Our Partners

University of Lancaster
Bioscience research at Lancaster University spans the molecular to ecosystem scales, with key strengths in plant and pathogen sciences, and with a research focus that aims to identify solutions to global challenges and to promote healthy lives and environments.

University of Glasgow
The University of Glasgow’s College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS) tackles global challenges across, a broad range of discovery science of fundamental importance to our understanding of health and biology.

University of Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde offers provides expertise on microorganism biology, the production of specialised metabolites, the identification of novel antimicrobials, as well as in drug discovery, formulation, and manufacture.

Queen’s University Belfast
The School of Biological Sciences and the embedded Institute for Global Food Security (IGFS) at Queen’s University Belfast supports world-leading research and brings researchers from different disciplines together to address major societal challenges.
Associate Partners

James Hutton Institute
James Hutton Institute is at the forefront of multidisciplinary research into agriculture, animal health and natural resources. Strong links already exist with the partners, including joint funding and joint studentships.

IBioIC trains students to be not only excellent researchers but also innovators and work-ready professionals through industry-led skills development including entrepreneurship via its Ready for Industry programme.

Moredun Research Institute
Moredun brings world class research on infectious diseases of livestock, working closely with farmers and vets to support sustainable agriculture and food security.