Postgraduate research 

Geology PhD/MSc (Research)/MPhil (Research)

Cracked soil in water

Funded PhD studentships

The successful candidate for each studentship will receive full funding for tuition and stipend, at UKRI standard levels. International candidates are encouraged to apply. Application deadline is  7 March 2025.


Rapid Coastal Change at Slag-Based Anthropogenic Coasts

Supervisory team:

Background and rationale

Anthropogenic coasts are sections of the coast (terrestrial and marine) where anthropogenic activity, particularly deposition of waste material, have impacts on natural systems. Slag – a by-product of iron and steel making – is a voluminous (half a billion tonnes per year globally, and countless billions of tonnes of legacy slag from past iron and steel manufacture) anthropogenic material often dumped in coastal environments which can impact coastal landscapes and ecosystems.

Slag is a relatively chemically-reactive material (compared to natural rock and sediment) and pilot data suggests slag-based anthropogenic coasts can undergo rapid changes in their physical and chemical properties, eg deposition of slag converting a soft coast to a hard rocky coast. Reworking of deposited slag at the coast by wave and tidal processes, followed by rapid lithification of the reworked material creates beach rock platforms made almost entirely out of anthropogenic material. The processes which cause this lithification, and the timescales over which it occurs, are not known.

coastal cliff and foreshore composed of slag

Aims and objectives

This project has the overall aim of determining the processes and timescales of rapid lithification of slag-based anthropogenic coasts.

Using case study sites in Scotland and NW England, the student will achieve this aim through the following three objectives, which broadly map onto empirical chapters:

  1. map historic and recent changes at anthropogenic coasts
    - Hypothesis: lithification of reworked slag-based anthropogenic coasts will result in progradation of the coastline due to hardening
  2. determine the process, chemistry and mineralogy of the lithification process
    - Hypothesis: lithification will primarily result through calcite cement formation but other mineral cements may occur
  3. determine the rapidity of lithification through radionuclide dating of the cement minerals
    - Hypothesis: cementation occurs extremely rapidly over a matter of years to decades

Methodology and timeframe

Different methods will be used to address the Objectives given above.

Objective 1:
  • GIS analysis of historic maps and aerial imagery
  • Potentially capture of new UAV imagery
Objective 2:
  • Sampling of material from the case study sites
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction

Objective 3:
  • Radionuclide analysis which may include the analysis of both atmospheric-derived and Sellafield-derived anthropogenic radionuclides such as 14-Carbon and 241-Americium
    Full training in all methods will be given by the supervisory team.
    Work towards achieving the Objectives will run in parallel through the project, broadly along the following timeline:
  • Year 1: literature review, desk-based mapping, initial fieldwork mapping and sampling (all Objective O1); commencement of sample laboratory analysis (Objective O2).
  • Year 2: further fieldwork mapping/survey (Objective O1); analysis of collected samples (Objective O2 and O3); pilot radiocarbon analyses (Objective O3).
  • Year 3: further fieldwork mapping/survey (Objective O1); completion of laboratory analysis (Objective O2); radiocarbon analyses (Objective O3); data processing and writing, presentation at conferences.

Desired skills/knowledge background of the applicant

Applicants will likely have a strong Honours BSc (or equivalent) in Geology or an allied subject. An MSc (taught or research) will be advantageous. Applicants are expected to have experience of independent field-based geological mapping and/or laboratory analysis. A driving license would be beneficial but not essential.

Career prospects

The anticipated outcome of the PhD is an understanding of the processes and rates of rapid change at anthropogenic coasts. This applied angle opens up potential careers in land management and planning at anthropogenic coasts, eg for public bodies/regulators or consultancies, as well academic career routes.

Funding notes

This PhD project is funded by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS), and the Angus Mitchell (PhD 1964) Bursary. The bursary was established by the late Miriam Carol Mitchell, wife of one of our graduates, Dr (Charles) Angus Mitchell (BSc 1958, PhD 1964) at the University of Glasgow, to support postgraduate students in Earth and Natural Sciences.

The funding will pay tuition for UK (home) applicants. To be treated as a home student, candidates must meet one of these criteria:

  • be a UK national (meeting residency requirements)
  • have settled status
  • have pre-settled status (meeting residency requirements)
  • have indefinite leave to remain or enter.



Planetary Analogues: Exploring Earth to aid Mars Sample Return

Supervisors: Dr Lydia HallisDr Iain Neill

Project aim

This research will identify similarities and differences between the rocks and sand collected on Mars by the NASA Perseverance rover, the associated NASA/ESA Mars sample return analogue materials, and Martian meteorites. This study will thus indicate the strengths and any weaknesses of the current analogue collection, as well as suggesting future analogue sites. 

Background information

Martian igneous and sedimentary rocks are currently being sampled by the NASA Perseverance rover at Jezero Crater on Mars, as part of the NASA/ESA Mars sample return (MSR) mission. So far Perseverance has collected 24 samples of rock and soil, each weighing ~15g. These samples are due to be returned to Earth within the next decade, with the key aims of understanding Mars’ formation and the possibility that life evolved on our red neighbour planet.

Given the small and precious nature of these samples it is vital that all proposed analysis methods are perfected before the samples are returned to Earth, in order to maximise scientific outputs. With this in mind NASA and ESA are currently searching for locations on Earth where rocks and sand similar to each MSR sample can be collected and studied to perfect the scientific and mechanical tests that will be performed on the true MSR samples. Six of these ‘analogue’ MSR sample sites have already been identified in Iceland, USA (x3) and Scotland, with ongoing investigations into other international sites.


The focus of this research will be to compare the mineralogy and chemistry of igneous and sand MSR analogue materials from Scotland, Iceland and Oregon (USA) to known martian meteorites. In addition, the project will involve investigations and possible fieldwork to new potential analogue sites as Perseverance continues to collect new rocks from Jezero crater and its surroundings.

Analytical techniques will include:

  • scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  • electron microprobe analysis (EMPA)
  • laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)
  • possible bulk rock chemical analyses (ICP-MS)

Training in analytical techniques will be provided, but prior experience with one or more of the quantitative methods would be an advantage.

Research outputs

The results from this project will be communicated to the wider scientific community via student attendance at both national and international conferences, as well as scientific publications and thesis submission.

Start date 

1 October 2025


STFC funding is available via a competitive process.The successful candidate will receive full funding, for tuition and stipend at UKRI standard levels. International candidates are encouraged to apply.


Applications should include a 2-page CV and 1-page cover letter (pdf format required for both), explaining why you are interested in this research project. Applications not submitted in this format will be rejected.

Applications should be emailed to by 5pm on 7 March 2025, with the email subject ‘GES STFC PhD studentship 2025’. Late applications will not be considered.

We expect to hold interviews the week beginning 24 March 2025.


The project is suitable for a UK or international graduate with a 2:1 honours degree or above (or international equivalent) in Geology or Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics or a related subject.

The ideal candidate will have an interest in geological fieldwork, mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry. No prior knowledge of planetary science or meteorites is required.



Paired meteorites: identical or nonidentical twins

Supervisors: Dr Luke DalyProfessor Martin LeeDr Joshua Franz Einsle 

Project aim

The fundamental assumption underpinning the field of meteoritics is that all extraterrestrial rocks that are found in the same strewn field in the aftermath of a meteorite dropping fireball event are identical to each other. This project dares to ask the uncomfortable question … is that true?

Background information

Meteorites fall to the ground in spectacular fireball displays, e.g. Winchcombe, Chelyabinsk. In many cases this results in the meteorite itself breaking up into several pieces, resulting in a strewn field where several stones can be recovered (King et al., 2022). Where several meteorites are recovered from the same strewn field and can be linked to a single fall event, we call these stones ‘paired’.

Similarly, where several rare meteorites are found on the same expedition to meteorite-rich search fields i.e. blue ice fields in Antarctica, they are also assumed to be paired. The assumption is that all paired stones are all lithologically identical to each other. However, most meteorite falls, especially chondritic meteorites, are likely to be small rubble pile asteroids- an amalgamation of small rocky fragments of different texture and compositions.

As such, it may not be safe to assume that all stones that fall during the same meteorite shower are the same rock. Indeed, asteroid Bennu, a C-type asteroid studied by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission appeared to have Vesta-like boulders across its surface (DellaGiustina et all, 2021). In addition, the Winchcombe meteorite has at least eight distinct lithologies held together by a cataclastic matrix (Suttle et al., 2024), and our recent studies of paired Martian nakhlite meteorites from antarctica suggest that they are texturally different (Griffin et al., 2023).

Due to their rarity most studies on meteoritic materials only work on one petrographic section of a meteorite ~1-2 cm in diameter and the specific fall stone it is taken from is rarely recorded. In this project we will explore a series of ‘paired’ meteorite falls including carbonaceous chondrites and ordinary chondrite falls, howardite eucrite diogenite meteorites from asteroid Vesta and Martian meteorite falls using advanced correlative microscopy techniques. To determine if they are the same or different


We will use a correlative, big data approach that combines X-ray computed tomography with scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques, and atom probe tomography. This approach will quantify these meteorites chemistry, mineralogy texture and crystallography in 3D from cm-atomic scales.

These data will evaluate whether different stones within meteorite falls are identical twins, non-identical twins or just unrelated flat mates  – testing a key assumption that underpins all of meteoritics. This will allow us to provide predictions on the internal compositions and lithological diversity of meteoroids prior to atmospheric entry and test current models of asteroid evolution and the delivery of extraterrestrial material to the Earth.

Training will be provided in the analytical techniques above and potentially others as required by the project. Prior experience with one or more of the above techniques would be an advantage.

Research outputs

The student will get the opportunity to present results to the wider scientific community at national and international conferences. Results will be presented within a thesis and could also be prepared for peer-reviewed publications


  • DellaGiustina, D. N., et al. (2021) Exogenic basalt on asteroid (101955) Bennu. Nature Astronomy 5(1), 31-38.
  • King, A. J., & Daly, L., et al., (2022). The Winchcombe meteorite, a unique and pristine witness from the outer solar system. Science Advances, 8(46), eabq3925.
  • Griffin, S, et al. (2023) Investigating the igneous petrogenesis of Martian volcanic rocks using augite quantitative textural analysis of the Yamato nakhlites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 58(1), 63-84.
  • Suttle, M. D., et al. (2024) The Winchcombe meteorite—A regolith breccia from a rubble pile CM chondrite asteroid. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 59(5), 1043-1067

Start date 

1 October 2025


STFC funding is available via a competitive process.The successful candidate will receive full funding, for tuition and stipend at UKRI standard levels. International candidates are encouraged to apply.


Applications should include a 2-page CV and 1-page cover letter (pdf format required for both), explaining why you are interested in this research project. Applications not submitted in this format will be rejected.

Applications should be emailed to by 5pm on 7 March 2025, with the email subject ‘GES STFC PhD studentship 2025’. Late applications will not be considered.

We expect to hold interviews the week beginning 24 March 2025.


The project is suitable for a UK or international graduate with a 2:1 honours degree or above (or international equivalent) in Geology or Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics or a related subject.The ideal candidate will have an interest in geological fieldwork, mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry. No prior knowledge of planetary science or meteorites is required



Viruses in fractured basalt aquifers: terrestrial analog for a potential Martian subsurface microbiome?

Supervisors: John Moreau, Leandro Lemgruber-Soares


On Earth, viruses are the most abundant microorganism in seawater (Suttle 2007). The relative abundance of viruses in terrestrial groundwaters is not yet known, but recent studies point towards a large and highly novel subsurface virome (Wu et al. 2024).

