Postgraduate taught 

Animal Welfare Science, Ethics & Law MSc

Conservation Genetics BIOL5130

  • Academic Session: 2024-25
  • School: School of Biodiversity One Health Vet Med
  • Credits: 10
  • Level: Level 5 (SCQF level 11)
  • Typically Offered: Semester 2
  • Available to Visiting Students: Yes
  • Collaborative Online International Learning: No

Short Description

This course will provide practical training in analytical methods used for identification and characterizing of biodiversity, based on DNA sequence data and microsatellite genotyping. Methods will include theory and practice involved in interpreting and correcting electropherograms from DNA sequences, interpreting microsatellite fragment-based genotyping data, methods for DNA barcoding used for identification, and population genetic analyses used to assess population structure and genetic history.

Most students do not get exposed to rigorous learning of the quantitative analyses associated with molecular methods during their undergraduate degrees. This course will provide hands-on learning, as well as description of the theoretical basis for the methods. The students will be exposed to the most recent advances in analytical software that are available to address conservation problems that could be addressed using genetic information. The final assignment will integrate skills learned and assess understanding, through the preparation of a lecture on Conservation Genetics suitable for second year undergraduate students.


The course will consist of 5 x 4 hour sessions that will combine lectures to explain the theory and computer practicals to demonstrate analytical techniques. There will be 5 lectures and 4 practicals. A detailed schedule will be provided prior to the start of the course; specific topics will depend on the particular interests of the cohort. For this course it is recommended that you should plan on 1 hour of own time to prepare for and reflect on lectures and 2 hours per hour of practical to complete and reflect on practical skills assessments assigned during each session. This means that you should plan on devoting about 45 hours to the final assignment, including review of the practical skills required to complete it and background reading.

Excluded Courses





Students will submit practical exercises (40%) to gauge their depth of understanding and engagement with the skills learned in each of the practical sessions. The work will be assessed not only on completion of the assigned tasks but on interpretation and self-reflection of the theories learned. The remaining 60% will be based on an independent assignment that will require integration of the knowledge and skills learned across the range of methods and theories, including analytical approaches and interpretation of results, presented as a lecture appropriate for 2nd year undergraduates.

Course Aims

To provide practical training in and theoretical basis for basic molecular analyses used for identification and characterising of biodiversity as applied to problems in the assessment of biodiversity, including approaches to DNA barcoding for identification in population genetics analyses of population structure and genetic history at a level sufficient to perform independent analyses of real datasets. The course will also highlight recent advances in sequencing technology and approaches to genotyping, along with the new challenges that this will bring for analytical approaches.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course

By the end of this course students will demonstrate competence, be able to critically discuss the underpinning theoretical background, and provide an evidence-based justification to choose the most appropriate methods to apply to particular research questions related to:

■ Basic manipulation of sequence and genotyping data using appropriate specialised software and interpretion of the patterns

■ Use of specialised computer programmes for analysing molecular data to address research problems in biodiversity and conservation


In addition, students will be able to critically discuss in depth with respect to literature:

■ The history of development of molecular techniques used in biodiversity research and the future changes that will come with continuing advances in sequencing and genotyping technology

■ The scope and limitations of the range of analytical methods used to assess biodiversity through identification

■ The theoretical basis behind the range of analytical methods available to infer population structure and genetic history using population genetics approaches

Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits

Students must submit at least 75% by weight of the components (including examinations) of the course's summative assessment. 

