Balci, U., Stuart, F.M., Fitton, J.G., and Taylor, R.N. (2023, July 9-14). High resolution He isotopes from Reykjanes Ridge MORB support pulsing Iceland plume [Oral Presentation]. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France.
Balci, U., Stuart, F.M., Barrat, J.-A., Grima, A.G., and van der Zwan, F. (2023, July 9-14). Origin and implications of He-depleted Afar mantle plume [Oral Presentation]. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France.
Balci, U., Stuart, F.M., Martin-Roberts, E., Fitton, J.G., and Bindeman, I.N. (2023, Jan 4-6). The long-term evolution of the Iceland plume constrained by He-O isotope and trace element composition of Miocene basalts from NW Iceland [Oral Presentation]. VMSG 23, London, UK.
Balci, U., Stuart, F.M., Barrat, J.-A., and van der Zwan, F. (2022, July 11-15). Low He content of the high 3He/4He Afar mantle plume: Origin and implications of the He poor mantle [Poster Presentation]. Goldschmidt 2022, online.
Balci, U., Stuart, F.M., Barrat, J.-A., and van der Zwan, F. (2022, May 23-27). Low He content of the high 3He/4He Afar mantle plume: Origin and implications of the He poor mantle [Oral Presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2022, online.
Balci, U., Stuart, F.M., Barrat, J.-A., and van der Zwan, F. (2022, January 10-12). Low He content of the high 3He/4He Afar mantle plume: Origin and implications [Oral Presentation]. vVMSG 22, online.
Stuart, F., Balci, U., and Barrat, J.-A. (2021, April 19-30). Defining the composition of the deep mantle and the primordial He inventory of the Afar plume [Oral Presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, EGU21-10891,, 2021.
Balci, U., and Sayit, K. (2018, April 23-27). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the diabase dykes from the Boğazkale Region, Central Anatolia: Implications for the geodynamical evolution of the northern branch of Neotethys [Oral Presentation]. 72nd Geology Congress of Turkey with international participation, Ankara, Turkey.
Balci, U., and Sayit, K. (2017, April 23-28). Preliminary geochemical data for the diabase dykes from the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Belt, Central Anatolia [Poster Presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna, Austria.