Zein Almaha Rami Wahdan Oweis

Email: 2582881O@student.gla.ac.uk 



Research title: How are people with disabilities perceived in traditional mainstream Jordanian media vs. Facebook?

Research Summary

Zein AlMaha (Zee) is a researcher with a disability with the Centre for Cultural Policy Research (CCPR).

Her PhD research focuses on disability representation in Jordanian media both in mainstream and digital media with a focus on Facebook.

She interested in discovering how persons with disabilities are represented, portrayed and presented in the media. 


Z. Oweis (2022), ‘Digital content in a divided society by Paul Reilly Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2021, 253 p., $97/£85 (hardback), $65/£57 (eBook), ISBN 978-0-7190-8707-3’ Information, Communications & Society.



Z. Oweis (2022), ‘CCPR-CREATe Lecture: ‘Media Freedom and the Regulation of Big Tech’, CREATe.



MeCCSA Annual Conference “Connected Futures”, Glasgow Caledonian Univerrsity (GCU), Glasgow, Scotland (2023) (Attendee)


Addressing Mental Health and Disability Equality in the Creative Industries (AMH23), Leicester, England (2023) (Attendee)


The Annual Conference of Interdisciplinary, Intersectional & International Disability Studies Conference, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, England (2023) (Attendee) 


The PhD Life Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland (2023) (Presenter)

  • How to tackle your first academic conference?


The PhD Life Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland (2022) (Presenter)

  • How to tackle your first academic conference?


MeCCSA Annual Conference “Silent Voices”, Robert Gordon University (RGU), Aberdeen, Scotland (2022) (Presenter)

  • How people see us: a study on ho wpeople with disabilities are represented in the media in Jordan 


The PIE Live Europe Conference, The Brewery, London, England (2022) (Participant)

  • Participated in the International Student Round Tabl


The PhD Life Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland (2022) (Presenter)

  • How to balance a PhD with a visual impairment?


The PhD Life Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland (2021) (Presenter)

  • How to balance a PhD with a visual impairment?


Graduate Teaching Assistant:

  • Issues in Audience Management (PGT)
  • Research Methods (PGT)

Additional Information

Volunteer Speaker for Guide Dogs Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland (2024 -)

Guest Speaker, Middlesex University, London, England (2022)

  • Presented on PhD research


Centre for Cultural Policy Research (CCPR) Class Representative (2023 -)


University of Glasgow Societies:

  • The Glasgow Guardian (Newspaper): Reporter/ Online Editor (2020-2022)
  • PhD Society: Disability Officer (2021-).
  • Glasgow University Magazine: Writer (2020 -)


Accessible Communitations Volunteer, Visibility Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland (2021 - 2023)