Robin Muegge
Research title: Spatio-temporal areal data modelling: COVID-19 applications and outlier detection for big data
Research Summary
Current Research
My research focus is on the spatio-temporal modelling of areal data. In particular, I work with public health data and epidemiology applications. My first completed research project is estimating the impact of the national lockdowns on COVID-19 mortality risks in England. My second completed project is on analysing attrition rates for the second and third doses of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Scotland, particularly investigating age group trends in the attrition rates and their patterns across council areas.
My current research is on single-observation outlier detection in areal data.
Muegge, R. , Dean, N. , Jack, E. and Lee, D. (2023) National lockdowns in England: the same restrictions for all, but do the impacts on COVID-19 mortality risks vary geographically? Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, 44, 100559. (doi: 10.1016/j.sste.2022.100559)
Muegge, R., Jack, E., Dean, N., and Lee, D. (2024). Covid-19 vaccine fatigue in Scotland: how do the trends in attrition rates for the second and third doses differ by age, sex, and council area? Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society. (doi: 10.1093/jrsssa/qnae036)
- GEOMED 2024 conference travel grant
- G-Research grant for PhD students and postdocs in quantitative fields
- London Mathematical Society (LMS) Travel Grant for Early Career Researchers
- Graduate School Mobility Scholarship from the College of Science & Engineering at the University of Glasgow
- Organised conference session at GEOMED conference in 2024.
- Organised conference session at Royal Statistical Society Conference 2023.
- Organised conference session at GEOMED conference in 2022.
- Poster Presentation at Royal Statistical Society Conference 2022.
Invited Seminar talks:
- University of Auckland, New Zealand in May 2024.
- University of Melbourne, Australia in May 2024.
- Statistical Society of Australia - Canberra branch, Australia in April 2024.
- University of Technology Sydney, Australia in April 2024.
- University of Wollongong, Australia in April 2024.
- Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia in March 2024.
- Computational Biology event at the University of Glasgow in May 2023.
Academic year 2024/25:
Statistics 1Y: Introduction to Statistics (STATS1002)
Past courses:
Principles of Probability and Statistics (STATS4047)
Statistics for Biomedical Engineering (STATS3002)
Additional Information
- GEOMED 2024: Best Student Presentation Award
- University Teaching Excellence Award (Team Award) as part of the Level 1 Statistics Team, at UofG, in 2024.
- Jon Nimmo Teaching Prize in the category "UG/PG who teach", at UofG, in 2022.
- Jon Nimmo Teaching Prize in the category "Early Career Staff", at UofG, in 2021.
- F.S. Cater Prize in Mathematical Sciences for outstanding academic achievements, at Portland State University, in 2019.