Sevinj Rustamova

Telephone: +44 7442980555




Research title: Exploring the current status of inclusive education through teacher’s role: Comparative case study between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Scotland.

Research Summary

  I am interested in 

  • Inclusive education
  • Comparative research in education
  • Teacher Education and teacher professional learning 


Rustamova, S. (2021). School experiences of students with speacial educational needs (sen) in inclusive education settings in Azerbaijan

Rüstəmova S. (2021). Azərbaycanda inklüziv təhsil: xüsusi təhsil ehtiyacları olan şagirdlərin inklüziv təhsil müəssələrindəki təcrübələri, Azərbaycan məktəbi



Rustamova, S. (2024) Initial Teacher Education for Inclusive Education: Comparative Case Study between Republic of Azerbaijan and Scotland. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference 2024, Manchester, UK, 08-12 Sep 2024.

Spandagou, I., Proyer, M., Rustamova, S.,  Herrera-Seda, C., Simoni, S., Vlachou, A., Sether, E., Alves, I., Priestley, A., Jovanovic, O., Zahnd, R., Babbie, S., (2024) Teacher Education for Inclusion: International Trends, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2024, Nicosia, Cyprus, 27-30 August 2024.

Rustamova, S. (2024) Initial Teacher Education for Inclusion. The Emerging Researchers' Conference (ERC) at ECER 2024, Nicosia, Cyprus, 26-27 August 2024.

Additional Information

Conferences Proposal Rewiewer

  • European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2024 Network O4: Inclusive Education
  • Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2025 SIG: Inclusive education & Teacher Education and Teaching Profession