Jean Tzu-Yin Chou
Jean Tzu-Yin Chou is a PhD candidate in Economic and Social history at the University of Glasgow (UofG), United Kingdom (U.K.).
Jean also works as a GTA/PhD tutor, leading tutorials/seminars for courses including Economic and Social History level 1, from c.1750-1918;1918-2008 (ESH1001; ESH1002), Social and Public Policy 1B:Understanding Glasgow (PUPOL1002), and Global History 2B:An Introduction to Global History (HIST2015) for first- and second-year undergraduate students at UofG.
Prior to her PhD studies, she's awarded with B.A. in History and Political Theory at National Taiwan University, Taiwan;and MSc in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine at the University of Manchester (U.K.). She also received graduate trainings on Contemporary India from University of Oxford, UK and History from University of Edinburgh, UK.
Before her doctoral studies at UofG, she had worked in both public and private sectors and worked as a freelancer. She previously worked as an assistant researcher in a Taipei-based think tank, being dedicated to strengthening both informal and formal relationships between Taiwan and Southeast and South Asian countries; a research assistant in Academia Sinica, a prestigious academic institute in Taipei; a Taipei- and Kaohsiung City-based freelancer for English-Traditional Chinese translation and for proofreading of graduate school application documents from international students.
Research title: Local mobility, medical management, and the founding of hospitals by the Chinese communities in the Straits-Settlements-era Singapore, circa. 1826-1942
Research Summary
Her doctoral project 'Local mobilities, medical investments, and the founding of hospitals by the Chinese communities in the Strait-Settlements-Era of Singapore, circa 1826-1942' focuses on the history of hospital fundraisings and hospital finance in the Straits-Settlements-Era of Singapore. Her academic interests include Southeast Asian Studies, the social history of medicine, diasporas under British colonial Singapore, hospital fundraising and finance in East Asia, and the social welfare before welfare states.
Apart from her doctoral thesis and academic interests, she's also keen on intercultural exchanges of Chinese-speaking students and teaching staff in British and/or Scottish Universities. She's interested in learning and researching performances of international students in both undergraduate and postgraduate-taught programmes under social sciences and humanities disciplines.
She currently conducts a reseach project as a rearch intern for UofG's Learning and Teaching Development Fund Project: Demystifying and Diversifying Active Learning and Skills Development for MSc Global Economy Students, in order to enhance the educational performances and teaching outputs towards international students in UofG.
Art Critics, Invitation Talks, Popular writing, Public Engagements, and Video Production:
Video Apr-Aug 2022, Taiwan Bar.
Research Report and Consulting for textual scripts and ideas of the video ‘Cram Exam Factory’, The Pilot episode of ‘That’s so Asian’ Video series.
- Achieved 250k watched from both two links on YouTube (updated on 6 Feb, 2023), in Mandarin with English subtitles.
- Shortlisted for the Best Documentary for The 5th Walk Bell John Awards.
- Awarded for the Best Producer for The 5th Walk Bell John Awards (Producer: Mr. Mu-Chian Ruan, Taiwan Bar).
- Sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Taiwan.
Workshop: 7 Sep 2020 at National Taichung Girl’s Senior High School, Taichung, Taiwan.
Invited as a guest mentor for ‘Series of Workshops for Research Methodologies of Social Science for High School Teachers in Taiwan’. Organised by the Taiwanese Sociological Association, National Tainan Senior High School and sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. Led group discussion for on-progress-workshop for high school teachers for course design and assisted the keynote speaker Prof. Yen-Wei Miao in Workshop ‘Practice and uses for archival research for high- school teaching design’.
- The workshop is held and funded by Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
Reading group leading.
Reading Group, 8 Nov 2020 (hybrid).
A guest speaker to lead one section in a medical history reading group with an introductory talk for ‘Gareth Millward’s Vaccinating Britain: Mass Vaccination and the public since the Second World War’ for master’s and PhD students in the Musto Center for Drugs and National Security Studies and History Department at Shanghai University, Shanghai. (Invited by Miss Betty Kong Wang (previous a master’s student in Shanghai University/ now PhD student in Beijing University). With 20 participants in that month’s reading discussion (in Mandarin)
Public Talk, Mar 24, 2019 at Monsoon Zone Bookstore, Taipei, Taiwan.
