Yiheng Ding


Research title: Freedom and the ethics of nudge - a moral assessment

Research Summary

My research interests lie in political philosophy and applied ethics, currently focusing on two topics:

1. How should we evaluate more subtle forms of social influence, such as nudging or manipulation, in everyday interpersonal interactions and commercial contexts?

2. What is an interpersonal relationship? When we talk about the connection, bond, or tie between persons, what exactly do we mean?

In addition to the above, I am also interested in exploring how social reality, life experiences, and the intellectual history of China can inform moral, social, and political philosophy within the analytical tradition.


Ding, Y. (2025) ‘Principle, Things, and Four Stances of Chinese Moral Philosophy’. Journal of Social and Political Philosophy, 4(1): 74–80.


2023-2024 Graduate Teaching Assistant (Glasgow)

Philosophy 1B: How should I live?

Philosophy 2A: What am I?

2024-          External Tutor (Strathclyde)

Political Philosophy