Yujia Jin
Research title: Representations of the Italian Renaissance in the 21st Century: the Borgia and Medici Families stories on the small screen
Research Summary
Yujia (Flavia) Jin (she/her) is a PhD student in Comparative Literature at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Glasgow. She received her MA in Literary and Comparative Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her doctoral research is an interdisciplinary study on the representation of the Italian Renaissance in the twenty-first century, using the intermedial genre of the family saga as an interpretative framework to read the Borgia and Medici families’ history on the small screen. Her research views the narratives of these two Renaissance families presented on television and in video games as a heteroglossic phenomenon and deconstructs these narratives via a comparative approach. The research examines how the Italian Renaissance is consumed in contemporary culture and how the representation of this historical period echoes current popular aesthetic values.
Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities Research Showcase Exhibition
Funded by SGSAH as exhibitioner for the Research Showcase Exhibition 2023. 22nd - 23rd June 2023.
Conference Paper
'A Comparative Study on the Renaissance Sagas in Television and Video Game Series' at “Connectedness”, the 7th Annual Postgraduate Conference in Translation Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Glasgow. 6 May 2022.
'Reading the Italian Renaissance through the Borgia Family’s Representations in the 21st Century' at “Visibili rifatti. Early Modern Voices in the Contemporary World”, University of Sussex. 29-30 Jun 2022.
Winter/Summer School:
Digital Humanities Winter School “Tran(s)missions: How multimediality shapes interdisciplinary research in the field of Italian and Visual Studies”, held by Roma Tre University in collaboration with University College London. 10th - 15th Jan 2023.
6th International Public History Summer School held by the University of Wrocławthe and the University of Luxembourg. The following paper was presented “Family Saga as Historical Narrative on the Small Screen – A Reading on the Italian Renaissance in the 21st Century”. 12th -16th Jun 2023.
GTA in Comparative Literature
GTA in Creative Arts and Industries
Additional Information
Committee Member of College of Arts PG Conference ‘Encounters: memory, community, futurity.’ People Laison Officer from Dec 2022 to Jun 2023.
Member of British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA).