Postgraduate taught 

Space Science MSc

Space Flight Dynamics M ENG5082

  • Academic Session: 2024-25
  • School: School of Engineering
  • Credits: 10
  • Level: Level 5 (SCQF level 11)
  • Typically Offered: Semester 1
  • Available to Visiting Students: No
  • Collaborative Online International Learning: No

Short Description

This is an introduction to the methods of space flight dynamics, demonstrate how these methods are applied to real space systems and demonstrate the use of space flight dynamics in space systems engineering.


2 lectures per week

Excluded Courses





85% Written Exam

10% Project output (computer code) and report

5% Coursework (numerical exercises on Moodle)

Main Assessment In: December

Course Aims

The aims of this course are to:

■ Introduce the methods of space flight dynamics;

■ Demonstrate how these methods are applied to real space systems;

■ Introduce the use of spaceflight dynamics in space systems engineering.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course

By the end of this course students will be able to:

■ Apply the dynamics of Kepler's two-body problem to space trajectory design;

■ Recognise and characterise typologies of orbits, compute and convert orbital parameters, momentum, energy, and use them to study and design a space mission trajectory;

■ Relate position and time on elliptic orbits, solving Kepler's time equation, and apply it to the determination of the position of celestial bodies and spacecraft over time;

■ Compute impulsive orbital manoeuvres and transfers (Hohmann, parabolic, bi-elliptic, inclination changes, phasing, low-thrust), and their cost in terms of delta-v and propellant mass;

■ Describe the dynamics of a gravity assist, calculate its key parameters, and apply it within an interplanetary mission;

■ Identify and evaulate the main orbital perturbation sources and quantify their effect on an orbit;

■ Compute the delta-v, time of flight and propellant mass of a space mission trajectory;

■ Critically design a space mission trajectory, with multiple transfers and manoeuvres, to minimise its cost in term of propellant mass or time of flight;

■ Describe the dynamics of the circular restricted three-body problem, its meaning and its equilibrium points.

Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits

Students must attend the degree examination and submit at least 75% by weight of the other components of the course's summative assessment.


Students should attend at least 75% of the timetabled classes of the course.


Note that these are minimum requirements: good students will achieve far higher participation/submission rates.  Any student who misses an assessment or a significant number of classes because of illness or other good cause should report this by completing a MyCampus absence report.