Josie Murray

Josie qualified as a Consultant in Public Health in April 2019 and took up her first post in NHS Fife as Screening Coordinator, lead for Healthcare Public Health and Public Health Priority 6 – a Scotland where we are all a healthy weight and eat healthily.

During the pandemic, Josie took the opportunity of a secondment to set up and lead the national Surveillance programme for COVID-19 (March- August 2020). Upon return to NHS Fife, Josie was appointed Clinical Lead for Health Protection in NHS Fife, and has since been appointed as Lead Respiratory consultant at Public Health Scotland, before taking up this Clinical Fellowship.

Prior to public health training, Josie also has twenty years of experience of working in healthcare across the private, public and third sector, both in the acute and community settings. Josie is actively involved in service improvement delivery, teaching and research, with ambitions to pursue a career in national public health practice and research.

Josie’s current interests include multimorbidity, interprofessional collaborative practice, respiratory illness, epidemiology, prevention, inequalities, social justice, public health advocacy and clinical education.

Josie's research project will seek to answer the following questions:

  • What IPC interventions have been trialled for patients with Multimorbidity and what is their effectiveness?
  • What are patients/health professionals’ experiences and attitudes of interprofessional collaborative practice and multimorbidity?
  • What enables or prevents effective interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of care for patients with multimorbidity?

Project: The impact of interprofessional collaborative practice on health and care outcomes in patients with multimorbidity

Primary Supervisor: Dr Veronica O'Carroll (University of St Andrews)

Secondary Supervisors: Dr Virginia Hernandez Santiago and Prof Frank Sullivan (University of St Andrews)