
Adult education aims to equip individuals with relevant skills to address social and economic inequality. Globally, societies are encountering increased social and economic polarisation. While global elites are becoming wealthier, the majority of the world experiences poverty, lack of access to education, displacement due to war and environmental degradation, and labour market exploitation.

A concern about social inequality and a belief that adult educators can contribute to social change based on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth is the driving force behind the creation of the International Master in Adult Education for Social Change (IMAESC). IMAESC brings together European and international universities, VET institutions, private companies,  community-based organisations and policy units who recognise that Adult Education for Social Change is a powerful tool in producing competent, critical citizens and for developing just, equitable and democratic societies.

Adult education has been recognised in Europe as a critical element in addressing challenges pertaining to employment, research and innovation, climate change and energy, education and combating poverty.