Mohammad Anwar Fetrat
Ph.D. in Urban Studies (full-time): School of Social and Political Science, University of Glasgow, Bute Gardens, G12 8RT - Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Contact Details: Emails: and | ORCiD ID: | Linkedin: | Twitter: | ResearchGate:
Research title: Research Topic: The role of local government in SDGs implementation: A case of Glasgow city, with special focus on the potential and limits of SDG 11 to support migrant communities.
Research Summary
My research project focuses on the role of local government in SDGs implementation: A case of Glasgow city, monitoring the progress of urban governance on the potential and limits of SDG 11 to support migration. My research seeks to analyse SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) at a local level, examining the specific challenges of global indicators in the Scottish context. The study aims to build a conceptual framework through a multi-stakeholder analysis with the aim of integrating distinct stakeholder visions into the selection of indicators based on the Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis. Initially, the existing urban interactions in different levels based on the SDGs global targets will be evaluated and distinct national and local indicators for the implementation of SDG 11 will be analysed. In so doing, the first part of the research will include a documentary analysis of the existing policies and strategies through a systematic and comprehensive literature review. The second part will focus to build a conceptual framework through a multi-stakeholder analysis with the aim of integrating distinct stakeholder visions into the selection of indicators based on the Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA). MAMCA is a type of multi-criteria analysis technique that has been recently used in different practical research and academic studies worldwide to analyse policies and criteria based on the opinions of different stakeholders.
Anwar Fetrat (2021). Urban Economic Development and Resilience: A strategy focusing on Urban Attractiveness towards FDI inflow in Kabul the capital city of Afghanistan. Academic paper/master’s program thesis, University of Glasgow.
Anwar Fetrat (2016). Critical Analysis of the Academic Literature on Construction Sector in Afghanistan - A research report on construction sector's publications in Afghanistan. AISA Publications.
Mustafa Jamal, Ahmad Nawaz, Anwar Fetrat, Nisar Hassan, and Ratib Salehi (2016). Afghanistan Investment Bulletin - AIB (general, first and second quarters 2016): a research based primary data Booklet. AISA Publications.
External supervisors
Dr. Mathew Maycock: Managing Director at Social Research Solutions (SRS CiC).
Sep 2018 - Oct 2018: Infrastructure Management for Road Administration, a one-month training course in Japan Hockaido city, funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Jan 2018 and Jan 2019: A two-weeks official seminar launched by JICA in India, in the two successive years listed, named Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) Meeting.
Dec 2017 - Jan 2018: Participated in a one-month Leadership training course in Kabul, funded by USAID through Silk Road Development agency.
July 2016: Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) workshop by World Bank, a two days conference on supporting local government organizations through bankable projects intiatives.
Additional Information
Anwar Fetrat is a full-time PhD student in urban studies at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Glasgow. He joind the University of Glasgow in 2020 as a full-time student for an MRes course in urban research (Master of Research in Urban Research), followed by Ph.D. in Urban Studies with the College of Social Science. In addition, He has another master's degree in project management (MSc Project Management) from the University of Roehampton London, and a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Kabul University, Afghanistan.
The student's employment record is quoted below:
"I have about 14 years of experience in social research and project management. Recently, from Sep 2021 up to date, I have been working as a part-time research consultant with Social Research Solutions (SRS – CiC) in Glasgow. Before that, from 2018 to late 2020, I was working as Director General of Work, Operations and Maintenance at Kabul Municipality. In addition, I have also worked as a research specialist with the two Afghan government organizations – Ministry of Urban Development and Land (MUDL) and the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) for about five years respectively. Before joining my first master’s degree, I worked in project management areas with international NGOs and private sector organizations in Afghanistan for about 7 years."