The degree
The International Master in Children’s Literature, Media and Culture (CLMC) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree programme. It is a 24 month full-time programme with three mandatory mobility periods and an optional summer school. CLMC has been designed to maximise the learning outcomes through both student and staff mobility and is innovative in the interconnectedness of the curriculum.
Year 1
In year 1 you will take 60 ECTS of taught courses.
Semester 1 at the University of Glasgow: Historical and Critical Perspectives on Children’s Literature
- Children’s literature from the printing press to virtual reality (delivered by University of Glasgow)
- Children’s literature: Critical enquiry (delivered by University of Glasgow)
- Cross boundaries: Children’s literature and other media (online, delivered by Tilburg University)
- Literature and picturebooks for the early years (0-8) (delivered by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Semester 2 at Aarhus University: Children’s literature in a mediatized world
- Children’s literature and childhood (delivered by Aarhus University)
- Children’s literature texts and media (delivered by Aarhus University and UW)
- New media for children and young adults (online, delivered by University of British Columbia)
- Placement (Optional)
Aarhus University’s participation requires approval from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science” (confirmation in November 2018)
Optional courses delivered by University of British Columbia:
- Writing, publishing and the book trade for children
- Historical collections and archives
- Illustrated literature and other materials for children
- Creative writing for children
Year 2
In year 2 you will take 30 ECTS of taught courses and a 30 ECTS dissertation.
Semester 1 either at Tilburg University or the University of Wroclaw:
Tilburg University: Transcultural Trajectories
- Canon formation
- Children’s literature in translation
- Reviewing children’s and YA books
- Children’s literature for a diverse world (delivered by University of Glasgow and UAB)
- Placement
University of Wroclaw: Film and Participatory Culture
- Children and Childhood in Film
- Children's Film
- Conceptualizations of Childhood in Participatory Culture
- Children’s literature for a diverse world (delivered by University of Glasgow and UAB)
- Placement
Semester 2 dissertation
In semester 2 you will complete a research dissertation. The dissertation will be supported by all institutions throughout your two years of study and in semester 2 of year 2 you will progress to writing up your dissertation.
The language of instruction is English. However, students are strongly encouraged to undertake second language training (English, Spanish, Catalan, Dutch, Danish or Polish) in all mobility periods and relevant classes will be highlighted to students by each partner institution. Students will also have the opportunity to study a third language, such as French, German, Italian or Portuguese, to develop or maintain their language skills in general.
Mobility refers to periods of study or research undertaken during the two years of the programme and can be broken down as follows:
1st mobility
Year 1, semester 1 at the University of Glasgow
2nd mobility
Year 1, semester 2 at Aarhus University
3rd mobility
Year 2, semester 1 either at Tilburg University, Autonomous University of Barcelona or the University of Wroclaw.
4th mobility
Students choose the location where they wish to complete their research.
Students may choose to attend the summer school between year 1 and year 2 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. This will not count as official degree mobility but will be recorded on students' transcripts as an activity undertaken during the programme.
Please note: CLMC mobility Study Track options, for Partner Country** Scholarship students, may experience some restrictions in relation to mobility periods outside the Programme Country* group, pending the outcome of the EU - UK EXIT negotiations”.
* Programme Country group = EU countries, Iceland, Norway, FYR Macedonia, Lichtenstein, Turkey, Serbia
** Partner Country group = rest of the world
Assessment methods
The Consortium Management Board will have overall responsibility for safeguarding the common standards and mechanisms for the examination of students (European and Third Country).
Each of the course components of the International Master programme has its own form of assessment. These are outlined in the individual course handbooks. In order to calculate the final mark achieved the marks for each component are weighted according to their credit rating.
In year 1 a candidate will be permitted to progress to Dissertation only if s/he has obtained an average aggregation score of 12 (equivalent to Grade C3) or above in the taught courses described above, with at least 75% of the credits at a score of 9 or better (Grade D3 or better) and all credits at a score of 3 or above (Grade F or above).
Each joint partner university will take responsibility for marking according to its own criteria. Each partner university will provide assessment marks as they stand to the Consortium’s Board of Examiners, along with detailed additional descriptors, for the Board of Examiners to translate to University of Glasgow, the given partner university and the ECTS grading systems to facilitate the production of the joint degree transcript and diploma supplement issued by the consortium.
All examination results will be discussed and finalised by the Board of Examiners and formally approved by the Consortium Management Board. The marking systems for each partner university and how these relate the University of Glasgow and ECTS systems will be made clear to students in advance.
The joint degree will have its own external examiner who will be represented on the Board of Examiners.