Sara Stone



Research title: Examining the blame-shifting culture in the Hebrew Bible

Research Summary

My research is looking at blame-shifting in the Hebrew Bible and its influence and parallels to victim-blaming in our own culture and society.


Stone, Sara. "Oh Poor Jephthah: Jephthah, Jephthah's Daughter, and Himpathy." Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies 6, no. 1 (March 2025): 1-22.

Stone, Sara. "Bye Bye Binary: God as Mother-Bear." The Shiloh Project, June 15th, 2022.

Stone, Sara. "Those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same: An exploration into blame-shifting culture in the Hebrew Bible." In Women and Gender in the Bible: Texts, Intersections, Intertexts, edited by Zanne Domoney-Lyttle and Sarah Nicholson, 204-221. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2021. 

Stone, Sara. "The man said, 'The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave fruit from the tree and I ate' (Gen. 3:12): Shifting the blame in the story of The Fall." The Shiloh Project, January 7th, 2020.


  • "God as Mother-Bear." Humanimal 2.0: The Bible & 'Animal' Others, University of Edinburgh, March 7th 2025.
  • "Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Bathsheba and the Geography of Women's Fear." College of Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Conference: Space[s], University of Glasgow, June 14th 2024.
  • "Adam, Eve, and the Serpent: Blame-shifting in Genesis 3 and Beyond." Scottish Universities Biblical Studies Postgraduate Day Conference, University of Edinburgh, June 5th 2023.
  • "Blame-shifting in the Book of Job and the Climate Crisis." Interruptions - Theological Responses to Suffering, Crisis, and Death: The Society for the Study of Christian Ethics (SSCE) Postgraduate Conference, University of Oxford, March 11th 2022.
  • "She gave me fruit from the tree and I ate: Genesis 3 and a victim-blaming culture in the Hebrew Bible." Scottish Theology and Religious Studies Postgraduate Conference, University of Glasgow, June 8th 2021.
  • "I will fall upon them like a bear robbed of her cubs and will tear open the covering of their heart (Hos. 13:8): God as Mother-Bear." Women and God: Logia Postgraduate Conference, University of St Andrews, May 27th 2021.
  • "The obligation to reproduce (?): Reproductive 'rights' in the Bible." Divine Bodies Conference, University of Glasgow, April 1st 2021.
  • "The parallel between Genesis 3:16 and the 'Good Wife' of Proverbs 31:10-31." Women and Gender in the Bible and the Ancient World Conference, University of Glasgow, March 29th 2019.

Invited Talks:

  • "Oh Poor Jephthah: Jephthah, Jephthah's Daughter, and Himpathy." Biblical Studies Research Seminar, University of Glasgow, February 27th 2025.
  • "Blame-Shifting and Genesis 3." Biblical Interpretation and Theology Seminar, University of Glasgow, April 27th 2023.
  • "Geography of Women's Fear." Buisness Data Partners (BDP) Women's Network, Edinburgh, June 1st 2022.


TRS1006 Creation to Apocalypse

TRS1007 The God Question

TRS1005 + TRS4061 Biblical Hebrew

TRS4060 + TRS3025 Bible, Literature and Culture

TRS4062/3 + TRS3026 Genesis

TRS4112 Women and Gender in the Bible and the Ancient World

Additional Information

  • Coordinater of FemBible (a feminist bible reading group), January 2022 - present.
  • Co-organiser of the Divine Bodies Conference, University of Glasgow, April 1st 2021.
  • eSharp editorial commitee, December 2023 - present.