Unravelling crosstalk in the bone marrow microenvironment during ontogeny

Dr Karen Keeshan, School of Caner Sciences (University of Glasgow)

Dr Colin Adrain, School of Medicine, Dentisry and Biomedical Sciences (Queens University Belfast)


To ensure the panel interview process is robust and well-informed, please provide a training plan including timelines for data generation/provision and the input from each supervisor.   

Year 1 will be spent training in experimental techniques including the click chemistry and protease omic analysis (Adain), and animal training (Keeshan) for aim 1 and developing bioinformatic skills to carry out BMME molecular profiles from the Keeshan datasets. This training will be under the supervision of the Adrain and Keeshan labs with specialist core bioinformatic training courses and with close support from a computational biologist embedded in the Keeshan group. In parallel, in year one the student will develop the essential wet lab skills training to dissect and visualize the BMME using microscopy and flow cytometry, and tissue culture skills using primary haematopoietic cells. Specialised sheddome target identification and characterization and fine tuning of the molecular sheddome for aim 1 and 2 will be undertaken in Year 2. In year 3, validation of the sheddome and its functional readout using cell and molecular skills developed throughout the PhD will be undertaken in year 3 under the supervision of Keeshan and Adrain.