Henry Hawthorne

Published: 14 March 2024

MSc Management, USA Henry, now working in IT project management, shares insights from his impactful postgraduate journey.

Home Country: USA  

Subject: MSc Management  

Graduation Year: 2023 

What did you enjoy the most about your programme? How has your degree helped you in your career?  

The most rewarding part of the programme was working with the highly experienced professionals in small non-lecture settings. While lectures were taught by the academics and were highly useful for setting the groundwork, the opportunity to practice skills with those who had decades of experience was massively useful. That, and the accounting course was amazing as well.  

The degree helps me every day in my career both in hard and soft skills - but greatest of all in that it showed me my abilities as a self-starter.  

What was the most important thing you learnt while studying at Glasgow?  

To do something personally fulfilling, sometimes you have to go it alone. This means sticking your neck out regularly, zigging when others zag, and saying yes to a challenge, even if you don't know how you'll succeed.  

What have you been up to since graduating from the Business School?  

Shortly after graduating, I moved to Nashville, Tennessee to take a job as in IT project management in the healthcare industry. It's a fantastic balance of relationship-first work, using business hard skills, and getting curious and creative about technology and how it can be applied in our business. 


Originally from Wilmington, North Carolina, Henry came to Glasgow looking to learn the business side of technology startups after being inspired by entrepreneurs he worked with previously. After the suggestion from a Scottish friend to look into Glasgow, the idea snowballed through interest in Scottish philosophy as an undergrad, curiosity for the business history and present of Glasgow, and desire to get a bit adventurous. He now lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where he works as an IT Project Manager in the healthcare industry. 

First published: 14 March 2024