Bade Trosper

Published: 14 March 2024

MSc Management, Turkey and USA Read about Bade’s inspiring career progression from AI intern to leading projects in pharmaceutical research.

Subject: MSc Management

Graduation Year: 2022

Why did you choose the Adam Smith Business School?

The school’s prestigious triple accreditation and the modern curriculum were particularly appealing to me. Courses ranged from those in which we used economic simulations to mimic current, real-life situations, to those such as digital transformation which is vital in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

What did you enjoy the most about your programme? How has your degree helped you in your career?

The programme's highlight was engaging in a practical business case study, offering a relevant alternative to traditional thesis work. This approach, resembling real-world corporate challenges, enriched my experience and prepared me for my career transition. Combining my STEM background with project management in pharmaceutical research, I use my technical knowledge in a business context.

What have you been up to since graduating from the Business School?

After graduating, I interned at a startup that specialises in using AI to assist businesses in making more informed decisions through analysing consumer behaviour. I then joined Ipsos in project management, where I am focused on pharmaceutical research. I collaborate on diverse projects, gaining insights into industry operations and contributing to impactful innovations benefiting patients worldwide.

What was the most important thing you learnt while studying at Glasgow?

To network whenever possible. Engaging in diverse activities and societies broadened my horizons, allowing me to learn from people of various backgrounds. For example, I joined the Adam Smith Economics Society and the consulting society, but also the art and skydiving ones! University provided a unique opportunity to meet, interact with, and learn from others.


Bade, an international student with Turkish and American roots, choose Scotland for its rich culture and accessibility. Pursuing an MSc in Management at Adam Smith Business School, Glasgow’s warmth made the city feel like home to him. His time at the university wasn't just about acquiring a master's degree; it was also where he formed lasting friendships.

First published: 14 March 2024