Christopher Grant

I graduated with MB, ChB Honours from the University of Glasgow in 2013. Thereafter, I spent two years working as an Academic Foundation Doctor in the South East of Scotland in conjunction with an Honorary Clinical Fellow role with the University of Edinburgh. I spent a year working in New Zealand before undertaking a full-time taught Master of Public Health degree at the University of Glasgow. I undertook Academic Core Medical Training in Glasgow from 2017 to 2019 during which time I attained my MRCP (UK) diploma. I completed a Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene in Liverpool prior to working overseas as a medical registrar in St Francis’ Mission Hospital in Katete, Zambia. I started specialty training in Renal & General Medicine in the West of Scotland in 2020. I am interested in use of routinely collected ‘big data’ to answer important questions that cannot be addressed by clinical trials.

Our project will use complex longitudinal analyses of routinely collected, population-based linked data sets to identify adverse outcomes associated with the use of analgesics in patients with CKD and multimorbidity. I will be embedded within the Division of Population Health and Genomics at the University of Dundee where there is expertise in health data science, epidemiology, pain medicine, translational research, and qualitative research.

I aim to pursue senior academic training at a post-doctoral level in the field of multimorbidity and clinical epidemiology in conjunction with a clinical role as a nephrologist in a large, University teaching hospital. Ultimately, I hope that my research will change clinical practice and improve outcomes for patients living with kidney disease and multimorbidity.

Project: Understanding the impact of polypharmacy in patients with multimorbidity and Chronic Kidney Disease

Primary Supervisor: Dr Samira Bell (University of Dundee)

Secondary Supervisors: Prof Lesley Colvin (University of Dundee) and Prof Patrick Mark (University of Glasgow)