Given the widespread distribution of basalt in both the terrestrial and Martian geospheres (Hauber et al. 2011), and the hypothetical existence of a past or extant Martian subsurface biosphere strongly dependent on groundwater (e.g., Michalski et al. 2013), a study of terrestrial viruses and virus-like particles (VLPs), and their structural or biogeochemical biosignatures, from basalt aquifers would provide valuable analog data for potential future astrobiological investigations of the Martian subsurface.

Project aim and methods

In this project, we will first study viral structural biosignatures in groundwater samples collected from terrestrial basalt aquifers. We will perform this work with cryo-transmission electron microscopy, using both natural groundwater samples and samples “spiked” with bacteriophage cultures (viruses that only infect bacteria; ie. non-pathogenic towards humans) in various states of structural degradation.

We will also sequence viral genomic DNA from a suite of basalt-derived groundwaters to characterize the virome of basalts, and test for amplifiable artificially degraded viral DNA with next-generation sequencing technology.

Background information


Research outputs

The results from this project will provide a baseline of information against which to investigate possible Martian virus-like structural and genomic biosignatures in future sample returns.

The project will also inevitably make new discoveries about the abundance of viruses in terrestrial groundwaters, their potential to influence biogeochemical cycling, and their genome capacities. This interdisciplinary project will combine microbiology and earth science to create new knowledge in the field of astrobiology.


  • Hauber, E., Brož, P., Jagert, F., Jodłowski, P. and Platz, T., 2011. Very recent and wide‐spread basaltic volcanism on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(10).
  • Michalski, J.R., Cuadros, J., Niles, P.B., Parnell, J., Deanne Rogers, A. and Wright, S.P., 2013. Groundwater activity on Mars and implications for a deep biosphere. Nature Geoscience, 6(2), pp.133-138.
  • Suttle, C.A., 2007. Marine viruses—major players in the global ecosystem. Nature reviews microbiology, 5(10), pp.801-812.
  • Wu, Z., Liu, T., Chen, Q., Chen, T., Hu, J., Sun, L., Wang, B., Li, W. and Ni, J., 2024. Unveiling the unknown viral world in groundwater. Nature Communications, 15(1), p.6788.

Start date 

1 October 2025


STFC funding is available via a competitive process.The successful candidate will receive full funding, for tuition and stipend at UKRI standard levels. International candidates are encouraged to apply.


Applications should include a 2-page CV and 1-page cover letter (pdf format required for both), explaining why you are interested in this research project. Applications not submitted in this format will be rejected.

Applications should be emailed to by 5pm on 7 March 2025, with the email subject ‘GES STFC PhD studentship 2025’. Late applications will not be considered.

We expect to hold interviews the week beginning 24 March 2025.


The project is suitable for a UK or international graduate with a 2:1 honours degree or above (or international equivalent) in Geology or Earth Science, Chemistry, Microbiology or a related subject.

The ideal candidate will have an interest in microbiology, virology, astrobiology, chemistry, evolution of life in the solar system



Meteorite impact mass extinctions: Alkali feldspars as a record of impact energy, and an agent of environmental change 

SupervisorsProfessor Martin Lee, Dr Annemarie Pickersgill, Dr Luke Daly

Background and aims

The impact of a ~12 km diameter asteroid sixty-six million years ago caused one of the most devastating mass extinctions in Earth history. Many groups of animals including the non-avian dinosaurs succumbed to a cascade of environmental changes following the event (Morgan et al. 2022).

The ‘smoking gun’ of this impact is the 200 km diameter Chicxulub structure in Mexico, and detailed analysis of its rocks has provided a wealth of insights into the impact event and its effects on the Earth system.

One important new idea is that fragments of alkali feldspars that were ejected from the target rock into the atmosphere where they played an important role in post-impact climate change (Pankhurst et al. 2022).

This project seeks to test this hypothesis by exploring the significance and role of alkali feldspars in hypervelocity meteorite impacts.


This project will characterise alkali feldspars from the Chicxulub impact structure together with samples from other impact structures (eg. Ries in Germany and Rochechouart in France), and unshocked granites for comparison.

The Chicxulub structure was drilled by IODP-ICDP Expedition 364, showing that the target rock comprises carbonates and evaporites overlying a granitoid basement (Morgan et al. 2017; Feignon et al. 2021). The basement lithologies experienced pressures of ~16–18 GPa during the impact, with most minerals showing evidence for shock deformation. Alkali feldspar is abundant in the basement granite, but its response to the impact is poorly understood relative to other common rock-forming minerals (e.g., quartz).

Given that Chicxulub has been studied so intensively, the structure offers an excellent opportunity to characterise shock deformation of alkali feldspar and quantify the pressures at which key microstructures develop.

Another very important reason for focusing on alkali feldspar is that the mineral is highly effective in nucleating clouds (Harrison et al. 2016) and so could play a major role in the environmental aftereffects of impact events (Coldwell et al. 2019; Pankhurst et al. 2022).

However, for a comprehensive understanding of the atmospheric properties of feldspars, we need to know how the microstructures of shocked and unshocked mineral differ


The samples will be obtained from core repositories or collected by fieldwork, and analysed at Glasgow and other laboratories in the UK and internationally. Work will include conventional imaging and microanalysis techniques (eg. scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis) together with specialist tools for characterising mineral microstructures over length scales from millimetres (electron backscatter diffraction) to micrometres (transmission Kikuchi diffraction) and nanometres (transmission electron microscopy, atom probe tomography).

The outcome will be a comprehensive understanding of how alkali feldspars respond to hypervelocity impacts, and the role of shock deformed minerals in environmental change

Dissemination and skills

The student will be part of a lively and productive team of planetary scientists in Glasgow, collaborate with partners in Europe and the USA, and present results at UK and international conferences.

Upon completion they will be equipped with skills that could lead to employment in areas such as space exploration, materials technology, or environmental management.


  • Coldwell, B.C. and Pankhurst, M.J. (2019) Evaluating the influence of meteorite impact events on global potassium feldspar availability to the atmosphere since 600 Ma. Journal of the Geological Society 176, 209–224.
  • Feignon, J.-G., de Graaff, S. J., Ferrière, L., Kaskes, P., Déhais, T., Goderis, S., Claeys, P. and Koeberl, C. (2021) Chicxulub impact structure, IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 drill core: Geochemistry of the granite basement. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56: 1243–1273.
  • Harrison, A.D., Whale, T. F., Carpenter, M. A., Holden, M., Neve, L., O'Sullivan, D., Vergara Temprado, J. and Murray, B. J. (2016) Not all feldspar is equal: a survey of ice nucleating properties across the feldspar group of minerals. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1–26.
  • Morgan, J.V., Bralower, T.J., Brugger, J. et al. (2022) The Chicxulub impact and its environmental consequences. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment 3, 338–354.
  • Morgan J., Gulick S., Mellet C.L., Green S. L., and Expedition 364 Scientists. (2017) Chicxulub: Drilling the K-Pg impact crater. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 364. College Station, Texas
  • Pankhurst, M.J., Stevenson, C J. and Coldwell, B.C. (2022) Meteorites that produce K-feldspar-rich ejecta blankets correspond to mass extinctions. Journal of the Geological Society 179.

Start date 

1 October 2025


STFC funding is available via a competitive process.The successful candidate will receive full funding, for tuition and stipend at UKRI standard levels. International candidates are encouraged to apply.


Applications should include a 2-page CV and 1-page cover letter (pdf format required for both), explaining why you are interested in this research project. Applications not submitted in this format will be rejected.

Applications should be emailed to by 5pm on 7 March 2025, with the email subject ‘GES STFC PhD studentship 2025’. Late applications will not be considered.

We expect to hold interviews the week beginning 24 March 2025.



The geological evolution of C-complex asteroids and their role in the origins of life on Earth

Supervisors: Professor Martin Lee, Dr Lydia HallisDr Luke Daly


This project asks whether the terrestrial planets including Earth were made habitable by carbonaceous chondrite meteorites delivering bio-essential ingredients including water, organic compounds, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Landscape from NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Centre Image lab


Carbonaceous chondrite meteorites are samples of C-complex asteroids that were built 4560 million years ago from mineral grains, organic matter and ices. Soon after their construction water-rich ice was melted, and the resultant aqueous solutions reacted with mineral grains to make phyllosilicates (eg. serpentine), carbonates (eg. calcite), sulphides, and phosphates. Understanding the composition and origin these alteration products is crucial to evaluating the role of impacting meteorites in making our planet conducive for life. For example, the phyllosilicates could have been a major source of water on the surface of early Earth, and recent work has shown that the phosphates contain ammonia, and so meteorites hosting those minerals will have additionally delivered nitrogen and phosphorous (Pilgoret et al. 2024).

The carbonates are also particularly important to understand because via their chemical and isotopic compositions, and microstructures, these minerals can provide unique insights into long-standing questions about the nature and timescale of the geological evolution of C-complex asteroids (eg., the temperature and duration of water/rock interaction, and the intensity and timing of hypervelocity impacts) (Lee et al. 2014).

Inernational context

This project comes at a uniquely important time in our understanding of the early Solar System and its most primitive bodies. Samples have recently returned from two C-complex asteroids: Ryugu (sampled by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Hayabusa2 mission), and Bennu (sampled by the NASA OSIRIS-REx mission).

Furthermore, a CM carbonaceous chondrite recently landed in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, and was the first UK meteorite to be recovered in 30 years (King, Daly et al. 2022).


Meteorite samples will be analysed using conventional microanalytical techniques (eg. scanning electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, electron probe microanalysis, Raman spectroscopy) together with the novel tools of X-ray computed tomography and atom probe tomography.

This work will be undertaken both at Glasgow, and laboratories elsewhere in the UK and internationally.

Dissemination and skills

This research area is inherently international in scope. The student will collaborate with partners in Europe, the USA and Australia, and share results at international conferences. Upon completion they will be equipped with skills that could lead to employment in areas such as space exploration, materials technology, or environmental management.


  • King A. J., Daly, L. et al. 2022. The Winchcombe meteorite, a unique and pristine witness from the outer solar system. Science Advances 8: eabq3925.
  • Lee M. R., Lindgren P. and Sofe M. R. (2014) Aragonite, breunnerite, calcite and dolomite in the CM carbonaceous chondrites: high fidelity recorders of progressive parent body aqueous alteration. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 144, 126–156.
  • Pilorget, C., Baklouti, D., Bibring, J. P. et al. 2024. Phosphorus-rich grains in Ryugu samples with major biochemical potential. Nature Astronomy (early online)

Start date 

1 October 2025


STFC funding is available via a competitive process.The successful candidate will receive full funding, for tuition and stipend at UKRI standard levels. International candidates are encouraged to apply.


Applications should include a 2-page CV and 1-page cover letter (pdf format required for both), explaining why you are interested in this research project. Applications not submitted in this format will be rejected.

Applications should be emailed to by 5pm on 7 March 2025, with the email subject ‘GES STFC PhD studentship 2025’. Late applications will not be considered.

We expect to hold interviews the week beginning 24 March 2025.


Self funded opportunities



A data driven multiscale approach for understanding the Solar Systems oldest materials

Supervisors: Dr Luke Daly, Dr Joshua Einsle


Ca-Al-rich inclusions, or CAIs for short, are the oldest solar system materials that formed at incredibly high temperatures near the young Sun [1]. CAIs formed at the birth of the solar system 4.567 billion years ago. They are thought to have formed initially as pure high temperature equilibrium condensates [1].

