Cardiovascular Sciences

Core and optional courses

The MSC (Med Sci) in Cardiovascular Sciences is a 12 month, full time programme. The Programme is made up of five compulsory courses totalling 120 credits plus a Dissertation/Project of 60 credits in order to fulfil the requirements of a Masters degree. The complusory courses are delivered during Semesters 1 and 2 and the Dissertation/Project work is carried out during the summer months.

In addition to the taught components of the Programme, students participate in Topic of the Week sessions. Each week, one or two students will take their turn to prepare and present material for Topic of the Week session. It is intended that each presenter will give an overview of the topic, including a summary of the pharmacological features of the subject, and then lead a discussion among their classmates to the key aspects/controversies of the topic. These sessions are designed to further develop the research, communication and critical appraisal skills of each presenter, and to promote engagement with current issues in pharmocology and medical science amongst the class as a whole.

Compulsory Courses


To fulfil the requirements of a masters degree, students must undertake an independent piece of work to carry out either a laboratory based or library/clinical data based investigation on a relevant topic of interest. The student must then submit a report demonstrating an in-depth, critical understanding and evaluation of the project and deliver an oral presentation summarising their project.


Cardiovascular Sciences


The programme is primarily based in the British Heart Foundation Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre (BHF GCRC) which is the base for many leading experts in the field of cardiovascular research.

The BHF GCRC is a vibrant environment with excellent research facilities for both basic and clinical science. The close involement of many clinically active staff in delivering the Programme and the excellent interface between clinical and basic scientists provides a unique opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of cardiovascular sciences.

Cardiovascular Sciences

Academic staff

Doctor of Metabolic Medicine

Professor of Molecular Endocrinology