Public talk ‘Before the 24 May-Introduction, prediction and analysis of 2019 Indian General Election’. (talked and Q&As in both Mandarin and English, with Roberto Shin-Yu Lin (the Ex- Assistant Research Fellow in Asia-Exchange Foundation). With more than 40 audiences in this public talk (in Mandarin).
Arts Critics, Apr 2019, invited by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts.
Introductory article on a special issue of ArtAccrediting: ‘How art can do? Making the border fluid and constructing artefactual border in the a Asia: Inductionto “SUNSHOWER: Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia 1980’s to Now”’
Art Accrediting is a Bimonthly Art Magazine published by the Kaohsiung Museum of Modern Fine Arts (Written in Mandarin). This special issue was for an exhibition: ‘SUNSHOWER- Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN, Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia 1980s to Now’.
- The exhibition was co-organized by the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (Kaohsiung, Taiwan), MoriArt Museum (Tokyo, Japan), and The Japan Foundation Asia Center (Tokyo, Japan) and sponsored bythe Ministry of Culture (Taiwan) and Bureau of Culture, Kaohsiung Government.
Public History Writings
21 Jul 2021. ‘The stories of anti-vaccination in human history’, in ‘The Monthly Keywords’ Pandemics,published on Gushi/Story Studio. (Written in Mandarin).
26 Nov 2020 A series of articles for Southeast Asian Studies and an illustrated book being published onGushi/Story Studio.
- Project 1: ‘Luo Fangbo and Canton Hakka migration in South-East Asia’; ‘Hakka migration in South-East Asia: Pawnbrokers, Chinese Medicine Practitioners and “Tongmenghui” in the Strait Settlements’, and ‘Failing the exam? No worries. Why not immigrate to ‘Southsea’, occupy a land and build a nation/country: A life story of Hakkateenager Luo Fango’.
- Project 2: Designing for stories and scripts for an illustrated book:A CowardlyHero. A story of Luo Fangbo, Lan Fang Company/The Lanfang Republic, and Hakkamigration in Southeast Asia, published by Taiwan Bar. Sponsored by Hakka Public Communication Foundation of Taiwanese Government. (Written and printed in Mandarin).
- This project was sponsored by Hakka Public Communication Foundation, Taiwanese Government (Written in Mandarin).
- Aug 2021-31 Jul 2024. Taiwanese Governmental Scholarship for Overseas Studies, Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Subject: Demography/ Sociology.
- 5 Dec 2023. Conference Fee Waiver/Grant for the 17th ICHSEA Conference, Frankfurt.
- 19 Jun 2023. SPS PGR Research Travel Grant, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow.
- 12 Jun 2023. Travel Grant for the 1st History Lab Plus Conference, Institute of Advanced Historical Research, University of London.
- 14 Jan 2020-31 Dec 2020. Taiwanese Governmental Scholarship for Overseas Studies, Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Subject: Demography/ Sociology.
1. 16-19 Jul 2024. Athena Institute at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Amsterdam (the Netherlands). European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S).
‘Establishing Singaporean Nationhood by Servicing Pharma-Manufacturing in the Biopolis: Centralised-Control and Governmentally-Funding Supplement for Germfree and Gnotobiotic Mice through Experiments’.
Panel Convenor (with Po-Shun Chen, University of Manchester and Tsung-Jen Hung, University of Sydney) and panelist for ‘Trial Animals for Nationhood: Constructing Nationalist Medicines through Animal Experiments’ at the EASST-4S 2024 Amsterdam: Making and Doing Transformations.
2.18 Jul 2024 Society for the Social History of Medicine Biennial Conference ‘Resistance’ at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
‘BCG vaccination and the forming of SATA in Singapore, circa 1940s-1960s: the non-governmental basis vaccination campaign to the state-led programme under the UNICEF’
3.24-28 Jun 2024, Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore. The 19th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies.
‘The first phase of institutionalization for Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Case Study on establishments and relocations of Thong Chai Medical Institute between c. 1880s and 1900s’.
4. 14 Sep 2023.University of Cardiff, Cardiff (United Kingdom). British Society for the History of Medicine (BSHM).
