Safiye Ozge Subasi


Research title: Understanding Housing Vacancies in the Midst of the Affordable Housing Crisis in Istanbul, Turkey


Subası, S. O., & Turk, S. S. (2024). Spatial Analysis of Rental Housing Affordability for Low-and Middle-Income Households in Istanbul. Journal of Urban Planning and Development150(3), 05024017.

Subaşı, S. Ö. and Alkay, E. (2023). Housing Policy through Key Workers to Stimulate Local Economic Development (pp. 51-80). In Housing and Living Environments: A Multidimensional Problem Area. Ö. Burcu Özdemir Sarı (Ed.). Ankara: İdealkent Publishing.

Subaşı, S. Ö., & Baycan, T. (2022). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on private rental housing prices in Turkey. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science6(3), 1177-1193.

Subaşı, S. Ö., & Metin, B. (2020). Collaborative planning and governance in urban renewal: Community-based Neighborhood development, Pınar Mahallesi, Sarıyer, İstanbul. Sketch: Journal of City and Regional Planning2(1), 24-39.



Subaşı, S. Ö. and Söylemez, E. (2023, November). Housing Crisis and the Change in Sense of Place: Kadıköy, Caferağa Neighborhood Case. In 47th World Urbanism Day Colloquium: Planning in the New Century, Ankara, Turkey.

Subaşı, S. Ö. and Türk, Ş. Ş. (2022, August). Affordability of Private Rental Housing: Istanbul, Turkey Case. In ENHR Conference 2022, Barcelona, Spain.

Subaşı, S. Ö. and Türk, Ş. Ş. (2021, October). Discussing the Affordability of Rental Housing from the Perspective of Urban Resilience: İstanbul Case. In Turkish Association of Municipalities, 6th National Local Governments Symposium, Ankara, Turkey.