Rachel Lewis
email: r.lewis.1@research.gla.ac.uk
Research title: Magic, Medicine, Metamorphosis: Representations of Medicine in the Victorian Fairy Tale
Research Summary
Current Research:
My research looks at literary representations of medicine and disability in the context of Victorian fairy tales. My project aims to develop a new understanding of how Victorian writers explore questions of agency, power, health, and caregiving, and reassess the shape and significance of illness in nineteenth-century fantasy literature.
Research Interests:
My research interests include nineteenth-century literature, medical humanities, and disability studies, focusing on representations of medicine and disability in fairy narratives, and the relationship between the fantastic and the real. I am also interested in representations of the macabre, gruesome, and grotesque in the context of literary representations of medicine.
I am also interested in interdisciplinary collaborations- currently, I am working as an organiser for Bio-Lit Talks.
Joint ECR Foundation Award grant for Bio-Lit Talks by the Glasgow Medical Humanities Network, 2022.
Presented an interactive lecture/ paper at the University of York's Countervoices Postgraduate Forum Research Seminar 'Volta: Aspiration and Suffering', February 2023
Additional Information
Associate Fellowship of Recognising Excellence in Teaching (RET AF)- 2022