
Erasmus Mundus student scholarships

Scholarship applications for the 2025 Edition open on 1st October 2024. 

Note: If your offer status is 'holding for documents' then you will NOT be considered for a scholarship unless you submit the required documents by the scholarship deadline.

For guidelines on how to apply for the EDUMaH degree programme and scholarship please see How to Apply section.

The EDUMaH programme is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters programme. This funding provides EDUMaH with the capacity to award up to 90 scholarships over 4 editions*.  

*Edition 1: 2023-2025; edition 2: 2024-2026; edition 3: 2025-2027; edition 4: 2026-2028   

The Erasmus Mundus scholarship has a value of EUR 1,400 per month, for a total duration of 24 months (two-year programme).  

The maximum grant amount per student is 33 600 Euro (1,400 Euro x 24 months). 

The Erasmus Mundus scholarship includes: 

  • a contribution to the student participation costs (including tuition fees, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to the student's participation in the EMJM study programme 
  • a contribution to student travel and installation costs (installation costs are meant to cover additional costs such as the visa application procedure, issuing of residence permit, temporary accommodation costs etc) 

  • a monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the EMJM study programme. 

Scholarship awardees are not liable for any tuition fees. The Erasmus Mundus scholarship includes:

  • a contribution to the student participation costs including all tuition fees, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to the student's participation in the EMJM study programme. 
  • an optional contribution to student travel and installation costs (this will reduce the monthly stipend amount)
  • a monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the EMJM study programme

Scholarship students will have a choice of how to receive their scholarship.


Choose to receive 3 advance payments of 1000EUR to assist with visa, travel and installation costs, at specific points over the 2 years of study:

  • 1000EUR paid to their existing bank account in August 2024 before arrival in Glasgow; 
  • 1000EUR paid in May 2026 (end of Year 1);
  • 1000EUR paid in September 2026 (start of Year 2).

These payments will be deducted from the student's overall scholarship award and will result in a monthly subsistence payment of 1275EUR every month over the 2 years.


Alternatively, students can opt to take 1400EUR per month over the 2 years and no travel/installation payment.

The choice is up to the student. You will be able to indicate your preference in the Welcome Pack which will be sent out once you have accepted the scholarship.

Scholarship Distribution 

Erasmus Mundus scholarships can be offered to students from any region of the world; however, in order to ensure geographical balance, no more than 6 scholarships per nationality will be awarded over the four editions, which is 10% of the total number (60) of regular scholarships available during the project implementation (4 editions).  

In addition to the 60 ‘regular’ scholarships, we also have funding to award up to 30 additional scholarships over the four editions, which are targeted at certain regions. Note: the geographical rule of 10% stated above is not applicable to the additional, targeted scholarships. 

The targeted regions for the 30 additional scholarships, as specified by the European Commission, are: Regions 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. These scholarships are financed by the EU’s external action instruments. 

For a full list of countries in each region, see the Erasmus+ Programme Guide (pages 34-35). 



EMJM student scholarships cover the entire duration of the Master course and are awarded exclusively for full-time enrolment in the course. Scholarship candidates must have already obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national rules and legislation in place. Candidates who will only obtain their first higher education degree at the end of the academic year preceding the EMJM intake can nevertheless apply for a scholarship and can be selected by the consortium, under the condition that the student obtains the required degree prior to the beginning of the Master course.

Students who have previously obtained an EMJM scholarship are not eligible to apply for an additional scholarship under the EMJM EDUMaH Programme.

All enrolled students must fulfil the compulsory physical mobility requirement that consists of a minimum of two study periods (of 30 ECTS credits or equivalent) in two countries of which at least one must be a Programme country*

The two study periods should be spent in countries different from the country of residence of the student at enrolment stage. 

The mandatory mobility periods cannot be replaced by virtual mobility, neither can they take place in institutions outside the consortium.

Additional study/research/thesis preparation/placement periods can take place in other participating organisations in the consortium (partner and associated partner) under the condition that the activities concerned are implemented under the direct supervision of the consortium partner.