‘Chinese temples in the British colonial Singapore: medical therapeutic functions of religious spaces for Traditional Chinese Medicine’, presented at the BSHM Congress 2023.
5. 20-25 Aug 2023 at the Goethe University Frankfurt (Frankfurt, Germany). The International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine (ISHEASTM).
‘Rethinking the complexities and entanglements of Straits Chinese communities in the colonial Singapore: Discourses and advertisements of opium consumption and detoxification, circa 1830s-1930s,’ presented at the 16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (ICHSEA).
6. 3 Jul 2023 at Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Memorial Studies Association (MSA).
‘Kinmenese Luò Fan and sojourning in Singapore, c. 1880s-1910s: the forming of compatriotism among the Kinmenese,’ presented at PhD Forward workshop of the 7th Annual Conference for MSA: Communities & Change.
20 Jun 2023 at Singapore Management University, Singapore City, Singapore.
7. 20 Jun 2023 Singapore Managment University, Singapore. The Society for Global Nineteenth Century Studies.
‘Walking the Edge of Empire: Hospital Fundraising and Establishments by Trans-Local Chinese Communities in British Colonial Singapore, c. 1860s-1910s’, presented in the Panel: Professional and Trans- imperial Networks on the First World Congress of the Society for Global Nineteenth Century Studies: Comparative Empire: Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation, 1750-1914.
8. 3 Sep 2019 at The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo City, Japan. The GRIPS.
‘People are equal, but some are more equal than others’, presented at the 8th GRIPS Student Conference: Public Policy for Peace and Sustainable Growth.
9. 25-28 Jun 2019 at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Memorial Studies Association (MSA).
‘The Grand Tour of Majolica: A Colonial History among Indo-Pacific Ocean (circa 1920s-1030s)’ in the Panel ‘Sites of Memory’, on the 3rd Annual Conference for MSA.
10. 3 Oct 2018 at The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo City, Japan. The GRIPS.
‘Japan-India Strategic Partnership: A case Study on 2008 Japan-India Nuke Deal Plan’, presented at the 7th GRIPS Student Conference: Public Policy for Peace and Sustainable Growth.
11. 21 Jul 2018 at Toronto Convention Centre, Canada.
The International Sociological Association.
‘From Taihoku Imperial University to National Taiwan University: The Spector of Colonialism in Historical Research in Taiwan’ in the Panel: Global Higher Education at the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology: Power, Violence and Justice.
12. 14 Jan 2016 at University of Oslo, Norway.The Centre for Development and Environment.
‘The Road to Sati Abolition in 1829’ presented at the UiO. NORASIA VII Conference: Maritime Asia.
- Summer Tutor, Summer School, UofG.
Economic and Social History - GTA, Economic and Social History, School of Social and Political Sciences, UofG:
2022-23 Economic and Social History 1A: c.1750-1914.
2022-23 Economic and Social History 1B: c.1914-2008.
2023-24 Economic and Social History 1A: c.1750-1914.
2023-24 Economic and Social History 1B: c.1914-2008. - PHD tutor in Urban Studies, School of Social and Political Scicences, UofG:2023-24 Social and Public Policy 1B: Understanding Glasgow
- PHD tutor in History Department, School of Humanities, UofG:
2023-24 History 2B: Global History
- TA in History Department, School of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University (Taiwan):
2013-14 World History 1:Pre-history to Roman Empire.
Additional Information
Public Engagements, 2021-21 Jan 2022. Co-running a non-profit Facebook page ‘Vaccine Taiwan’ to promote vaccination during the COVID-Pandemic in Taiwan and share scientific knowledge, legal-theoretical debates and related historical research.
We worked together as a team, of which included Dr. Chloe Farquhar (previous Post-doctoral Researcher at the Francis Crick Institute, London), Dr Li-Kun Chen (PhD ), me and four undergraduate interns (three Taiwanese students and one American exchange student withFulbright Scholarship) for almost 8 months with daily postings to update information for vaccination rates in Taiwanand globally. Besides, we also held four-time discussing sections within the team for topics such as methods tointerpret and analyse scientific data, the latest research about COVID vaccines on journal papers, legal issues of COVID passport/pass, and the history of vaccination and anti-vaccination.