Proteins & Proteomics
Held at University of Glasgow, Co-ordinated by Dr Richard Burchmore
Part 1
Taught lectures:
- The genome, transcriptome, proteome and metabolome – cell structure, function and organisation
- Basic molecular biology, PCR, cloning, protein expression, cell culture
- Protein biophysical properties and structure
- Chromatography: theory of ion-exchange, reversed phase, size exclusion, affinity chromatography, etc. Surface chemistry and mixed binding modes.
- High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), multidimensional liquid chromatography (MDLC), complex solvent systems.
- Capillary electrophoresis (CE, CEC, FFE)
- Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Practical training:
- Sample preparation: growth of cells and isolation of biomolecules (protein, RNA)
- Protein enrichment. Protein assay. RNA assay and QC.
- Protein separation: 1D-PAGE, RP-LC, SAX, size exclusion, or CE.
- Samples retained for proteomics and genomics course.
Part 2
Taught lectures:
- Proteomics – methodologies and workflows
- Underlying principles and challenges
- Protein fractionation and enrichment methods including modern affinity enrichment methods and protein complex capture
- Advanced chromatography and mass spectrometry
- Quantitative methodologies- ICAT, iTRAQ, DiGE, others
- Introduction to bioinformatics
- Protein immobilisation chemistries and protein arrays
- Metabolomics – methodologies and workflows
- Basic principles – small molecule separation, measurement and analysis (MS, NMR)
- Metabolic networks, control, exploitation
Practical training:
- 2D-minigel
- Spot picking and sample preparation