Pritha Dahal
I have ten years of teaching experience as working as a high school teacher in Nepal, tutoring underprivileged children. I have worked as a teacher trainer to train community schoolteachers in rural municipalities (in Nepal). I was a visiting faculty at the School of Education, Kathmandu University. I have worked with several non-governmental organisations in various projects related to education.
Research title: Exploring Contextually Relevant LCE Model in Nepali Schools
Research Summary
Currently, my research focuses on the potential of exploring contextually relevant learner-centred education models in Nepali community schools. My focus is on generating a deeper understanding of the day-to-day teaching-learning activities and experiences of both learners and teachers. My interest lies in working towards amplifying the voices and experiences of learners and better understanding teachers’ pedagogical practices through their lenses. I used Comparitive Case Study (CCS) (Vavrus and Bartlett, 2017) and spent substantial time in three different primary schools across Nepal.
Curricular reform in Nepal and the challenges of learner-centered education by P Dahal, F Sanjakdar, MC Brooks
CoSS Phd Scholarship (2022)
Australia Awards (2018-2019)
Dahal, P. (2024). The Tangled Experiences of Belonging to The Global South and Conducting Research in the Same Context (Oral Presentation). Scottish Education Research Association (SERA)(2024). (Oral Presentation).
Dahal, P. (2024).Finding Answers Within Exploring Contextually Relevant Learner-Centred Models in Nepali Primary Schools (Short Presentation). Scottish Education Research Association (SERA)(2024). (Short Presentation).
Dahal, P. (2024) in collaboration with Cardenas, C. .Our Research ‘Messiness’: Experiences of Researching Education in the Global South Coming from the Global South (Workshop) British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) (September 2024)
Dahal, P. (2024). What can I do to improve: Understanding Pedagogical Practices in Nepali Primary Schools (Oral presentation)British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) (September 2024)
Dahal, P. (2023). Finding Answers Within Exploring Contextually Relevant Learner-Centred Models in Nepali Primary Schools (Short Presentation). Scottish Education Research Association) (SERA) (November 2023).
Dahal, P. (2023).Finding Answers Within Exploring Contextually Relevant Learner-Centred Models in Nepali Primary Schools (Oral presentation)British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Early Career Researcher Conference (August 2023).
PhD tutor. University of Glasgow, the United Kindom (2023-2024)
GTA in International and Comparitive Education's project on revieiwng the course to understand whether they align with the objective of the university to decolonise the curriculum.
GTA MSc Educational Studies programme
Additional Information
Student Representative of British Association of International and Comparitive Education (BAICE).
Member of SERA
Member of Britain-Nepal Academic Council (BNAC)