However, they have also, in many cases, undergone back reactions with gases, thermal metamorphism and remelting processes in the nebular and alteration on their parent asteroid generating a diversity of textures [1]. Intriguingly, despite forming close to the young sun, they are now found embedded within all primitive chondrite meteorite types and even comets [1] that formed much further out in our solar system relative to CAIs. In particular, the largest examples of CAIs and the highest abundance are found in CV chondrites that formed beyond Jupiter.

How did these objects come together? This project seeks to explore variations within the CAI population between chondrite meteorites to answer the question: What diversity of processes were at work in the CAI forming region? And how did CAIs end up in their current distribution within chondrites from their starting location near the Sun?

References: [1] MacPherson, G. J. (2003). Treat. on Geochem., 1, 711

Project Description

In order to understand the distribution and variety of CAI’s across all chondritic meteorites, machine learning analytics will be employed on a range of microscopy data sets, both archival and freshly acquired. Starting from optical micrographs a machine learning enabled correlative approach will guide data driven selection criteria for high resolution techniques, including Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) which measures the crystal structure of minerals.

By combining these quantitative methods on the characterisation of CAI mineralogical microstructures a new advanced analytics derived classification system for CAIs will be developed. This big data approach of CAIs characterisation will enable us to establish the dominant processes affecting CAI formation and alteration and the distribution of CAI groups within chondrite meteorite types. The distribution of CAIs will in turn help us understand how these objects were delivered and concentrated in different asteroids that formed at various distances from the young sun.


The student will work with a dynamic team of planetary scientists at the University of Glasgow where they will gain a suite of skills in machine learning, big data, mineralogy, petrology, planetary science and astrobiology in addition to science communication. The student will work within a vibrant planetary science research community in the UK and internationally and will have the opportunity to travel widely in order to undertake research and present results at conferences.

Application deadline

This project is currently unfunded, as such there is no application deadline.


Contact with any questions.

A synchrotron X-ray fluorescence false colour image of a CAI
A synchrotron X-ray fluorescence false colour image of a CAI (red colour) within the carbonaceous chondrite Vigarano.



Heavy metal insights into the formation of planet Earth

Supervisors: Dr Luke Daly, Dr Joshua Einsle (& Dr Leanne Staddon from the University of St Andrews)


Our planet is unique. The Earth is the only planet with stable liquid water at the surface, and the only known planet to host life. How did this happen? How do you build a habitable planet? It is vital to answer these key questions if we ever want to figure out how life got started on Earth.
The Earth initially formed as a dry desert planet – very different to the planet we inhabit today.

Current theories suggest that most of Earths water, in addition to large quantities of organic material, could have been delivered in the final stages of Earth’s formation from water-rich asteroids, providing the vital components required for life to emerge. Several types of chondritic meteorites derived from water-rich asteroids are a close match to Earth’s ocean’s isotope composition, supporting such theories.

However, these same chondritic asteroids are also very different to the Earth both chemically and isotopically in other key components, particularly in the metal loving highly siderophile elements. This presents a challenge and an opportunity.

Highly siderophile elements are key recorders of planetary processes. For example, the unexpected enrichment of highly siderophile elements in Earth’s mantle suggests that primitive chondritic asteroids fell on the Earth during the last stages of planet formation and after planetary differentiation. While the famous global “Iridium layer” at 66 Ma is evidence for the catastrophic impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. Highly siderophile elements can therefore be utilised to trace the addition of chondritic meteorites to our Earth system.

However, our understanding of the mineralogical and textural context of highly siderophile elements is limited as these elements are commonly sequestered as nanophase minerals that are challenging to locate and characterise. By increasing our knowledge of highly siderophile element mineralogy in chondritic meteorites will augment our ability to answer key questions regarding planetary formation.

The student will use correlative microscopy to explore the petrology and isotopic composition of highly siderophile bearing minerals in chondritic meteorites to answer the following questions:

  1. How does HSE mineralogy, geochemistry and isotope geochemistry vary between ordinary and carbonaceous chondrite meteorites?
  2. What do these results tell us about the formation and evolution of chondritic asteroids?
  3. Which chondritic asteroid types could really have delivered water to the early Earth?

The project would suit a geologist, (geo-)physicist, or STEM graduate with an interest in Space and Planetary Science. The candidate should be willing to learn several advanced microanalytical tools. The candidate will also gain expertise in meteoritics, planet formation, the structure and evolution of the Earth, and Astrobiology.

Artist impression of the turbulent period of planet formation
Figure 1: Artist impression of the turbulent period of planet formation including asteroids impacts and planet-planet collisions. Image credit NASA.



How to peel a slab: Insights into slab weakening and slab-plume interactions in the Afar region

Supervisors: Professor Fin StuartProfessor Jeroen Van HunenDr Antoniette Greta Grima

Project overview

Systematic geochemical trends from the Red Sea Basalts show that helium concentrations in the Afar mantle plume are significantly lower than those of the upper mantle (Balci et al. 2024). This is suggests that the upwelling mantle is contaminated by oceanic crust subducted within the last 100 million years. A potential source for the younger slab material could be the Tethyan slab, currently sinking beneath southeastern Iran (Balci et al., 2024). However, lead isotope analyses indicate a considerably older subduction age (>300 million years). Current hypotheses struggle to reconcile the geochemical conundrum and provide a satisfactory geodynamic mechanism to supply the regional mantle transition zone with required amounts of basalt.

A possible plume contamination mechanism might be ‘slab peeling’, wherein some slabs through sufficient weakening at the top of the lower mantle, lose some of their basaltic and volatile components (e.g., van Keken et al., 1996, Tauzin et al., 2024; Yu et al., 2023). Evidence of long-lived subduction in the Afar region suggests the regional mantle transition zone is volatile-rich and potentially basaltic-enriched. As the Afar plume journeys towards the surface it can pick up these anomalous signatures from the mantle transition zone and the present-day subducting slab thus, explaining the low helium ratios observed at the surface (Balci et al., 2024, Figure 1). However, the mechanism by which slabs may peel off is unclear. Mineral physics and whole scale mantle convection models suggest that grain size dynamics and the presence of water may induce significant weakening at the top of the lower mantle (Dannberg et al., 2017, Mohiuddin et al., 2022, van Driel, 2022,). Furthermore, seismic tomography models suggest that the Afar plume might pond at bottom of the upper mantle before branching in the mantle transition zone (Chang et al., 2016). Plume ponding has the potential to warm up the mantle transition zone and the slab, inducing the latter to further weakening. The Afar deep-seated plume could also source geochemical signatures from the core-mantle boundary which might explain the unusual lead signatures observed at the Red Sea Basalts. This suggests that the anomalous Afar plume signatures at the surface are indicative of a complex slab-plume-mantle interaction at the top of the lower mantle, informed by a long history of subduction.

Project Objectives

This project will use numerical modelling to explore the interactions between subducted slabs and mantle plumes, incorporating water and grain-size dynamics in both 2D and 3D subduction models. Key research questions include:

1. What is the influence of grain size dynamics and the presence of water on slab weakening, and peeling at the top of the lower mantle?
2. What is the role of plume pooling at the bottom of mantle transition zone in slab weakening and peeling?
3. Can the Afar geochemical signatures be explained by the entrainment of peeled-off slab material vs. deep seated entrainment from the core-mantle boundary?


The project will involve thermo-chemical-mechanical subduction models with evolving grain size using the state of the art, open-source, adaptive mesh refinement, finite element software ASPECT (Heister et al., Geophys. J. Int., 2017) with a free surface, spatially variable internal heating, and visco-plastic convection in 2-D and 3-D.

The project will involve the implementation and application of the following main components:

1. Grain size dynamics into subduction models
2. Coupling grain size evolution, water availability and water weakening rheologies with slab dynamics
3. Applying recent ASPECT implementations for fluid transport in subduction zones to the Afar region

Project Timeline

Year 1

(1) Literature review
(2) Familiarisation with code
(3) Training in HPC techniques, modelling and data analysis
(4) Running of setup and boundary condition tests locally

Year 2

(1) Implementation and testing of grain size dynamics within a 2 and 3D subduction model
(2) Application of volatile dehydration and recycling to the Afar case study to investigate water weakening effects on slab peeling
(3) Author a publication
(4) Attend and present at an international workshop e.g., Ada Lovelace workshop on Mantle and Lithosphere dynamics.

Year 3

(1) Combine fluid and grain size dynamics in 2 and 3D subduction models to test various subduction parameters (e.g., slab age, subduction angle, crust thickness, water content)
(2) Model slab-plume interactions and compare this with geochemical evidence from the Afar plume
(3) Attend and present at an international conference e.g., AGU or EGU.
(4) Writing of further manuscript for publication

Year 3.5

Completion of manuscripts for publication and thesis writing

Training and skills

The student will receive training in writing, testing, running, processing and analysing numerical models. This will include essential skills like good programming practices (including version control), GitHub skills, code development and usage of high-performance computing systems (HPCs)

Training in a wider range of important skills (e.g., networking, presentation skills, paper/thesis writing) will be provided by the College of Science and Engineering and the Research and Innovation Services at the University of Glasgow, and the student will also benefit from cross-disciplinary training provided as part of the IAPETUS DTP.

The student will have opportunities to work with collaborators at the SUERC and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research. The student will also have several opportunities to attend national and international scientific meetings to present research results and to participate in the annual ASPECT Hackathon where they can contribute to and develop new code. We aim to see all students publish at least two papers in leading scientific journals during their PhD. Upon completion, the student will be well equipped for a career in academia or in a range of industries.



Quantifying Climatic and Tectonic Controls on the Cenozoic Evolution of the Greater Caucasus

SupervisorsDr Paul Eizenhöfer 

Background and outline

The Greater Caucasus is Europe’s largest mountain belt, and yet, in marked contrast to the Alps, fundamental issues remain about the role of tectonic and climatic processes on its Cenozoic orogeny. In particular, the timing, style and rate of rock uplift and exhumation potentially provide crucial information for reconstructing the geodynamic evolution of the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt, but this information remains unresolved for this region. Modern analytical and numerical techniques based on low-temperature thermochronometer data, have only been sparsely applied in the Greater Caucasus region despite dense data coverage elsewhere along the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt.

Mt Elbrus in the Greater Caucasus

This PhD project aims to provide new insights into the exhumation history of the Greater Caucasus utilizing (i) analysis of new and existing thermochronometer data along structural cross sections and (ii) state-of-the-art thermo-kinematic and erosion numerical modelling to ascertain the role of Cenozoic tectonics on its present-day topography and past exhumation history. Coupling of data from multiple thermochronometer systems with structural and thermo-kinematic models along selected strike-perpendicular transects will provide new constraints on the spatial and temporal continuity of tectonic processes during the lithospheric evolution of the Greater Caucasus. The approach will allow the estimation of the role of Cenozoic climatic drivers on the evolution of this mountain belt, eg., evaluating the discrepancy of long-term climatic gradients contrasting the present-day topographic homogeneity from W-to-E.


  • Structural-kinematic reconstruction of the Greater Caucasus.
    Thermo-kinematic modelling along selected transects.

Methodology and Timeframe

(Year 1-2) The PhD student will reconstruct the structural-kinematic as well as foreland basin evolution of the Greater Caucasus along selected orogen-scale transects in MOVE™ employing a balanced cross section approach including the modelling of isostatic responses.
(Year 2-3) The orogen-wide distribution of low-temperature thermochronology data will be predicted through numerical thermo-kinematic models along the selected transects using these structural-kinematic solutions. This approach will establish a novel exhumation history of the Greater Caucasus validated by observed low-temperature thermochronology data.
(Year 3.5) Results will be integrated, and PhD thesis completed.

