Yasaman Nabati Mazloumi



Research title: Landscape Transformations and Heritage Discourses in the Sirwan Valley: Connecting Community Perceptions and Archaeological Approaches in Iraqi Kurdistan

Research Summary

There is a deep disconnect between how archaeologists traditionally investigate historic landscapes in Southwest Asia and the lived experiences of local communities, who dwell in and modify the landscapes around them. Although archaeologists increasingly emphasize public engagement, communities’ perceptions of archaeological landscapes are often poorly studied. Moreover, local communities rarely have access to the knowledge produced by archaeological projects and are rarely directly involved in its production. This separation has pushed local knowledge, narratives, and their needs and concerns to the margins.

Taking the Sirwan River valley in the Kurdistan Region of northeast Iraq as the case study and drawing on the archaeological and community work of the Sirwan Regional Project, my research addresses this disconnect between local knowledge and archaeological practice, aiming to make the latter more relevant to local concerns and to empower local communities to actively shape landscape discourse. 


If you would like to know more about my PhD research People and Landscape:

*You can follow my PhD journey here: https://peopleandlandscape.wordpress.com/

*Or visit the Instagram and Facebook pages of my project:


2024 - Nabati Mazloumi, Yasaman. “New Evidence from Robert McCormick Adams’ archaeological studies in Khuzestan Plain”. 

2023 - Nabati Mazloumi, Yasaman & Zaina, Federico. “The Endangered Archaeological Landscape of Khuzestan: Assessing Anthropogenic Impact through Multi-temporal Remote Sensing”. [EXPECTED]

2021- Zaina, Federico & Nabati Mazloumi, Yasaman. “A Multi- Temporal Satellite-based Risk Analysis of Archeological sites in the Qazvin Region (Iran)” Archeological Prospection, Wiley publication https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/arp.1818

2021- Arose, A; Chechi, A; Cunliffe, E; Daniels, B; Davis, T; Dijkestal, H; Hausler, Kristin; Nabati Mazloumi, Y; Reap, J; Renold, M; Comments on OTP ICC Cultural Heritage Policy, https://theblueshield.org/bsi-supports-icc/

2021- Branduini, Paula; Zaina, Federico; Zavvari, Fereshteh; Nabati Mazloumi, Yasaman. “Qanats, As An Endangered Traditional Hydraulic Heritage: An Integrated Methodology For Documenting, Restoring And Reusing An Ancient Iranian Qanat” 9th ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 & 3rd GEORES 2021 in Valencia, Spain, 26th – 28th April 2021 https://bit.ly/3u2DUQe

2022- Nabati Mazloumi, Yasaman, “Iconography of Winged Angels on Parthian Coins: political uniformity or religious conflicts?” in ICCANE proceedings, Vol 12, 2021


External supervisors

Professor Sian Jones (University of Stirling)


2025: The Research Training Support Grant (RTSG), College of arts and humanities, University of Glasgow, For participation in Broadening Horzions 7 in Sapienza University of Rome and presenting my PhD project

2024: Research Grant for participating and conducting fieldwork (Second season) in Garmian Region, Kurdistan, Iraq from the Scottish Graduate School of Arts and Humanities (SGSAH)

2024: Sue Green Memoriam Bursary, University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, For designing and delivering the engagement kit in the second doctoral fieldwork

2023: Research Grant for participating and conducting fieldwork (first season) in Garmian Region, Kurdistan, Iraq from the Scottish Graduate School of Arts and Humanities (SGSAH)

2022- 2026: Doctoral Grant from SGSAH/AHRC DTP 

2022: Winner of the Call for application at the ABC department of Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy for the project: Historical analysis of the cultural heritage in the valley of Islahiye (Turkey)

2020: Erasmus + Internship grant of University of Bologna, Italy (internship at University of Newcastle, UK)

2018-2020: Merit Scholarship for Master's Degree, University of Bologna, Italy


Conferences Attended:

2024- BANEA2024 Glasgow, Workshop organizer (Whose Heritage Is It, Really? Community Engagement and Local Counter-narratives in the Archaeology of Southwest Asia) program here:


2024- BAENA2024 Glasgow: a talk on: "Landscape Narratives and Place-based Story Telling, Preliminary Report Of The First Season Of Ethnoarchaeology Fieldwork In Iraqi Kurdistan"

2022 - Zaina, Federico & Nabati Mazloumi, Yasaman. “Lost heritage, living memory and moving people. Introducing the Lost Heritage Atlas initiative” PRESENTED in International Conference of “Mobility and Memory in the Archaeology of the Middle Sea”- University of Bologna


Lectures Done:

2023: Guest Speaker for “Shifting Paradigms. Postcolonial Archaeology and Ethical Challenges in MENA Countries” at the University of Milan, Italy, and Trinity College of Dublin, Ireland with the collaboration of Archeostorie, Journal of Public Archaeology

2023: Guest Speaker for “Report on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law with regards to the Protection of Cultural Heritage in the Occupied Tskhinvali Region, Georgia” at Newcastle University and Blue Shield Georgia

2022: Guest lecturer for “Managing Heritage during Disasters: Introducing the Lost Heritage Atlas Initiative” at Wiki Heritage Hour and with Wiki World Heritage


2024/2025: Graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Archaeology (Undergraduate Degree: Archaeology in Modern World), Department of Information Studies- Museology (Graduate Degree: Learning and Engagement in Cultural Heritage and Power and Politics in the Post/Colonial Museum)

2023/2024: Graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Archaeology (Undergraduate Degree: Theory and Practice in Archaeology) and Department of Information Studies- Museology(Graduate Degree: Introduction to Museology and Museum Learning and Engagement) at the University of Glasgow. 

2020/2021 and 2021/2022: Teaching assistant for Dr. Zaina: lesson “Endangered Global Cultural Heritage: The Mediterranean and the Near East” at the University of Bologna, Italy

2021: Guest lecturer for “The potentials of satellites images in safeguarding cultural heritage” at Newcastle University

Additional Information


2024: Archaeological and ethnographic Fieldwork in Duhok Region, Kurdistan, Iraq with Land of Niniveh Archaeological Project (LoNAP), Directing the ethnography research and co-desiging public engagement

2024: Archaeological and ethnographic Fieldwork in Garmian Region, Kurdistan, Iraq with Sirwan Regional Project (as part of my PhD project)

2023: Archaeological and ethnographic Fieldwork in Duhok Region, Kurdistan, Iraq with Land of Niniveh Archaeological Project (LoNAP), Directing the ethnography research and co-desiging public engagement

2023: Archaeological and ethnographic Fieldwork in Garmian Region, Kurdistan, Iraq with Sirwan Regional Project (as part of my PhD project)

2019: Ethnoarchaeology Fieldwork in Tehran and Kashan 

2014/2015: Archaeological and ethnographic Fieldwork in Qazvin and Kashan, Iran with the collaboration of University of Kashan and University of Tehran


Work Experience:

2022: Academic Researcher Historical analysis of the cultural heritage in the valley of Islahiye (Turkey)” Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy

2022: Tutor in Nahrein Network Working with Iraqi students in documenting endangered cultural heritage- UCL, UK

2021: Blue Shield International Secretariat and Researcher- Newcastle, UK

2017/2018: Research Assistant in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS)- Tehran, Iran

2015-2016: Research AssistantCultural heritage project in Iranology Foundation- Tehran, Iran


Language Proficiency:

Persian: Native
English: Near Native
Italian: Advanced
Arabic: Intermediate
Kurdish Sorani: Intermediate