IMCEERES has been an exceptional international experience and a major milestone in my academic development. I believe, the valuable experiences that helped me to advance my studies and knowledge will make me a competitive candidate for pursuing a PhD.

IMCEERES is unique in many ways. You get a chance to live and study in different countries and emerge with three MA degrees from three different Universities! Students also get assistance in finding a placement in a variety of think-tanks, non-governmental organisations and other institutions based on their research and professional interests.

I especially appreciated that the programme provided an interdisciplinary approach, combining perspectives from various disciplines. The programmme offers a flexible framework and enough variety to cater to anyone’s individual preferences. Professors always encourage students to think critically, independently and creatively.  

Moving to different countries and adjusting to new educational and grading systems can be a bit challenging. However, the programme coordinators and the staff are very supportive and that makes the transition process easy and smooth.


This programme gave me an excellent opportunity to develop my personality and vision by interacting with people from various backgrounds in a multicultural environment.

First published: 2 September 2020