DTC Symposium 2012
The inaugural DTC in Cell and Proteomic Technologies symposium 2012 will take place on Friday 7th December at the University of Glasgow. Students and staff will present their research over the course of the day. Registration is free, with limited places available, and lunch will be provided. Poster submissions are welcome, with a prize for best poster awarded at a drinks reception following the keynote speaker.
A provisional programme can be found at: DTC Symposuim 2012
2011 Cohort
Congratulations to our 2011 cohort who have now successfully completed the MRes programme. All students will graduate in the winter ceremony.
DTC Retreat
The DTC Retreat took place at The Burn in May 2012. The event was an opportunity to bring all current DTC students together with staff to participate in various activities including presentations, academic activities, social activites such as: walking, tennis, cricket, football etc.
The event was a success and will become an annual activity.

2010 cohort complete the MRes year
Wed, 21 Sep 2011 09:41:00 BST
Two more DTC Graduates
Wed, 22 Dec 2010 09:33:00 GMT

2009 cohort complete their MRes year
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:24:00 BST
Congratulations to our 2009 cohort on completion of the MRes year.
RASOR Symposium 2010: Lab-on-a-Chip for Cell and Proteomics
Thu, 07 Jan 2010 11:17:00 GMT
4th RASOR Annual Meeting
Thu, 24 Sep 2009 11:39:00 BST
The 4th RASOR Annual Meeting took place on 7th-8th December 2009 in Stirling