Desired skills/knowledge background of the applicant

The project is suitable for a graduate with a good honours’ degree in Geology, Earth Science, or Geophysics, with an interest in developing expertise in computational modelling and who demonstrated experience relevant to the project outline above (e.g., a dissertation, specific training in a relevant skill, or other project experience). Basic programming skills such as MATLAB or Python would be very helpful.

Career prospects

The PhD student will be trained by a leading expert of geomorphology and tectonics to constrain the formation of small mountain ranges. This training involves analyses of structural and thermochronological data to reconstruct the mid- to long-term (kyr to Myr) evolution of the Greater Caucasus. The student will be exposed to high-level programming environments (Python, MATLAB, C++, Fortran). Furthermore, the student will apply and develop process-based numerical models in a high-performance cluster (HPC) environment. This also implies the statistical evaluation of model runs.

The training also constitutes transferable skills: project management, scientific writing, grant acquisition, and project reporting. These make the student highly competitive to a career in computationally driven Earth System science. The student will be competitive in the fields of environmental consulting, resource security, and software development.



Relict Landscapes as Archives of Past Climatic and Tectonic Conditions

Supervisors: Dr Paul Eizenhöfer and and Dr Martin Hurst. External collaborators: Dr Fiona Clubb (University of Durham) and Professor Mark Allen (University of Durham)


  • Implementation of landscape evolution models to establish systematics that promote the emergence of relict landscapes.
  • Automated extraction and interpretation of geomorphological metrics across climatically and tectonically distinct regions to establish a global database of relict landscapes.
  • Model inversions to identify the range of climatic and tectonic parameters that are archived within the relict landscapes.

 Legacy landscapes in numerical models of landscape evolution in fold-thr

Background and outline

‘Relict’ landscapes are low-relief, high elevation surfaces that are often interpreted as an archive of previously stable tectonic and/or climatic conditions. These landscapes are commonly recognised in mountain ranges that have been interpreted to be undergoing late-Cenozoic acceleration in tectonic uplift and a rejuvenation by an erosional response (e.g., Clark et al., 2006). Relict topography (and the information it contains about past conditions) will eventually be lost through such erosion (e.g., Whittaker & Boulton, 2012).

These remnants of Earth’s geologic past have been identified across various landscapes on Earth. Several alternative mechanisms have been proposed for their formation including emerging from dynamic reorganisation of drainage networks through divide migration and drainage capture (Yang et al., 2015; Whipple et al., 2017), or due to lateral advection of uplifted topography (Eizenhöfer et al 2019). Yet the mechanisms of formation from the nature of the topography remains unclear. Building on these recent studies, the primary goals of this project are: (i) identifying the processes that can lead to low relief upland; and (ii) deciphering their geomorphological record of past tectonic and climatic conditions across the globe. These goals will be achieved through state-of-the-art, process-based numerical models of landscape evolution.

Understanding the mechanisms to create and preserve such relict landscapes and being able to reconstruct their geomorphological archive of Earth’s past is crucial to understand the interaction of physical processes within the Earth System and to unlock feedbacks between tectonics, climate, and topography. Such knowledge will help to understand spatial landscape responses and response times to changes due to external forcings, improving efforts in earthquake risk assessments and mitigating the consequences of climate change.

Desired skills/knowledge background of the applicant

The project is suitable for a graduate with a good honours degree in Geology, Earth Science, or Geophysics, with an interest in developing expertise in computational modelling.

Career prospects

The PhD student will be trained by leading experts of geomorphology and tectonics to achieve a holistic understanding of System Earth. This training involves analyses of remote sensing data, data in the fields of climate and tectonics to reconstruct the mid- to long-term (kyr to Myr) evolution of landscapes. The student will be exposed to high-level programming environments (Python, MATLAB, C++, Fortran). Furthermore, the student will apply and develop process-based numerical models in a high-performance cluster (HPC) environment. This also implies the statistical evaluation of model runs and big data analysis.

The training also constitutes transferable skills: project management, scientific writing, grant acquisition, and project reporting. These make the student highly competitive to a career in computationally driven Earth System science. The student will be able to analyse and manipulate large data sets, apply, and evolve process-based numerical models, make data-driven model predictions towards machine learning capabilities. The student will be competitive in the fields of environmental consulting, hazard research, land management and software development.


  1. Clark, M. K., Royden, L. H., Whipple, K. X., Burchfiel, B. C., Zhang, X., & Tang, W. (2006). Use of a regional, relict landscape to measure vertical deformation of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 111(F3).
  2. Eizenhöfer, P. R., McQuarrie, N., Shelef, E., & Ehlers, T. A. (2019). Landscape response to lateral advection in convergent orogens over geologic time scales. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(8), 2056-2078.
  3. Whipple, K. X., Forte, A. M., DiBiase, R. A., Gasparini, N. M., & Ouimet, W. B. (2017). Timescales of landscape response to divide migration and drainage capture: Implications for the role of divide mobility in landscape evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(1), 248-273.
  4. Whittaker, A. C., & Boulton, S. J. (2012). Tectonic and climatic controls on knickpoint retreat rates and landscape response times. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 117(F2).
  5. Yang, R., Willett, S. D., & Goren, L. (2015). In situ low-relief landscape formation as a result of river network disruption. Nature, 520(7548), 526-529.



Investigating plume-lithosphere-surface process interactions across craton margins

Supervisors: Dr Antoniette Greta Grima, Dr Paul Eizenhöfer, Dr Mark Wildman, Dr Cristina Persano.
Interested applicants should contact:


This project will investigate the role that deep mantle processes have played in controlling intraplate crustal deformation and the creation of surface topography. Specifically, this project will explore the effect of buoyant mantle plumes beneath a heterogeneously thick continental lithosphere and the extent to which deformation and surface uplift becomes focussed at the boundary between thick cratons and the younger surrounding continental lithosphere. Using the South A`frican continental plateau as a case study, the project will also constrain how surface processes respond to the interaction between deep mantle upwellings and continental heterogeneities, to produce the present-day topography. In this way, we will test the hypothesis that a mid-Cretaceous mantle plume drove continental deformation, uplift, and surface evolution at the southwest margin of the Kaapvaal craton.


Old cratonic regions comprise over 60% of the continental surface and are generally considered to be tectonically stable features over potentially billions of years1. However, the reason for long-term cratonic stability is debated with the potential for mantle plumes to erode cratonic keels, produce vertical motions of the lithosphere and focus deformation at lithospheric weak zones2. This is particularly pertinent to the African plate whose long-term stability has meant a long-standing relationship with deep mantle plumes and the African Large Low-Shear Velocity Province (LLSVP) since the breakup of Pangea3. Tomographic models suggest that thermochemical mantle plumes rising from the edges of the LLSVPs or the surrounding core-mantle boundary region (CMB) can undergo thinning, splitting and deflection as they transition from the lower to the upper mantle4,5. As these plumes reach the continental lithosphere they can dynamically support excess elevation on the continental lithosphere6. However, the interaction between the plume and the overlying continental lithosphere is still unclear. Do mantle plumes split further into smaller and thinner branches as they reach the top of the mantle? And how does the plume morphology affect the topographic signal at the surface of the continental plate?

nderstanding the interaction between mantle plumes and continental lithosphere is, therefore, critical in understanding the long-term evolution of topography in intraplate settings and the formation and mobilisation of critical mineral deposits1,2. The South African case is intriguing case study where the long-term stability over the LLSVP and absence of subduction processes affecting the African plate allows us to isolate the role of mantle plume – lithosphere interactions in controlling how and when the topography of the highly elevated, low-relief, interior plateau formed. The apatite thermochronological dataset across SW Africa suggests a more complex history than that predicted by simple conceptual models of high-elevation passive margin evolution following the break-up of South America and Africa in the Early Cretaceous3. Mantle-plume driven uplift during the middle to Late Cretaceous has been suggested as a mechanism to drive regional erosion across the South African plateau and explain the timing of peaks offshore sediment volumes7. However, the data implies more local variation in the patterns of erosion and infers a thickness of several kilometres of crust was eroded in the mid-Cretaceous from the off-craton region of the continental plateau while over the Kaapvaal craton region, the magnitude of erosion has been low since the Palaeozoic8,9.

The project will create new insights into the interplay of mantle, tectonic and surface processes in forming the South African topography, with implications for the stability of craton and craton margins globally.


The project will apply a two-phase numerical modelling approach (year 1 and 2). The first phase will evaluate the applicability of different scenarios for the interaction of buoyant mantle upwellings with the overlying continental lithosphere in South Africa. The model set-up emulating its cratonic evolution will be comprised of a thick cratonic block and thinner surrounding lithosphere, and make inferences on the timing, location, and magnitude of surface uplift produced during these scenarios at large-scale (>1000 km). During this first phase the goal is to understand how plume properties (e.g., morphology, temperature, density, viscosity, and geochemistry) can influence the degree of plume branching or splitting. These models will be constrained by seismic tomography models and geochemical signatures and will provide an insight into the plume-continental lithosphere relationship along South Africa.

The next step is to understand the contributions of continental heterogeneity on the plume dynamics. This step will explore how rheological and geometry variations in continental and cratonic keel properties can inform the plume’s contribution to continental uplift and tilting at the surface. Geodynamic modelling will provide information on the evolution of the mantle and lithosphere thermal field, strain rates and stress values of the overriding plate, and the timing and rate of uplift.

The second phase (years 2 and 3) will incorporate these predictions into (i) surface process models, and (ii) thermal models of the crust to simulate the evolution of exhumation and topography linked to deep mantle processes. The high-resolution (<10 km) integrated surface process and thermal model will predict spatial patterns of thermochronological data, which can be compared to the existing and extensive South African thermochronological dataset.

Knowledge background of the student

The project is suitable for a graduate with a good honours degree in Geology, Earth Science, or Geophysics, with an interest in developing expertise in computational modelling.

Career prospects

This project will equip the student with skills in geodynamics, deep mantle processes, quantitative geomorphology, geochronology, and numerical modelling. This will equip the student with a diverse range of geoscientific knowledge that could be applied to the exploration of natural resources and environmental and hazard management, as well as transferable technical skills, such as familiarity with a variety of code environments (i.e., C++, Python, Fortran) and performing high-performance cluster computing, which could be applied in other scientific fields in academia and industry.


  1. Pearson, D. G., Scott, J. M., Liu, J., Schaeffer, A., Wang, L. H., van Hunen, J., Szilas, K., Chacko, T., & Kelemen, P. B. (2021). Deep continental roots and cratons. Nature, 596(7871), 199-210.
  2. Guillou-Frottier, L., Burov, E., Cloetingh, S., Le Goff, E., Deschamps, Y., Huet, B., & Bouchot, V. (2012). Plume-induced dynamic instabilities near cratonic blocks: Implications for P–T–t paths and metallogeny. Global and Planetary Change, 90, 37-50.
  3. Garnero, E.J, McNamara, A., & Shim, S. (2016). Continent-sized anomalous zones with low seismic velocity at the base of the Earth’s mantle. Nature Geoscience, 9, 481-489.
  4. French, S. & Romanowicz, B. (2015). Broad plumes rooted at the base of the Earth’s mantle beneath major hotspots. Nature, 525,95-99.
  5. Tsekhmistrenko, M., Sigloch, K., Hosseini, K., & Barruol, G. (2021). A tree of Indo-African mantle plumes imaged by seismic tomography. Nature Geoscience, 14, 612-619.
  6. Lithgow-Bertelloni, C., & Silver, P.G., (1998). Dynamic topography, plate driving forces and the African superswell. Nature, 395, 269-272.
  7. Stanley, J. R., Braun, J., Baby, G., Guillocheau, F., Robin, C., Flowers, R. M., Brown, R., Wildman, M., & Beucher, R. (2021). Constraining plateau uplift in southern Africa by combining thermochronology, sediment flux, topography, and landscape evolution modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(7), e2020JB021243.
  8. Wildman, M., Cogné, N., & Beucher, R. (2019). Fission-track thermochronology applied to the evolution of passive continental margins. In Fission-track thermochronology and its application to geology (pp. 351-371). Springer, Cham.
  9. Wildman, M., Brown, R., Persano, C., Beucher, R., Stuart, F. M., Mackintosh, V., Schwanethal, J., & Carter, A. (2017). Contrasting Mesozoic evolution across the boundary between on and off craton regions of the South African plateau inferred from apatite fission track and (U‐Th‐Sm)/He thermochronology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(2), 1517-1547.



