1. What is Erasmus +?

    Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. The Erasmus + programme builds on achievements of more than 25 years of European programmes in the fields of education, training and youth, covering both an intra-European as well as an international cooperation dimension. The Erasmus+ Programme is designed to support Programme countries' efforts to efficiently use the potential of Europe’s talent and social assets in a lifelong learning perspective, linking support to formal, non-formal and informal learning throughout the education, training and youth fields. The Programme also enhances the opportunities for cooperation and mobility with Partner Countries, notably in the fields of higher education and youth.

  2. How can I apply?

    ‌The Consortium will only accept online applications for the CLMCE programme. 

    Please visit the how to apply page for details of the application process.

  3. What is the application procedure and selection process timetable?

    Applicants must apply online and submit upload the necessary supporting documentation alongside the online application. 

  4. I am still a student and do not yet have a final degree certificate.  Can I still apply?

    An applicant who is completing the final year of his/her first degree can apply and will be considered for entry to the CLMC programme but will not receive an unconditional offer of a place on the programme until we have received his/her final degree result. In such cases you may be made a conditional pending completion of your degree at the required grade.  This documentation must be submitted to the CLMCE Consortium via the University of Glasgow online application before a final unconditional offer can be made.  Similarly, applicants completing the final year of their first degree may be offered an Erasmus Mundus CLMCE scholarship upon condition that they obtain the outstanding entry requirements.  Documentation must be provided as soon as possible and no later than the given deadline in July of the year of entry.

  5. I am not able to provide my English Language test result by the application deadline. Can I still apply?

    An applicant who is unable to provide proof of English Language qualification can apply and will be considered for entry to the CLMCE programme.   In such cases you may be made a conditional offer pending receipt of the language test result at the required grade.  This documentation must be submitted to the CLMCE Consortium via the University of Glasgow online application before a final unconditional offer can be made.  Documentation must be provided as soon as possible and no later than the given deadline in July of the year of entry. However, applicants who are applying for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship must obtain the required language test results by the scholarship application closing date.  

  6. What do I do if I receive an offer?

    You will receive an email from the Admissions Office. Please retain this email communication as no hard copy offer letter will be sent. This message will contain your Student ID and Application Number.You must accept or decline the offer using Admissions Self-Service by clicking the link provided in the email message and logging into your application account. Please follow the instructions provided in the email.

    Please note that the 4-week reply period is a generic response from the University of Glasgow. We appreciate this can cause concern but it does not apply to the CLMCE programme. Applicants may wait until the scholarship awards are announced before replying to the Admissions Office..

    If your offer is conditional you will be able to access your conditions and submit any required documents using Admissions Self-Service.

    Please upload the required documentary evidence to your online application. Once we have confirmed your documentary evidence as meeting the conditions we will issue you with an unconditional offer. Please note that uploaded academic documents should be scanned copies of the original document and should normally be in colour.

  7. Scholarship Competition

    All eligible applicants (those who submitted their application by the scholarship deadline and who have received either a conditional or unconditional offer of a place on the degree programme) are considered for scholarship.  Please note that the 4-week reply period indicated on your offer is a generic response from the University of Glasgow.  We appreciate this can cause concern but it does not apply to our CLMCE programme.  Applicants may wait until the scholarship awards are announced before replying to the Admissions Office or making English Language test arrangements.

    The Consortium will submit final nominations to the EACEA at the end of March. We hope to let applicants know the result as soon as possible after this date. Formal notification will follow in mid-May when the Agency has approved the final list of awards.

  8. What happens once I have accepted my offer of a place on the CLMCE programme?
    After you have accepted an unconditional offer, you will be eligible to enrol. Details regarding your access to enrollment will be available starting in early August. You will receive another email to tell you how to register online using the University's MyCampus website. That email will provide you with your personal login details and the website URL. Please ensure that your email address is kept up to date as all correspondence is sent via email.

    If you are an international student you will receive a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) which is required for visa application purposes. A CAS is only issued once you have accepted an unconditional offer and you have uploaded a copy of the passport you are going to travel with. If you hold more than one offer, please think carefully before you accept your offer as CAS cannot be changed easily.Rules about how your personal information is recorded on CAS are very strict so please inform us quickly if any of your details have changed. Let us know if you have changed your name, your passport or if you notice any errors in the correspondence issued to you. Your personal and course details must match your documents exactly.

    You will also receive information regarding the teaching programme closer to the start of the session.

  9. Can I apply for a second Erasmus Mundus scholarship?

    No, individuals who have already benefited from an EMJMD scholarship are not eligible for a second scholarship in order to follow the same or another EMJMD.

  10. Do I need health insurance?

    calculation The Consortium will pay the health insurance costs for all students. Erasmus Mundus approved insurers such as IPS-Lippman are recommended to obtain the minimum health and accident insurance coverage.

    Additionally, CLMC students will be covered by the University of Glasgow’s insurance scheme which will be valid in other partner countries for the duration of the 2-year programme. This gives emergency medical cover only but covers postgraduate students, accompanying spouses/partners and children for a maximum period of 12 months on any one trip. There is no excess. The insurance coverage is very comprehensive: death or severe permanent disablement (£150,000); medical & emergency repatriation expenses (unlimited coverage); personal belongings (£10,000); personal liability: limit of indemnity – any one event (£5 million); emergency replacement of passport, visa, travel documents etc (£1,500) etc.

    CLMCE students are advised to obtain the European Health Insurance Card prior to arrival in Glasgow for the start of the programme. Both EU and non-EU students are entitled to apply for this. 

    Non-EU students will have to supply a copy of their original visa showing that they are entitled to be in the UK for the period in question and in this way will have full EU medical care cover. EU national students can apply through their own EHIC equivalent so they are entitled to health care in the UK.  Again overseas nationals who might be studying at the partner universities can apply through the partner country which their visa is for. Basically students will be entitled to medical treatment that becomes necessary, at reduced cost or sometimes free, when temporarily visiting a European Union country. Only treatment provided under the state scheme is covered.

  11. How long does the study of CLMCE take?

    CLMCE lasts for 2 years (4 semesters). 

  12. When is the start of the programme?

    The Orientation Week for the CLMCE programme starts in Glasgow and is normally held in the first week in September.

   14. Can I defer my offer?

          Deferrals are not possible as it is a highly competitive programme with limited places.

   15. If I am unsuccessful with my scholarship application, can I appeal?

The appeal procedure can only come into play if a candidate feels that the consortium/partnership has not handled his/her own application in line with the scholarship application and selection process as described on the CLMCE website and as presented to the EACEA.

In other words, the appeal cannot concern the decision itself, (usually negative) but only an alleged error made in the process that has resulted in the contested decision.

If such an error can be demonstrated the Consortium will assess the appeal.

How to appeal:

  1. You may appeal to the Consortium Management Board by sending an email to CLMC@glasgow.ac.uk within two weeks from the announcement of the decision. Please note that Appeals after this deadline, will not be considered.
  2. Your appeal must specify how the review result is inappropriate.

    3. The Consortium Director will review your application in respect to your appeal. The following will take place:

  • If it is an Administrative error, the Consortium and Programme Director will handle the appeal and rectify the error, if and when appropriate.
  • In relation to scores, the application will be reviewed by an alternative academic reviewer and if the reviewers agree, the decision will stand.
  • In case of any discrepancy between the two reviews form the academic team, the appeal will be referred to the Consortium Management Board for a final decision.

The reply to your appeal will be received within 10 calendar (working) days.

Final Decision

It should be noted though that as autonomous bodies, the Universities are sole and fully responsible for the final decision to select and enrol a student into their study programme.


 (Last updated on 23 September 2024)