Assessment of diagnostics for trypanosomiasis in cattle

Supervisor: Dr Harriet Auty, School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine

Lack of field diagnostics is a major factor limiting appropriate treatment of trypanosomiasis in affected areas. Our previous research in Serengeti District, Tanzania has found that only a small proportion of cattle that are treated with trypanocides actually test positive for trypanosomes, indicating that many farmers are spending money on unnecessary treatments, and creating animal welfare issues if cattle do not receive appropriate treatment for other diseases. From previous projects, we have a bank of samples already tested with different diagnostics, including a potential new field test. This project would involve assessment of these diagnostic approaches, and development of strategies for optimal use of diagnostics in different field scenarios. This would provide the opportunity to develop skills in study design, diagnostic assessment, statistical analyses and co-development of appropriate control strategies with stakeholders.