Zhengyu Li


Research title: Public transport operators’ technological choices of zero-emission buses: Stakeholders’ perspectives

Research Summary

Zhengyu Li is a doctoral candidate in Management at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow. His research focuses on exploring technological transitions of Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) from the perspectives of shareholders and other international stakeholders, specifically examining the decision-making process of bus service providers in a British city regarding the adoption of ZEVs in their fleets.

His research aligns with the UK’s net-zero goals and supports several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), and SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being). Zhengyu’s work is crucial for understanding stakeholders’ influence on sustainable transportation, fostering collaborative partnerships, supporting SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), and encouraging inclusive sustainable actions by shareholders and other international stakeholders.

Zhengyu’s research has garnered significant recognition and funding. He has received the Adam Smith Business School PGR Mobility Scholarship and Seed Corn Funding for Fieldwork Research. Additionally, his work was honored with the Best Developmental Paper Award in the Strategy Track at the British Academy of Management Conference 2023.

Beyond his research, Zhengyu has gained valuable teaching experience as a GTA in courses such as Principles of Management, Global Business, and International Management. He further broadened his academic horizons as a visiting student at The University of Sydney in 2023. Through his research and academic endeavors, Zhengyu is making impactful contributions to the fields of Stakeholder Governance, ESG, and sustainable development.


Adam Smith Business School PGR Mobility Scholarship, University of Glasgow, 2023

Seed Corn Funding for Fieldwork Research, University of Glasgow, 2022


 Li, Z., Tang, Y. K. & Buck, T. 2024. Sustainable public transportation at the crossroads: Bus operators’ technological choices from the perspectives of shareholders and other international stakeholders. Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference. Seoul, South Korea. (Accepted for presentation in the Competitive Session)

LI, Z., TANG, Y. K. & BUCK, T. 2023. Public transport operators’ technological choices of zero-emission buses: Stakeholders’ perspectives. British Academy of Management Conference. Brighton, UK. (Best Developmental Paper Award in Strategy Track)


MGT1023, Principles of Management

MGT4003, Global Business

MGT5317, International Management

Additional Information

BAM conference Best Developmental Paper Award (2023) in Strategy Track, ‘Public transport operators’ technological choices of zero-emission buses: Stakeholders’ perspectives’, UK, together with Dr Yee Kwan Tang and Professor Trevor Buck.

Visiting Student, The University of Sydney, 2023.

Member of the Academy of International Business (AIB).

Member of the British Academy of Management (BAM).