Students gave short oral presentations as part of their assessment of the Introduction to Food Security course. The diverse topics included:

  • GM food development in China
  • Food insecurity in northern Pakistan
  • Impact of the Green Revolution in India
  • African swine fever
  • Vertical farming

The standard was high and all students were awarded good grades. This presentation was their first element of assessment and contributed 10 credits of the 180 that make up their MSc programme.

Students started their second course, Food Security: Crops, which deals with fundamental issues in crop production and is presented by plant scientists in our School of Life Sciences and Plant Science research group.

The course includes topics such as water availability, pests and disease, and crop improvement through breeding or genetic manipulation. In addition, the students learnt how to access and interpret data on global crop production published by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, which is an important source of information on food security.

The students gave presentations on selected aspects of crop production as part of the assessment of this course and later will submit a briefing report on a selected crop.


First published: 16 October 2019

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