Neave Corcoran

I am an incoming Fellow on the Multimorbidity PhD programme 2022 intake.

The project I will be undertaking is entitled ‘Quantifying the incremental costs and quality of life pathways of different trajectories of multimorbidity development’. I am completing the PhD project at University of Glasgow and my supervisors are Prof Emma McIntosh, Dr Bhautesh Jani, Prof Frances Mair and Prof Rod Taylor, whose multidisciplinary expertise span health economics, data science, primary care and mixed-methods research and who represent the departments of Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment, and General Practice and Primary Care at the Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow.

I completed my medical degree at Newcastle University, during which I undertook an MSc in Public Health (Health Sciences), before undertaking GP vocational training in Tower Hamlets, London. I work part-time as a salaried GP at Braefoot Medical Practice, Edinburgh, where I am Practice Quality Lead in our Cluster GP group and Clinical Lead for Palliative Care in our practice.

I am currently completing a part-time General Practice Clinical Academic Fellowship at General Practice and Primary Care, University of Glasgow. During my current fellowship I have established an interest in multimorbidity research, as well as other aspects of primary care research. This interest has led me to be involved in a number of projects within the department, as well as leading a project with experienced co-authors exploring long-terms conditions, multimorbidity and colorectal cancer risks in the UK Biobank cohort, which has resulted in a paper recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity entitled 'Long-term conditions, multimorbidity and colorectal cancer risk in the UK Biobank cohort'.

I have experience in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods, and generic research and academic skills. This includes big data epidemiology work, specifically using the UK Biobank resource, and statistics and coding work using R programming environment; qualitative methods including qualitative interviewing, coding, and framework thematic analysis; experience in systematic review; paper, abstract and poster writing, and conference presentation; undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and project supervision; patient and public engagement; multidisciplinary team working, and public dissemination of research. My professional and academic skills, and research interests are summarised in Figure 1. I aim to utilise and further build upon these foundational skills during my PhD project and take up the unparalleled opportunities for further academic training offered by the Multimorbidity PhD Programme. I aim to develop my multimorbidity and health economics expertise beyond this PhD project, to become a leader in this area.

Project: Quantifying the incremental costs and quality of life pathways of different trajectories of multimorbidity development

Primary Supervisor: Prof Emma McIntosh (University of Glasgow) 

Secondary Supervisors: Dr Bhautesh JaniProf Frances Mair and Prof Rod Taylor (University of Glasgow)