Please be advised that the IMAESC programme is currently closed for applications. Please continue to check the IMAESC website for further programme announcements.
The International Master in Adult Education for Social Change (IMAESC) Programme is intended for students wishing to pursue a career in adult education and as preparation for further academic study through a PhD programme. Graduates will be equipped with the academic knowledge, research skills, and practical employability skills through this jointly developed and delivered programme.
An array of academic conferences, workshops and other socio-cultural events involving all Consortium partners will help to make the IMAESC experience a truly rewarding one in terms of making lasting friendships and equipping you for a future professional career.
Please note that the IMAESC Consortium is currently co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree programme (EMJMD) until 2024. This funding has provided IMAESC with the capacity to award scholarships over 4 cohorts with the final cohort of students beginning studies in September 2022*.
For future IMAESC opportunities, please continue to check the website for programme announcements.
*Cohort 1: 2019-2021; Cohort 2: 2020-2022; Cohort 3: 2021-2023; Cohort 4: 2022-2024.