*Programme Country group = EU countries, Iceland, Norway, FYR Macedonia, Lichtenstein, Turkey, Serbia

Partner Country group = Rest of the world

Proof of Residency

Scholarships are dependent on both nationality and residency.

Students with a double nationality must specify the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.

If you're offered a scholarship, you will be required to provide proof of residency:

  • a residence certificate issued in accordance with the candidate's municipality normal registration rules
  • a certificate from the candidate's place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution in question.


Selection procedure and timetable

Scholarship Selection Timeline

1 October 2024

Online application form becomes available

24 January 2025, 23:59 (UK TIME)

Deadline for ALL scholarship applicants at 17.00 UK time

April 2025 Applicants receive notification of results
July 2025

Deadline for UK and international self-funding applications


August 2025

Deadline for EU self-funding applications

Eligibility check

All applications are subject to an eligibility check which covers all aspects of the application: respect of the application deadline, completeness of the application file, eligibility of the candidate in relation to the Erasmus Mundus criteria. Applicants who fail to provide necessary documentation by the appropriate deadline will be excluded from the application procedure and will be informed of the specific reason for ineligibility.

Scholarship competition

To be eligible to be considered for scholarship, students must first have secured a place on the degree programme (unconditional or conditional). The University of Glasgow postgraduate admissions office assesses all applications and will reply directly to the applicant to let them know if they have been offered a place. Applicants who receive an offer of a place on the degree programme, and who have submitted the scholarship application on time, will be put forward to the scholarship competition.  

Selection Procedure 2025 - 2027

The assessment of Scholarship applications is performed in accordance with the joint selection criteria agreed among the EDUMaH Consortium Partners and it covers the stages below:


The EDUMaH Scholarships are fully funded by the European Commission and are available for students from all over the world. All applications will be first evaluated for eligibility by the Admissions Team of the EDUMaH Coordinating Institution.

During this first stage applications will go through a rigorous review process and a list of ‘highly qualified applicants’ are selected based on Academic Excellence.

- To ensure that the best candidates are admitted, the Consortium has decided to give priority to academic merit at this stage; Applicants will be evaluated according to their academic excellence (including academic background, awards and grants).


The ‘highly qualified applicants’ will be ranked by the EDUMaH Academic Scholarship Selection Committee. To ensure that the best candidates are selected for scholarship, the consortium will base scores on the below criteria:

  • Supporting Personal Statement and Motivation
  • Academic Excellence (very good/outstanding study results in relevant study areas), and English language proficiency
  • Other (e.g. relevant research/professional experiences/interests)
  • Reference Letters

The final selection will result in an absolute ranking list of candidates.


When a main list scholarship student withdraws, he/she is replaced by the first eligible candidate on the reserve list. In this particular case, the eligibility criterion concerns the nationality of the reserve list candidate and the rule concerning the presence of a maximum of three nationals from the same country among the scholarship holders in each intake. If there are already three other students with the same nationality on the main list, the consortium will have to take the next eligible candidate respecting its own ranking list (European Commission's regulations).

Appeal procedure for candidates who fail to secure a scholarship

All candidates will be notified of the decision of the Scholarship Selection Committee by email only in April. Candidates who do not secure a scholarship and who wish to appeal the decision of the scholarship selection committee must do so in writing by email within 2 weeks (14 days) from the point of notification by the EDUMaH Consortium of their failure to win a scholarship. The email should be addressed to the EDUMaH Consortium at the following address: The email subject heading should contain the words "EDUMaH Scholarship Appeal". The reasons for the appeal must be clearly stated in the email. Note: A candidate may appeal ONLY on the grounds of defective or unfair procedure by the EDUMaH Scholarship Selection Committee.


Privacy Statement

Please note that the data you provide in your application will be shared with the EDUMaH partners as part of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship review process. 

Personal data will be sent to the Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and may be used for the purposes of evaluating the programme, efficiently managing the project, and producing statistics. Data could be made available to the EACEA, the European Commission, the European External Action Service staff, as well as to other stakeholders of the Erasmus+ programme, such as Erasmus+ National Agencies, National Erasmus+ Offices and the Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association.

The EACEA Privacy Statement document can be found here.