How to improve the speed of rehabilitation of athletes post lower limb injury with gait analysis using motion capture for real-time biomechanical analytics and


Professor Stuart Gray, Collage of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences  

Doctor Aleksandra Vuckovic, College of Science and Engineering, James Watt School of Engineering

Doctor Julien Le Kernec, College of Science and Engineering, James Watt School of Engineering


PHD Project Summary:

This PhD project focuses on leveraging motion capture technology for real-time biomechanical analysis to expedite athlete recovery from lower limb injuries. Traditional rehabilitation methods often lack precision, leading to prolonged recovery times. By integrating motion capture systems, this research aims to provide personalized insights into biomechanical deficits and movement patterns, enhancing rehabilitation outcomes. The project aims to assess technology feasibility, implement real-time feedback mechanisms, and evaluate the impact of personalized insights on athlete motivation and engagement.

The PhD student will develop technical skills in motion capture technology and software development, collaborate across disciplines, and gain expertise in mixed-methods research approaches. Training outcomes include proficiency in data analysis, interdisciplinary collaboration, and research methodology, preparing the student for a career at the intersection of biomechanics, sports science, and rehabilitation therapy.