Tracking the evolution of C-complex asteroids using carbonates

Supervisor: Prof Martin LeeDr Luke DalyDr John MacDonald (


This project will develop a new and detailed understanding of the evolution of C-complex asteroids through the analysis of carbonate minerals using state of the art geochemical and mineralogical techniques. Specifically, the project will use Ca- Mg- and Fe-rich carbonates in the CI and CM carbonaceous chondrite meteorites (calcite, dolomite, siderite, magnesite) to track the evolution of the temperature, and chemical and isotopic composition of pore fluids during the first few million years of solar system history. Results will be highly applicable to interpreting results from ongoing missions to the asteroids Bennu and Ryugu.


Understanding the evolution of C-type asteroids is important as they are likely to be a significant contributor to the volatile budget of the Earth. Soon after their accretion within the protoplanetary disk, C-complex asteroids were heated sufficiently to melt water ice (Fujiya et al., 2012). Interaction of this water with co-accreted minerals and glasses produced a suite of secondary minerals including phyllosilicates, sulphides and carbonates. Although they are a volumetrically minor component, the carbonates can provide detailed information on the nature and evolution of the parent body fluids, including their chemical composition, temperature, pH and Eh, which can itself reveal the length scale and longevity of the aqueous system (Guo and Eiler 2007; Lee et al., 2014). In addition to conventional analytical tools, this project proposes to use the evolving technique of atom probe tomography (APT), which has recently been shown to yield unique insights into the nanoscale chemical and isotopic compositions of carbonate minerals in the carbonaceous chondrite meteorites (Daly et al., 2018).


The meteorite samples will be studied using conventional scanning electron microscopy techniques to locate, petrographically characterise and chemically analyse the carbonates. Data on their carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions will be available from work ongoing at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, and new analyses for the project using nanoSIMS. APT will be undertaken in the UK (Oxford University), or at partner organisations in Australia (Sydney and Curtin universities).

Knowledge background of the student

The project is suitable for a graduate with a good honours degree in Geology or Earth Science with an interest in Planetary Science.

Career prospects

This project will equip the student with skills in planetary science, mineralogy and geochemistry, which could lead to employment in areas such as resource exploration, environmental management and space science.


Contact the principal supervisor with any questions:



Baffin Island plume development and evolution (Dr Lydia Hallis)

Supervisors: Dr Lydia Hallis

Project aim:

  1. Characterise sample mineralogy, via SEM analyses, and locate olivine-bound glassy melt inclusions
  2. Use SEM EDX and WDX in combination to determine inclusion chemistry. This will allow for the differentiation of samples from the previously reported depleted and enriched plume sources. Melt inclusion chemistry will also indicate if crustal assimilation or sea-water contamination has affected any of the samples.
  3. Use LA-ICP-MS to measure inclusion trace-element chemistry (including REE), to again look for crustal assimilation and contamination.
  4. Crush olivine separates of each sample to gain 3He/4He isotopic data, in order to determine if these samples originate from an undegassed, deep mantle source, as suggested by previous Baffin Island picrite analyses.

Studies of the trace-element, radiogenic-isotope, and noble gas isotope characteristics of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and ocean-island basalts (OIBs) reveal the existence of domains within Earth’s mantle that have experienced distinct evolutionary histories. Although alternative theories exist, most studies suggest that high 3He/4He ratios in some OIBs indicate the existence of relatively undegassed regions in the deep mantle compared to the upper mantle, which retain a greater proportion of their primordial He. Study of the chemistry of these deep mantle regions can thus provide information relating to the Earth’s original composition, and the building blocks it formed from.

The Baffin Bay Volcanic Province erupted ~58 million years ago, during the rifting apart of Greenland and Baffin Island, which formed the Davis Strait. The resulting picrites are among the earliest manifestations of the ancestral Iceland mantle plume, and are thought to have a composition that reflects little fractionation from the mantle source. Based on the trace element compositions of chilled margins and glasses from the Baffin Bay picrites, Robillard et al. (1992) demonstrated that both slightly depleted lavas (similar to NMORBS) and slightly enriched lavas (similar to E-MORBS) were erupted. Both N-type and E-type picrites from this location have been reported to contain the highest 3He/4He ratios of any terrestrial samples yet measured, at between 31 and 50 Ra. These high 3He/4He ratios highlight the undegassed nature of the Baffin Island mantle plume material, indicating it has been largely isolated from mantle mixing over geological time.

The PhD candidate will analyse the mineralogy, petrology and chemistry of 5 unstudied Baffin Island picrites, originally collected from north-east Padloping Island in 2004. The aim of the project is to determine if the Baffin Island source region has been truly isolated from crustal recycling and mantle mixing throughout Earth history.


MSc by Research


AccOrD: Accretionary Orogenesis Driving the Preservation of Continental Interiors over Geologic Time (MSc by Research)

Supervisors: Paul R. EizenhöferDr Iain Neill

Background and outline

Most present-day continents such as the Americas, Africa or Eurasia contain ancient crust that was formed in Mesoarchean to Palaeoproterozoic times (<3.2 billion years ago). In the literature, these tectonic units are commonly known as cratons.

In general, they are surrounded by younger sedimentary platforms, continental basins, geologically younger mountain belts and regions of crustal extensions. Despite their involvement in multiple supercontinent cycles and undergoing various tectonic processes such as oceanic subduction, continental collision, magmatism and rifting events along their margins and interiors over billions of years, cratons have proven remarkably persistent over geologic time scales. Understanding their evolution provides not only insights into the early Earth since the Mesoarchean but also can be extrapolated to understand planetary crustal evolution in our Solar System and elsewhere. However, the factors that facilitate the preservation of continental interiors and cratons on Earth are still a matter of debate (e.g., Pearson et al., 2021).

Similarly, the tectonic mechanisms that nurture continental and cratonic destruction remain largely unresolved. The project will test the hypothesis, if oceanic subduction is accompanied by sustained accretionary processes, then any continental interior, such as cratonic cores, will be more likely preserved while more destructive tectonic processes shift to outwards positions. To test this hypothesis, this study will conduct a targeted sedimentary provenance analysis along the northern margin of the North China Craton. Seventeen bedrock samples of Palaeozoic sedimentary strata have been collected along the northern margin of the North China Craton.

Their depositional ages range from the Ordovician to Permian. These samples will be subjected to in-situ zircon U-Pb, Hf and O analyses as well as whole-rock geochemical analyses to identify their sedimentary provenance, and, hence, the nature of the Palaeozoic subduction environment along the craton margin.

 present-day tectonic configuration including cratonic cores and Phanerozoic orogens of central and east Asia

Desired skills/knowledge background of the applicant:

Applicants can come from geology, environmental geoscience, or physical geography disciplines as long as they have demonstrated experience relevant to the preferred topic from the project outline above (e.g., an undergraduate dissertation, specific training in a relevant skill, or other project experience). GIS, Google Earth, and basic programming skills such as MATLAB or Python would be very helpful.

Career prospects:

The student will develop transferable skills such as work and communication in an international research group, data and project management. These skills make the student highly competitive to a career in data-driven Earth System science. The student will be highly employable in the fields of environmental consulting, hazard research, and land management. The project has the potential to be developed towards a PhD study.

Bench fees: £3750 



Evolution of Fluvial Systems ­– Nature vs. Model

Supervisors: Dr Amanda Owen,  Dr Paul Eizenhöfer

Numerically modelled fluvial landscape and underlying structural-kinematic reconstruction of central Nepal

Background and outline

Fluvial systems are a primary driver of long-term (Myr) landscape evolution. Their geomorphology, erosional features and sedimentary products are accessible archives to decipher climatic and tectonics conditions that shaped such landscapes (Bishop, 2007). Numerical landscapes evolution models (Tucker & Hancock, 2010) are often employed to test hypotheses that are concerned with climate/tectonic interaction over geologic time scales. These models can simulate a variety of surface processes such as hillslope diffusion and fluvial erosion. Based on idealised theoretical concepts of erosion and deposition (e.g., Davy & Lague), the predicted landscapes often appear to be strikingly similar to natural landscapes (e.g., Eizenhöfer et al., 2019).

However, the question remains unanswered at what temporal and spatial scales these models reflect the natural world. How does the natural complexity of a fluvial system from source to sink compare to that of modelled ones? This project aims to quantify modelled and natural fluvial systems and identify caveats in applying numerical landscape evolution models to the natural world. The student will employ numerical landscape evolution models to simulate fluvial systems, and then compare geomorphological and sedimentological metrics from both, predicted and a range of natural fluvial systems worldwide

Desired skills/knowledge background of the applicant

Basic programming skills such as in MATLAB or Python (not essential).

Career prospects

The student will develop transferable skills such as work and communication in an international research group and project management. These skills make the student highly competitive to a career in data-driven, computational Earth System science. The student will be highly employable in the fields of environmental consulting, hazard research, and land management.

Project can be expanded to pursue a PhD degree.


  1. Bishop, P. (2007). Long‐term landscape evolution: linking tectonics and surface processes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: the Journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group, 32(3), 329-365.
  2. Davy, P., & Lague, D. (2009). Fluvial erosion/transport equation of landscape evolution models revisited. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 114(F3).
  3. Eizenhöfer, P. R., McQuarrie, N., Shelef, E., & Ehlers, T. A. (2019). Landscape response to lateral advection in convergent orogens over geologic time scales. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(8), 2056-2078.
  4. Tucker, G. E., & Hancock, G. R. (2010). Modelling landscape evolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35(1), 28-50.



Cement Waste Carbonation for Carbon Capture (Dr John MacDonald)

Supervisor: (


This project will investigate the natural capture of carbon dioxide by a legacy cement waste heap.

Rationale of the project

Cement manufacture involves smelting raw materials (predominantly limestone and clay) in a furnace at ~2000 °C which produces gravel- to cobble-sized cement clinker, which is subsequently ground up to become cement powder. Some clinker may be discarded for quality-control reasons and has historically been dumped in heaps around cement works. The clinker is composed of highly reactive minerals (this is what gives cement its desired properties), which are far from equilibrium in the natural environment and, similar to other industrial smelting products like steel slag, react with atmospheric CO2 to precipitate calcium carbonate (calcite). This reaction, which draws down atmospheric CO2, merits further investigation as it may present an opportunity to limit or reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations which are increasing global temperatures. In order to address the feasibility of this, various questions need to be addressed such as how much CO2 could waste cement clinker sequester, and what are the mechanics of the calcite precipitation.


Samples of cement clinker have been collected from a former cement works near Wishaw in Scotland. A small cliff section through a bank of partially ground discarded clinker shows irregular layering and a range of textures. Photography and logging of this cliff will provide context to subsequent petrographic and XRD analysis to determine the mineralogy. µCT analysis will be conducted on samples to determine the spatial distribution and volume of calcite which has precipitated on the clinker.

