Space Science MSc
GES MSc Project GEOG5131P
- Academic Session: 2024-25
- School: School of Geographical and Earth Sciences
- Credits: 60
- Level: Level 5 (SCQF level 11)
- Typically Offered: Summer
- Available to Visiting Students: No
- Collaborative Online International Learning: No
Short Description
MSc project for MSc programmes in Geomatics, Sustainable Water Environments, and Environmental Futures.
April/May - students select Project topic after initial meeting with staff
May - preparation of Project proposal
June - students formally start work on project.
Students meet supervisers regularly (fortnightly) during the summer
July and August - Progress reports
August - submission of MSc project and MSc data.
Excluded Courses
Written project proposal 10%; pre-recorded oral proposal presentation 5%
A major project report covering the aims and outcomes, background, methodology, outcomes and evaluation of the project - 80%.
Collation of digital data associated with the project, including appropriate metadata - 5%.
Course Aims
The aims of the project are:
■ To integrate knowledge gained during the programme by applying it to a substantial and intensive project;
■ To give experience in preparing a project proposal, including pre-recorded oral presentation.
■ To allow students to pursue one particular topic to significantly more depth than possible during the taught part of the course;
■ To encourage investigative study and the application of this to a particular task;
■ To develop an awareness and experience of a range of quantitative and qualitative research methods and their applicability in different research settings, if appropriate to project
■ To give experience in preparing a substantial report on an extended project.
■ To give experience is preparing data and products for archiving
Projects may be of three basic types:
- a theoretical / research oriented project in which some problem is investigated by experimentation or collection of primary data or analysis of a substantial secondary data set;
- an assessment project, in which the suitability or comparability of equipment, software or methodology to a defined task is investigated;
- an application oriented project in which the client and/or end user's requirements are considered and satisfied by appropriate products.
Intended Learning Outcomes of Course
Outcomes will depend upon the nature of project selected, but generic outcomes are given here.
On completing this course students will be able to:
■ Discuss project requirements with a client or supervisor and produce a detailed specification for the outputs of the project;
■ Prepare a written project proposal and present this orally.
■ Plan and carry out a substantial research task.
■ Write a comprehensive report of a significant project.
■ Assemble data from the project, including appropriate metadata
■ Work to deadlines
Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits
Students must submit at least 75% by weight of the components (including examinations) of the course's summative assessment.
Submission of written and pre-recorded oral project proposal, and a project report conforming to the standards specified in Programme Handbook