Narges Hassani Mokarram


Research title: Flexible Two-stage Heat pump for residential Buildings- Heating and cooling application.

Research Summary

In the field of thermodynamic analysis, I work on low-temperature power cycles, waste heat recovery, refrigeration, combined cycles such as ORC-VCR, CHP, CCHP, different geothermal power cycles, etc. I did the simulations of different projects by MATLAB and EES (Engineering-Equation-Solver). In addition to thermodynamic analysis, numerical analyses of hydrodynamic and heat transfer phenomena are also a part of those things that I enthusiastically deal with. Having a valued experience working with ANSYS-FLUENT and FORTRAN enables me to broaden my knowledge about my projects.

In my Ph.D. studies, I'm working on Flexible heat pumps.


  1. Energy, Exergy and Economical Analysis of Geothermal Power Plants, Mohsen Fallah, Narges Mokarram, Pegah Neisary, ISME 2014 (Poster), Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran (Chosen as the best paper between papers of thermodynamic field at ISME 2014 conference). 
  2. Self-Superheating Geothermal Power Plants, Mohsen Fallah, Narges Mokarram, Hojjat Mokarram, Mahdi Tavana, Oct 2014, 1st national conference of Applied mechanic,Tabriz, Iran. 
  3. Optimization of Trilateral Cycle (TLC) at Supercritical Pressures, Mohsen Fallah, Mahdi Tavana, Narges Mokarram, Oct 2014, 1st National Conference of Applied Mechanics, Tabriz, Iran.
  4. A techno-economic survey on waste heat recovery options for UK glass sector, Narges H. Mokarram, Zhibin Yu, Muhammad Imran, 14th IGEC conference, University of Waterloo, July 2022, Best Student Presentation Honorable Mention. 
  5. THERMO-ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF A TRANS-CRITICAL CO2 HEAT PUMP, Zahra Hajabdollahi, Sambhaji Kadam, Narges Hassani Mokarram, Zhibin Yu, 14th IGEC conference, University of Waterloo.


  1. Online video teaching of thermodynamic simulation with EES and MATLAB And technical support of students (in Persian)
  2. Teaching Assistant of Thermodynamic I & II for three semesters in a row 2012-2013, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.
  3. Teaching Assistant of Thermodynamic I (2019), University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
  4. Teaching Assistant, Thermodynamics II, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.
  5. Teaching Assistant, Thermodynamics of Energy Systems, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.

Additional Information


Research Projects have been done so far:

  1. Waste heat recovery Options for UK glass sector, Supervising by Dr. Zhibin Yu University of Glasgow, Dr. Muhammad Imran Aston University).
  2. Design and heat transfer analysis of a three-fluid Micro-channel heat exchanger of a home cooling system based on two-phase heat transfer processes. (A project with Utah State University by Supervising Dr. Hailei Wang).
  3.  Numerical study of fin-spacing effects in annular-finned tube heat exchangers with Ansys-Fluent. (A paper-validation as a course project of Heat Transfer II during B.Sc.).
  4. Hydrodynamic-thermal behavior simulation of a two-phase model of a conductive ferro-fluid in the presence of a magnetic field with Ansys-FLUENT. (As a final project for Advanced Convection course in M.Sc.).
  5. Numerical analysis of mixing performance in a T-junction micromixer with straight and wavy walls with Ansys-FLUENT. (As a final project for Advanced CFD course in M.Sc.). 
  6. Numerical analysis of mixing performance in a grooved wavy wall-micromixer with Ansys-FLUENT and OPEN FOAM (As a final project for Advanced Fluid Dynamics course in M.Sc.).
  7. CFD simulation of PEM fuel cell performance with Ansys-FLUENT. (During a workshop of ISME conference in Ahwaz.).
  8. Exergoeconomic of simple and advanced ORC cycles with EES. (As a final project for Advanced Thermodynamics course in M.Sc.).
  9. Thermodynamic, economic and environmental analysis of enhanced flash-binary geothermal power cycle. (M.Sc. thesis done with MATLAB). 
  10. Thermophysical properties calculation (Cv and Cp volume and pressure-constant heat capacity) of Argon ideal gas.