Knowledge background of the student

The student should have a geoscience or chemistry background with a strong interest in climate change and its mitigation. Laboratory experience is desirable and a willingness to learn new techniques in a laboratory environment is vital. A competent ability in scientific writing, gained through an undergraduate mapping or research project, is expected.

Career prospects

This MSc by Research project will give the student experience in advanced SEM techniques and familiarity with industrial residues and the opportunities they present. These skills will equip them for further research through a PhD or a career in a discipline relevant to climate change or environmental management.

Figure 1. Section through a waste cement deposit (left) and a close-up of calcite precipitated on the cement clinker (right).

Interested applicants should contact Dr. John MacDonald at:



Evolution of the western Carboniferous Midland Valley Basin, Scotland (Dr Cristina Persano)

Supervisors: Dr Cristina Persano, Dr Amanda Owen, Dr Iain Neill

Project aim:

The aim of this project is to quantitatively reconstruct the source of Carboniferous sediments in the western portion of the Midland Valley and constrain the basin’s thermal evolution since its deposition. Data from this area will be integrated into a wider project based at the University of Glasgow to better understand the Carboniferous Midland Valley and its potential as an unconventional resource basin, including oil and geothermal energy.

Project rationale:

To date, the Carboniferous of the Midland Valley of Scotland has received considerably less attention than its Devonian counterpart. Carboniferous sedimentation and associated volcanism occurred in response to crustal extension, and the nature and source of sedimentary materials represents a delicate balance between tectonic processes operating both locally and across NW Europe, and sea level change. The Midland Valley has provided important sources of coal, aggregate and limestone which fuelled Scotland’s industrial revolution, and is today the source of much interest for low-enthalpy geoenergy resources close to our main towns and cities (eg.Potential for deep geothermal energy in Scotland).

Although a stratigraphic framework is in place, detailed sedimentological and geochronological data is generally lacking due to urbanisation and a lack of outcrops being present in the central portion of the Midland Valley leading to gaps in knowledge. However, access to unique core from drilling associated with the Dalmarnock UK Geoenergy Observatories programme will shed light onto this economically significant basin through new geochronological and sedimentological studies.

In this project, quantified facies mapping techniques, zircon U-Pb dating and apatite fission track analyses will help understand fundamental scientific questions of the Scottish Carboniferous: whether a dominantly axial or transverse sediment routing system was present, the key source areas for sediment supply, and the post-depositional thermal history. Our group have already commenced work on the eastern Midland Valley, but for the first time we have an opportunity to continue this work in the western part of the basin. All aspects of these questions are critically important for this basin due to its economic significance as it is currently being explored to assess its viability as a geothermal resource. The approaches taken within this study will not only serve to answer questions specific to this basin but also serve as a methodological approach to resource (i.e. coal, shale gas, geothermal) identification, reservoir connectivity, and prediction of the best targets for exploitation in other under-utilized basins across the world.


The work is organized into two parts which interact and feedback on each other. The rock core will be fully logged by the student, its sedimentary characteristics and structures will then be used to quantitatively characterise facies to generate robust palaeogeographic interpretations. The portions of the sedimentary core allotted to Glasgow will undergo extensive petrographic investigations, and those, coupled with the logs, will guide a sampling strategy for the recovery of zircon and apatite grains. Apatites will undergo U-Pb dating and fission track analysis at the University of Glasgow, whilst entire zircon populations will undergo U-Pb dating and trace element analysis using laser ablation mass spectrometry, again at the University of Glasgow. The U-Pb ages will provide insights onto the provenance of the sediments, whereas the fission track data will constrain the thermal evolution of the basin.

The student will then integrate the different datasets in combination with regional data to produce a paleogeographic model for the western portion of the Carboniferous Midland Valley, which will then be integrated into ongoing work in our group to build a robust understanding of the origins and thermal history of this economically significant sedimentary basin.

Please note that there is a £1000 programme cost due from the student. This cost partially covers the student’s expenses to visit Nottingham for core sampling, for laboratory preparation, sample analysis, and subsequent conference/workshop presentations.

Knowledge background of the student

You must have a 2:1 in a relevant Geoscience degree. You must be enthusiastic about working in a laboratory and attentive to the Health and Safety procedures. You must be able to work independently, effectively managing your project, but also be part of the research team and work alongside other lab users, including postgraduate students and research fellows, in a vibrant, international environment.

Career prospects

Due to the multidisciplinary aspects to this project the chosen student will gain a host of skills. Research based skills including scientific writing, presentation (poster and oral) and outreach skills will be gained as part of this project. Scientific skills include training in logging of sedimentary core, quantitative facies analyses, U/Pb analysis of zircons and apatite fission track analyses, involving training in sample preparation and laser ablation mass spectrometry. Such skill sets are relevant for a future career in both industry (such as geothermal, oil and gas and mining) and academia (PhD programmes).

You will be eligible to attend a range of study- and career-enhancing workshops as part of their postgraduate training at the University of Glasgow.



Quantifying the mineralogical controls on precious metal enrichment in the Rum layered intrusion, NW Scotland (Dr Joshua F Einsle)

Supervisors: Dr Joshua F Einsle, Dr John Faithfull, Dr Brian O’Driscoll (University of Manchester), and Dr Daniel Lonsdale (LIG Nanowise)

Project aim:

The Rum layered mafic intrusion (NW Scotland) provides an excellent opportunity for studying the processes by which platinum group metals (PGM) are mobilised and enriched during precious metal ore formation. Connecting the magmatic processes that operated in the Rum body with other economically significant layered intrusions relies on being able to quantitatively contextualise multiscale data to reveal the full complexity of the PGM mineral assemblage and distribution.  By combining advanced microscopy and microanalysis techniques with machine learning tools, this project will provide a statistically quantitative approach to understanding the PGM mineralisation in the Rum intrusion.  Working from the field and hand sample scales down to the grain scale, this project will look to correlate optical information (sub-micrometre optical microscopy and Raman mapping) with electron beam microanalysis to develop an efficient workflow for locating and describing nanoscale PGM grains in samples, while simultaneously preserving large scale context. This should result in a flexible tools set suitable for studying other energy critical element orebodies.

Project rationale:

Platinum group metals (PGM) are of increasing global importance due to their role in the automotive and electronics industries.  This demand drives a need to not only understand existing resources but investigate methods for enhanced recovery of PGM from previously extracted ore; a prospect whose economic viability depends on metal price(s). Interestingly, most of these reserves are associated with layered igneous intrusions, where chromite layers are enriched in PGM.

This project will leverage the strong lithological and structural similarities between the Rum Layered Suite and the world’s most productive PGM resource (the Bushveld Complex, South Africa) to help develop a holistic model for PGM enrichment in chromite more generally. As Rum is considerably younger and smaller, it should preserve valuable primary magmatic (chemical, textural) signatures which are not present in the Bushveld body. This makes Rum a valuable locality to examine PGM distribution and develop new approaches to the quantitative characterisation of the phases that control the distribution of the metals.  Previous efforts to map out these features using quantitative automated mineralogy tools on the electron microscope have been limited by the trade-off between automation throughput versus spatial resolution1.

This project looks to apply correlative approaches using optical and electron microscopy combined with machine learning to produce statistically robust datasets describing the diversity and distribution of the mineral phases of interest. The advanced statistical approach to the correlative methods developed in this project will be generalisable for localising and identifying of other rare element grains in a range of geological settings.


This project will involve the student working on materials from the Isle of Rum. This can focus entirely on archived samples (e.g. materials in the Hunterian and previously collected materials) or fieldwork can be organised for acquiring fresh specimens. In order to understand the PGM enrichment process, the petrography, mineralogy and chemical composition of thin sections samples will be characterised by developing a correlative workflow moving from hand specimen to thin section (optical microscopy) and then onto the scanning electron scope utilizing x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS; at the University of Glasgow).

Analysing the EDS maps with open source machine learning tools2,3 will produce quantitative phase maps which can be explored for both PGM phases as well as textural relationships revealed through the phase maps. These statistically derived mineral phase relationships will be used to derive statistically robust datasets based on the full range of grain sizes down to the nanoscale which are connected across multiple thin sections.

Further, the data driven localisation of PGM grains will be used to inform optical inspection techniques (leveraging advanced nanooptics developed by LIG Nanowise) and look at developing an efficient process for inverting this workflow. There is also scope to explore applications of electron backscatter diffraction and/or x-ray tomography in understanding PGM enrichment growth processes. We envisage that the workflows and analytical methods developed here will be redeployable across a broad range of geological applications in petrology, mineralogy and beyond.

Knowledge background of the student

The student should have a background in geosciences, computer and or data science, or the physical sciences. Laboratory experience is desirable although not essential but a willingness to learn new techniques in a laboratory environment is vital. The student will become familiar with scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectroscopy, nanooptics and data science methods. A competent ability in scientific writing, gained through an undergraduate mapping or research project, is expected.

Career prospects

This project will equip the student with skills in mineralogy, microscopy and microanalysis as well as data science techniques. This could lead to several possible roles in the microscopy industry, materials science, data science and the mineral resource/extractive industries or a PhD position. Partnership with LIG Nanowise will provide industrial experience for the student and provide useful insight into differences between commercial and research approaches.

  1. O’Driscoll, B., Butcher, A. R. & Latypov, R. New insights into precious metal enrichment on the Isle of Rum, Scotland. Geol. Today 30, 134–141 (2014).
  2. Einsle, J. F. et al. All Mixed Up: Using Machine Learning to Address Heterogeneity in (Natural) Materials. Microsc. Microanal.24, 562–563 (2018)
  3. Peña, F. de la et al. HyperSpy 1.1.2. (2017). doi:10.5281/ZENODO.240660



Data driven approaches for unmixing meteoritic magnetic mineralogy (Dr Joshua F Einsle)

Supervisors: Dr Joshua F. Einsle, , Dr Ian MacLaren (School of Physics & Astronomy), Dr Alex Eggeman (Manchester)

Project aim:

The proposed project will leverage big data techniques to analyse complex crystallographic and chemical data of magnetic minerals from iron-nickel meteorites.  The magnetic properties of the ‘cloudy zone’, a nanoscale iron-nickel intergrowth, are of interest since it both records the magnetic history of the proto-planet (planetesimal) where the. Application of data deconvolution techniques like clustering have revealed a complex chemical and crystallographic environment.

The project will look at testing these results by examining the composition and crystallography from a series of iron-nickel meteorites displaying different cooling histories.  By mapping out the microstructures throughout the thermodynamic phase space, it will be possible to better constrain planetesimal cooling rates and develop a better understanding for the low-temperature synthesis of these Fe-Ni alloys.

Project rationale:

Rare-earth permanent magnets play a critical role in green technologies such as wind turbines and electric vehicles1–4.  These elements are mainly sourced from a limited number of countries, many of which suffer from complex political situations. A desire for secure and ethical materials drives a strong global interest in developing low cost alternatives for permanent magnetic materials. 

Recently, Goto et al5 have developed a low-temperature laboratory based method for the synthesis of the ordered iron-nickel alloy, tetrataenite.  This alloy naturally forms of years allows for diffusion to form a nanoscale intergrowth called the cloudy zone 6,7. The finest region of the cloudy zone possesses a high magnetic coercively due to the 50 nm (or less) particles of tetrataenite being magnetically aligned and surrounded by a different ordered Fe-Ni alloy matrix. These properties provide a natural analogue to rare-earth permanent magnet materials.

