pm Melbourne time)

Speakers from policy and practice include:

  • Eelco van der Enden, Chief Executive Officer, Global Reporting Initiative
  • Judy Kuszewski, Chair, Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB)
  • Shameela Soobramoney, Chief Sustainability Officer, JSE
  • David Atkin, CEO of the Principles of Responsible Investment
  • Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Limited
  • Professor Jeff Hales, Chair, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board


For further information please contact:

First published: 4 February 2022

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