Xin Yang


Room 520, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

University of Glasgow | G12 8QQ



Research title: A tool for scientific governance? The historical geography of China’s Arctic research station

Research Summary

This project focuses on the historical geography of the Arctic in China, specifically using Chinese polar observatories as crucial sites for research to understand how knowledge about the 'Arctic' and 'climate change' is produced, circulated and consumed in Chinese contexts.

In line with the global nature of climate change, historians of climate science are focusing on the circulation of local scientific knowledge across the world network of scientific observatories. Meteorological observatories are important sites for the production, circulation and consumption of scientific knowledge and data and act as important nodes for understanding climate change in the Earth system. This research considers China's scientific practice in the Arctic in this global context, connecting Chinese observatories in the Arctic to broader national and international histories of polar science, science diplomacy, and cultural history. It also roots China's recent interest in polar science in traditional Chinese cosmology and geographical imagination. 


External supervisors

Professor Xiaofeng Tang, Peking University



  • The Royal Society Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme [£1934.00]
  • RGS-IBG Historical Geography Research Group Postgraduate Support Scheme [£410.00]
  • University Graduate School Mobility Scholarship [£1500.00]
  • School of Geographical & Earth Sciences conference support [£300.00]


  • Sir Alwyn Williams Postgraduate Scholarship [£716.00]
  • School of Geographical & Earth Sciences conference support [£546.00]


University of Glasgow - The China Scholarship Council (CSC) Co-operative Scholarship [2022-2026]


RGS-IBG HGRG: Practising Historical Geography Conference and 50th Anniversary, UK (November 9 - 10, 2023)

'Historical Geography & History of Science: A New Perspective', Speaker, International Symposium for STS Junior Scholars, China (30 Dec. 2023)  

'Historical Geography of Science: Mapping the uneven knowledge landscape', Speaker, Spatio-temporal Change and Human Homeland--Chinese Historical Geography Annual Conference 2024, Zhuhai, China (26 - 28 July 2024)

'Geographical Archive in China: A Collision of Classics and Modernity', Speaker, New & Emerging Research in Historical Geography Session at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London, UK (27 - 30 August 2024)

'The Space of Knowledge: History, Theory and Context', Speaker, 115th Anniversay of the Geographical Society of China & China Conference on Geography 2024, Nanjing, China (26 - 29 September)


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