The synthetic process above can only be optimised through a better understanding of the low temperature phase space recorded in the cloudy zone microstructures of meteorites with different cooling rates. These experiments will build on the recently reported data driven approaches for examining these nanoscale mineral phases but extend them in two critical methods7. Using the direct electron detector on the MagTEM microscope in the Kelvin Centre for Nanotechnology (KNC)-Glasgow we will be able to undertake high-resolution electron diffraction experiments exploring the chemical ordering in the matrix. Additionally, Lorentz mode convergent beam diffraction patterns allow for the mapping of sample magnetization.

Further, there is scope to extend the analytical techniques at KNC, by correlating measurements with the atomic resolution elemental mapping available at SuperSTEM. Using the correlative microanalysis tools, all three data sets can be overlaid and analysed in parallel to understand how chemistry and crystal structure in the two phases produce the magnetic behaviour of the cloudy zone. This will extend the correlative microanalysis framework by incorporating functional properties of the material studied.


The cloudy zone of Fe-Ni meteorites consists of two similar cubic crystal structures with similar chemical compositions. As such data deconvolution approaches have been critical to understanding how these two phases formed as the parent body cooled.  This project will focus on developing correlative data science approaches for examining spectroscopic and crystallographic data in parallel allowing covariance in data sets to be revealed. Studies will be conducted on archived meteorite samples. The collection of new data sets will be facilitated training in electron microscopy techniques. Then analysis will be performed using open source Python based packages, such as Hyperspy, and Scikit-learn.

Knowledge background of the student

The student should have a background in geosciences, computer and or data science, or the physical sciences. Laboratory experience is desirable although not essential but a willingness to learn new techniques in a laboratory environment is vital. The student will become familiar with electron microscopy and microanalysis (both crystallographic and spectroscopic techniques). The focus will be on the application and further development of data science approaches to the analysis of microanalytical data. A competent ability in scientific writing, gained through an undergraduate mapping or research project, is expected.

Career prospects

This project will equip the student with skills in mineralogy, microscopy and microanalysis as well as data science techniques. This could lead to several possible roles in the materials science (including renewable technologies) and microscopy fields, as well as space exploration, data science and the mineral resource/extractive industries or a PhD position.

  1. Grandell, L. et al. Role of critical metals in the future markets of clean energy technologies. Renew. Energy 95, 53–62 (2016).
  2. Riba, J.-R., López-Torres, C., Romeral, L. & Garcia, A. Rare-earth-free propulsion motors for electric vehicles: A technology review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 57, 367–379 (2016).
  3. Widmer, J. D., Martin, R. & Kimiabeigi, M. Electric vehicle traction motors without rare earth magnets. Sustain. Mater. Technol. 3, 7–13 (2015).
  4. Lewis, L. H. et al. Inspired by nature: investigating tetrataenite for permanent magnet applications. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 26, 064213 (2014).
  5. Goto, S. et al. Synthesis of single-phase L10-FeNi magnet powder by nitrogen insertion and topotactic extraction. Sci. Rep. 7, 1–7 (2017).
  6. Bryson, J. F. J. et al. Long-lived magnetism from solidification-driven convection on the pallasite parent body. Nature 517, 472–475 (2015).
  7. Einsle, J. F. et al. Nanomagnetic properties of the meteorite cloudy zone. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115, (2018).



Geological history of an unknown protoplanet: The Ureilite meteorites (Dr Luke Daly)

Supervisors: Dr Luke Daly, Prof Martin Lee

Project aim:

The Ureilite meteorites are an enigma as we do not know what parent planet they originated from. This project aims to determine the geological history of the Ureilite meteorites to aid in the search for their parent body/bodies.

Project rationale:

The Ureilite meteorites are an anomalous type of achondrite meteorite. They represent igneous rocks from a differentiated planetesimal, one that was large enough to separate into a core, mantle and crust, potentially as large as Mercury or Mars. There are however, no good candidates in our solar system for the source of the Ureilite meteorites and it is not clear that they come from the same body at all.

The Ureilite meteorites are interesting as they are rich in carbon that is concentrated in diamonds, that could have formed during intense shock metamorphism during planetary break up or during long-lived high pressure metamorphism in a planetary mantle. A comparative study of the petrography and deformation histories of these meteorites is vital to understand the formation evolution and destruction of planetesimals in our Solar System.


Urelite meteorites have been aquired from the Smithsonian Institute. The petrography, mineralogy and chemical composition of meteorite samples will be characterised by scanning electron microscopy techniques in particular electron backscatter diffraction to unpick their deformation history/histories derived from thermal and shock metamorphism.

Additional programme cost: £1,000

Knowledge background of the student

The project is suitable for a graduate with a good honours degree in geology, Earth science or materials science. Laboratory experience is desirable - particularly use of SEM - and a willingness to learn new techniques in a laboratory environment is vital. A competent ability in scientific writing, gained through an undergraduate mapping or research project, is expected.

Career prospects

This MSc by research project will equip the student with skills in mineralogy, crystallography and geochemistry. Additionally, this MSc by research project will give the student experience in advanced SEM techniques and handling big datasets. These skills could lead to employment in areas such as extractive industries or environmental management. There are also many opportunities for PhD research in planetary science in the UK and internationally.



Bubbling Over – Computer Simulations of Lava Lake Convection (Tobias Keller)

Supervisor: Tobias Keller

Project aim:

You will characterise the dynamics of convection for active lava lakes around the world by means of custom-built computer simulations. The aim is to better understand the flow of lava driven by bubbles of volcanic gas through the plumbing system of persistently active volcanoes.

Project rationale:

Lava lakes provide a rare window into the plumbing system of volcanoes. A recent study  Lev et al., 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.04.010.] has synthesised observations on the handful of currently active lava lakes world-wide and found a correlation between the observed flux of volcanic gas through the lake surface and the speed of lava flowing along it. The observed flow regimes vary between slow, plate-like creep and fast, churning flow.

Our current understanding is that the mode of convection depends on the chemistry, and temperature of the lava, on the geometry of the lake bed and the conduit feeding into it, and on the flux of volcanic gas passed through the system. The gas derives from exsolution of volatiles deeper down in the conduit and forms bubbles entrained in the lava. However, the relative importance of each factor remains unclear. A recent modelling study [Birnbaum et al., preprint, 1907.02899] has developed computer simulations that can help to unravel the internal dynamics of lava lakes. You will extend this promising approach to study all currently active lava lakes world-wide.


You will extend a custom-built multi-phase flow simulator to test how lava lake convection driven by buoyant bubbles of volcanic gas depends on factors including lava crystallinity as a function of its chemistry and temperature, the geometry of the lake bed and conduit, and the influx of gas from deeper down.

You will systematically test a range of model parameters and analyse the resulting output to find overarching trends and systematic flow regimes that help explain the internal dynamics of convecting lava lakes.

Finally, you will compare your findings to observational records of surface flow speed and gas flux from currently active lava lakes and discuss what insights the simulations can reveal about these complex natural systems. The simulation code is written in Matlab and has been tested on a limited parameter range. You will have the opportunity to implement additional code features and develop post-processing scripts to analyse output. If your prior coding experience is limited you will be given sufficient training to accomplish these tasks.

Additional programme cost: £1,000

Knowledge background of the student

You will have a background either in Earth Sciences, Geology, or Geophysics, with an interest in computer modelling, or a degree in Physics, Applied Math, or Engineering, with an interest in Geology and Volcanology. Basic skills in Matlab or similar language are desirable.

Career prospects

This project will help you develop skills in quantitative analysis, numerical modelling, code development, and project management. These skill are essential for pursuing a career in academic research, but also valuable for related industrial, engineering, or public service careers.



Onwards and Upwards – Modelling Gravitational Stability of Magma Mush (Tobias Keller)

Supervisor: Tobias Keller

Project aim:

You will characterise the gravitational stability and diapiric rise of magma lenses in crustal mush bodies by means of custom-built computer simulations. The aim is to better understand the time and length scales of magma ascent and intrusion in the mid to upper crust.

Project rationale:

Magma ascending from sources in the upper mantle is either emplaced as plutonic rocks or erupted at active volcanoes. The processing of magma through the crust remains poorly understood, but observations point towards the existence of vertically extensive bodies of crystal-rich magma mush, within which transient melt-rich magma lenses can form [Cashman et al., 2017, doi: 10.1126/science.aag3055.]. These magma lenses can become gravitationally unstable and rise as diapirs into overlying crustal layers.

The time and length scales of magma ascent are likely controlled by the chemistry and temperature of the magma, the deformational properties of the surrounding crust, and the flux of magma fed from the melt source beneath. As these processes are inaccessible to direct observation, many aspects remain unresolved. This project is based on a recent study [Seropian et al., 2018, doi: 10.1029/2018JB015523.] that combines analogue modelling and mathematical analysis to elucidate the gravitational stability of magma lenses in mush bodies.

You will complement the ongoing analogue modelling efforts of collaborators at the University of Bristol by means of custom-built numerical simulations. 


You will use simulations of magma flow and rock deformation to test how the gravitational stability of magma lenses depends on the deformational properties of magma mush and wall rock, the structure of the crust, and the flux of melt from sources below.

You will reproduce analogue model results to benchmark the code before scaling simulations up from laboratory to crustal scales. You will systematically test model parameters and analyse the results to identify pertinent length and time scales of magma ascent that help explain the internal dynamics of crustal magma processing.

Finally, you will compare your findings to observational records of plutonic rock complexes, crustal tomography, and volcanic output. The simulation code is written in Matlab and has been tested on a limited parameter range.

You will have the opportunity to implement additional code features and develop post-processing scripts to analyse output. If your prior coding experience is limited you will be given sufficient training to accomplish the required tasks. You will regularly communicate with Prof. Alison Rust (Bristol), who leads the analogue modelling efforts this study relates to.

Additional programme cost: £1,000

Knowledge background of the student

You will have a background either in Earth Sciences, Geology, or Geophysics, with an interest in computer modelling, or a degree in Physics, Applied Math, or Engineering, with an interest in Geology and Volcanology. Basic skills in Matlab or similar language are desirable.

Career prospects

This project will help you develop skills in quantitative analysis, numerical modelling, code development, and project management. These skill are essential for pursuing a career in academic research, but also valuable for related industrial, engineering, or public service careers.



Reconstructing terrestrial Scottish Carboniferous palaeoclimate through clumped isotope analysis of sideritic ironstones (Dr John MacDonald)

Supervisors: Dr John MacDonald and Dr John Faithfull (Hunterian Museum)

Project aim:

This project seeks to precisely and quantitatively reconstruct late Carboniferous palaeotemperatures in the Midland Valley of Scotland with sideritic ironstones, using a combination of fieldwork, petrography and innovative clumped isotope laboratory analysis.

Project rationale:

Terrestrial palaeoclimate can be reconstructed in a qualitative fashion from fossil and palynological records. Quantitative proxies for quantitatively and precisely reconstructing ancient terrestrial palaeotemperatures are more limited. The relatively recently developed clumped isotope palaeotemperature proxy has been widely used in marine palaeoclimatic reconstructions, utilising the ability of molecular isotopic arrangements in the calcite shells of marine organisms to record seawater temperatures.

For ancient terrestrial palaeotemperatures, another carbonate mineral – siderite – gives the opportunity to apply clumped isotopes. In the Scottish Carboniferous, siderite is found in ironstones, such as the Musselband Ironstone. These sideritic ironstones represent non-marine horizons and can therefore be used to reconstruct terrestrial palaeoclimate.


Using a combination of samples collected in the field, and from the UK Geoenergy Observatories programme core from Dalmarnock near Glasgow, the student will undertake a multi-proxy research approach to reconstructing Scottish Carboniferous palaeoclimate.

You will conduct fieldwork to log and sample ironstones in central Scotland and integrate these with samples obtained from the Dalmarnock borehole and its associated records.

You will make thin sections of the samples and conduct optical petrography to quantify the mineralogy and textures of the sideritic ironstones. Samples will then be prepared for clumped isotope analysis, from which siderite precipitation temperatures – and therefore past surface temperatures – will be reconstructed. Full training will be given in all techniques.

Additional programme cost: £1,000

Knowledge background of the student

The student should have a geology background with an interest in sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeoclimate. Laboratory experience is desirable although not essential but a willingness to learn new techniques in a laboratory environment is vital. A competent ability in scientific writing, gained through an undergraduate mapping or research project, is expected.

Career prospects

This MSc by Research project will give the student experience in cutting-edge analytical techniques such as clumped isotopes, along with a range of general research skills. These skills will equip them for further research through a PhD or a career in the environmental sector where knowledge of climate parameters is important.



Denudation on the Himalayas: where, when, how much? (Dr Cristina Persano)

Supervisors: Dr Cristina Persano, Dr Martin Hurst and Dr Gyana Ranjan Tripathy (Department of Earth and Climate Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune,  India)

Project aim:

This project aims to reconstruct the temporal and spatial distribution of denudation across the Himalayas in the late Cenozoic to assess their contribution, over time, to the global sediment systems. Denudation will be constrained using published low temperature thermochrometric data (mica and feldspars Ar/Ar, apatite and zircon fission track and (U-Th-Sm)/He analyses).

The proposed research objectives are to (i) build a database of mineral cooling ages that will be be made publicly available to academics; (ii) use the thermochronometric data to build cooling isoage surfaces across the mountain belt to constrain its spatial and temporal development; (iii) reconstruct exhumation rates through time and, using mass balance calculations, quantitatively compare them with the volume of sediments offshore, to identify the Himalayas contribution as a global source of sediments.

Project rationale:

The Himalayas are one of the biggest topographic features on our planet and a ‘landscape of extremes’. It is on the Himalayas, for examples, that the highest summits, relief and erosion rates are recorded.  The processes and locations of where erosion takes place and how they have varied through time is still unknown, as studies tend to focus on one particular area, rather than the entire belt.

The Himalayas, however, are so big that they influence the global climate and they represent a source of sediments that is significant, although still unquantified, for the sediment budget of all the planet. On the other end, climate and, in particular, the alternation of a wet and dry monsoon has an important effect on the present erosion rates, but how climate and tectonic processes interacted with each other in the past to produce the mountain belt we see now is not very well understood. The plethora of thermochrometric data now available from the literature permits to reconstruct denudation through time across the entire mountain range.  


The project requires to build an archive of thermochronometric data on a platform, probably based on excel, that will be available to the academic world. The data will be used to build ‘isoage contours’ that take the rock age-present elevation relationship into account to reconstruct the denudational history of the entire mountain belt in a GIS environment.

Additional programme cost: £1,000

Knowledge background of the student

Student with a minimum 2:1 in a relevant degree (e.g. Geoscience, Physical Geography). The student will need to have a good mathematical background (Calculus 1 would be desirable, or at least Math at higher level).

Career prospects

The student will receive training in the use of numerical modelling and GIS software packages. Research based skills including scientific writing, presentation (poster and oral) and outreach skills will be gained as part of this project. Such skill sets are relevant for a future career in both industry (geospatial, geological) and academia (PhD programmes).

The student will be eligible to attend a range of study- and career-enhancing workshops as part of their postgraduate training at the University of Glasgow.


We aim to advance fundamental, quantitative understanding of critical geological phenomena on Earth and across the Solar System to solve scientific, engineering, and societal challenges.

  • PhD: 3-4 years full-time; 6-8 years part-time; Thesis of Max 80,000 words
  • MSc (Research): 1-2 years full-time; 2-3 years part-time;
  • MPhil (Research): 2-3 years full-time; 3-4 years part-time;


Dynamic Earth & Planetary Evolution

Quantitative understanding of Earth and planetary materials to elucidate mechanisms, drivers, and timescales of dynamic processes within our Solar System.

Susan Waldron

Professor Susan Waldron discusses research opportunities within Earth Sciences

Study options

Phd 3-4 6-8
MSc (Res) 1-2 2-3
MPhil 2-3 3-4

Entry requirements

2.1 Honours degree or equivalent

Required documentation

Applicants should submit:

  • Transcripts/degree certificate 
  • Two references
  • A one-page research proposal
  • CV
  • Name of potential Supervisor

Research proposal

Candidates are required to provide a single page outline of the research subject proposed (approximately 1000 words). This need not be a final thesis proposal but should include:

  • a straightforward, descriptive, and informative title
  • the question that your research will address
  • an account of why this question is important and worth investigating
  • an assessment of how your own research will engage with recent study in the subject
  • a brief account of the methodology and approach you will take
  • a discussion of the primary sources that your research will draw upon, including printed books, manuscripts, archives, libraries, or museums
  • an indicative bibliography of secondary sources that you have already consulted and/or are planning to consult

English language requirements

For applicants from non-English speaking countries, as defined by the UK Government, the University sets a minimum English Language proficiency level.

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic and Academic Online (not General Training)

  • 6.5 with no subtests under 6.0
  • IELTS One Skill Retake Accepted
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test.

Common equivalent English language qualifications for entry to this programme

TOEFL (ibt, mybest or athome)

  • 90 overall with Reading 20; Listening 19; Speaking 19; Writing 21
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements, this includes TOEFL mybest.

Pearsons PTE Academic

  • 59 with minimum 59 in all subtests
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test.

Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE) and Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) 

  • 176 overall, no subtest less than 169
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test.

Oxford English Test

  • 7 overall with no subtest less than 6
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test.

LanguageCert Academic SELT

  • 70 overall with no subtest less than 60
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test.

Password Skills Plus

  • 6.5 overall with no subtest less than 6.0
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test.

Trinity College Tests

  • Integrated Skills in English II & III & IV: ISEII Distinction with Distinction in all sub-tests
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test.

University of Glasgow Pre-sessional courses

  • Tests are accepted for 2 years following date of successful completion.

Alternatives to English Language qualification

  • Degree from majority-English speaking country (as defined by the UKVI including Canada if taught in English)
    • students must have studied for a minimum of 2 years at Undergraduate level, or 9 months at Master's level, and must have completed their degree in that majority-English speaking country within the last 6 years.
  • Undergraduate 2+2 degrees from majority-English speaking country (as defined by the UKVI including Canada if taught in English)
    • students must have completed their final two years study in that majority-English speaking country within the last 6 years.

For international students, the Home Office has confirmed that the University can choose to use these tests to make its own assessment of English language ability for visa applications to degree level programmes. The University is also able to accept UKVI approved Secure English Language Tests (SELT) but we do not require a specific UKVI SELT for degree level programmes. We therefore still accept any of the English tests listed for admission to this programme.

Pre-sessional courses

The University of Glasgow accepts evidence of the required language level from the English for Academic Study Unit Pre-sessional courses. We would strongly encourage you to consider the pre-sessional courses at the University of Glasgow's English for Academic Study (EAS) Unit. Our Pre-sessional courses are the best way to bring your English up to entry level for University study. Our courses give you:

  • direct entry to your University programme for successful students (no need to take IELTS)
  • essential academic skills to help you study effectively at University
  • flexible entry dates so you can join the right course for your level.

For more detail on our pre-sessional courses please see:

We can also consider the pre-sessional courses accredited by the below BALEAP approved institutions to meet the language requirements for admission to our postgraduate taught degrees:

  • Heriot Watt
  • Kingston Upon Thames
  • Middlesex University
  • Manchester University
  • Reading University
  • Edinburgh University
  • ST Andrews University
  • UCL
  • Durham.

Fees and funding



  • UK: £5,005
  • International & EU: £31,800

Prices are based on the annual fee for full-time study. Fees for part-time study are half the full-time fee.

Irish nationals who are living in the Common Travel Area of the UK, EU nationals with settled or pre-settled status, and Internationals with Indefinite Leave to remain status can also qualify for home fee status.

Alumni discount

We offer a 20% discount to our alumni on all Postgraduate Research and full Postgraduate Taught Masters programmes. This includes University of Glasgow graduates and those who have completed Junior Year Abroad, Exchange programme or International Summer School with us. The discount is applied at registration for students who are not in receipt of another discount or scholarship funded by the University. No additional application is required.

Possible additional fees

  • Re-submission by a research student £540
  • Submission for a higher degree by published work £1,355
  • Submission of thesis after deadline lapsed £350
  • Submission by staff in receipt of staff scholarship £790

Depending on the nature of the research project, some students will be expected to pay a bench fee (also known as research support costs) to cover additional costs. The exact amount will be provided in the offer letter.


  • View a full list of our current scholarships


The vibrancy of our research environment derives from our large body of postgraduate students.

We take an integrated approach to study at Glasgow, bringing together internationally leading expertise in physical and human geography, geology and geomatics.

Our postgraduate students benefit from many fieldwork opportunities, ranging from short day excursions close to Glasgow to longer residential field trips, which may involved overseas travel.

The School has close links with industry. We arrange many guest speakers and there are also informal opportunities to meet people from industry at open events. Projects may be carried out in conjunction with industry.

You will be part of a Graduate School which provides the highest level of support to its students.

The overall aim of our Graduate School is to provide a world-leading environment for students which is intellectually stimulating, encourages them to contribute to culture, society and the economy and enables them to become leaders in a global environment.

We have a diverse community of over 750 students from more than 50 countries who work in innovative and transformative disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields. An important part of our work is to bring our students together and to ensure they consider themselves an important part of the University’s academic community.

Being part of our Graduate School community will be of huge advantage to you in your studies and beyond and we offer students a number of benefits in addition to exceptional teaching and supervision, including:

  • A wide-ranging and responsive research student training programme which enables you to enhance your skills and successfully complete your studies.
  • Mobility scholarships of up to £4000 to enable you to undertake work in collaboration with an international partner.
  • A diverse programme of activities which will ensure you feel part of the wider-research community (including our biannual science slam event).
  • A residential trip for all new research students.
  • The opportunity to engage with industry-partners through training, placements and events.
  • Professionally accredited programmes.
  • Unique Masters programmes run in collaboration with other organisations.
  • State-of-the-art facilities including the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre and the Kelvin Nanocharacterisation Centre.
  • Highly-rated support for international students.

Over the last five years, we have helped over 600 students to complete their research studies and our students have gone on to take up prestigious posts in industries across the world.


How to apply

Identify potential supervisors

All Postgraduate Research Students are allocated a supervisor who will act as the main source of academic support and research mentoring. You may want to identify a potential supervisor and contact them to discuss your research proposal before you apply. Please note, even if you have spoken to an academic staff member about your proposal you still need to submit an online application form.

You can find relevant academic staff members with our staff research interests search.

Gather your documents

Before applying please make sure you gather the following supporting documentation:

  1. Final or current degree transcripts including grades (and an official translation, if needed) – scanned copy in colour of the original document.
  2. Degree certificates (and an official translation, if needed): scanned copy in colour of the original document.
  3. Two references on headed paper and signed by the referee. One must be academic, the other can be academic or professional. References may be uploaded as part of the application form or you may enter your referees contact details on the application form. We will then email your referee and notify you when we receive the reference.  We can also accept confidential references direct to, from the referee’s university or business email account.
  4. Research proposal, CV, samples of written work as per requirements for each subject area.
Apply now

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International Students